Why have normies started talking like niggers? I'm talking about educated, seemingly respectable whites and Asians...

Why have normies started talking like niggers? I'm talking about educated, seemingly respectable whites and Asians. They've started talking like black people and using the messed up grammar that you see black people use on twitter or whatever.
For just one example, I heard a guy in a professional work environment say "This boy eatin' a whole fried chicken."
This sort of thing has become so common place that sometimes even I don't notice when people do it anymore unless I stop and think about it.

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>Why have normies started talking like niggers?


chill out ma nigga its just words dude

You're like two decades late to the party. After the nigger culture takeover around 2000, nigger worship has been the standard.

You're right to an extent but I don't remember it being nearly this bad in the 2000s. Our culture has been become extremely niggerish since the early 2010s. All you ever hear is shitty trap anymore. There's no variety or anything interesting. It's all just gay nigger shit.
Even the rap itself is getting worse and worse. Old rap like Wu Tang Clan or Public Enemy seems like a masterpiece compared to this 2010s soyrap like Kendrick Lamar or whoever

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fuck off nigposter

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trying to compete

>Why have normies started talking like niggers
Rap music

>t. "user why do you talk like you're from the hood?"

I wondered that about r9k when people started saying shit like "senpai"

normies just love niggers, idk

some of us grew up in the American South and that's just how everyone talks down there so idk.

Interestingly, try typing on F A M (minus the aesthetic)

Then you'll figure out why

The 2000s are over, so I don't know.
Hated that decade.

underage b&

this has been going on since before you were born.

You're out of touch if you haven't noticed it getting MUCH worse in recent years. Things were not nearly this bad a decade ago.

I remember when Jow Forums had black twitter threads, I want pre-Jow Forums Jow Forums back.

It was never funny in the first place. Black twitter was a mistake. Now go away niggerposter.

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Lets be honest here, black twitter is purest form of the internet

>Why have normies started talking like niggers?
i am out of highschool, is this a new thing there?
here in portugal was like years ago, not something new now.
we received many immigrants from africa a decade ago and it became instantly cool to speak like a nig nog/degenerate.
Only normans fall for those things tho.
pic unrelated, i just really like to share memes

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Let's be honest here, you're a homosexual manlet redditor and you should go away and die.

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>only replies to things he can act like a morally superior asshole on

I'd say something snarky, but your life is enough punishment :)

>You're like two decades late to the party. After the nigger culture takeover around 2000, nigger worship has been the standard.

It's not new, but it has been getting increasingly worse. 2013 was the point of no return. Things were bad fifteen years ago but it was nothing compared to this.

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That was years ago, we were laughing at (and with) actual negroes. Nowadays that shit is fuckkng everywhere and it's all made by cucked white millennials trying to be hip and cool.

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sheeeeit why you be like dat

That filter was specifically installed to combat niggerspeak.

were becoming so common that it perverted every other post made. People were posting retarded shit just so they can post like niggers with their WYPIPO BE LIKE __ S M H

Roasties seem to do it far more, with twitter and youtube comments being the worst platforms afflicted.

>Why have normies started talking like niggers?
Invasion of black media, black songs, nigger culture.

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I blame pop, and rap.

>Tfw ever roastie's Facebook has niggerspeak in it.


>That filter was specifically installed to combat niggerspeak.

>sold 4ch to the dataminers
no overhead cargo for that NTR bro