English Lit

>mfw normies calling this guy inspirational and a hero

what the fuck, he was careless and stupid and basically committed suicide

it worries me that people see this guy as an inspirational figure

Attached: Chris_McCandless.jpg (655x524, 48K)

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bring your faggitry to out, youll get more attention.

Who the fuck is that.Com

literally in the filename

Really? Most of my high school class called him a dumbass.

He survived Mexico. Alaska didn't kill him. A series of bad luck did.

Just read his wiki, desu he is a fucking vagabond who cares?

He died like 6 miles from a town, ignored the part of his book that said what he was eating was poisonous, never went for help when he was starving. Straight up retarded.

Chris Mccandless was a pretty decent dude. He just ate some shit that he shouldn't have.

>that go lucky guy who you knew won't live long

What he was eating wasn't poisonous, it was edible but had mold on it that killed him.

They have McCandless threads every week (yes, every week, it's a slow board).

Not to mention the guy who dropped him off offered him a map that would have showed him where the bridge was across the river.
McCandleless turned it down.

Alexander Superspeed

Basically a glorified hippie who accidentally starved to death after stranding himself in Alaska.

The book told him to eat the seeds. Shows how much you know. Maybe you should shut up when it comes to topics you're poorly informed about?

The guy literally dropped out of conventional society and just traveled around, I don;t know if I'd call him inspirational, but there's a certain respect there for rejecting the constraints of 9-5 normiedom.

And his life was promising. He was a successful student-athlete with middle class parents who was on his way to law school. It's one thing to throw away a worthless life but his was enviable.

Most importantly he turned down pussy from that one girl. Was he gay or what. I hate this guy.

Attached: 1518832438249.jpg (428x418, 15K)

Few people know the part where he stumbled across a cabin stocked with supplies and food and trashed it, strewing everything and a mattress out into the snow. He wanted to escape civilization and saw it as a blight on what he'd went out there for and it enraged him.

This is why I'm never going to hostels if I ever travel since you just know it's full of retards who want to be like him. Also I'm really curious what else is on your reading list?

maybe he was gay

Nice pic of Kenny Loggins

>gives up a respectable life to be voluntarily homeless
>turns down pussy to live in a rusty bus
>does this

The guy sound like a modern Diogenes, I don't know why you guys hate him.

Attached: diogenes.jpg (555x503, 56K)

My diagnosis is that he was sensing some of the things Kaczynski was getting at in Industrial Society and Its Future but didn't know what to do about it so this was his response.

I stand with these posts.
Lot of respect for hippy McCandless. It's a ballsy move to drop out of society, and the ultimate way to live life to the fullest.

It's an easy fucking mistake to make out in the wilderness. I remember I ate some wild mushrooms that I mistook for an edible variety and had the worst case of shits/vomiting and I was about 8 miles from the nearest town. I thought I was going to die but I figured "eh, fuck it, I can gut it out." I pretty much almost didn't and by the time I had my shit together enough to know I couldn't gut it out, I was already way too weak to make it back with my gear. I left my gear, took as much water as I could carry, and made my way. I stopped pretty much every 1/4 mile and either shat, threw up, or both. It was everything I could do to just keep down water. Thankfully, I wasn't in fucking Alaska and somebody saw me and helped me. Otherwise, I would have been fucked.

Wilderness can be brutal.

Does anyone find it ironic normies love this guy but despise MGTOW? Especially women. Women seem to really like this movie but they are pissed about the MGTOW movement.

You could go to sleep and wake up in the middle of a forest fire.


>it worries me that people see this guy as an inspirational figure
>finding it bad that others would opt out of industrial society and live in solitude
OP is the normalfag, because he cannot imagine individuals exiting from social hierarchies. McCandless is the litmus test for if you're a real robot

MGTOW is giving up at something that for a lot of people was unattainable in the first place. This guy had a successful and comfortable life and rejected it to embraced hardship and adventure.