Why is there so much porn that takes place in a school setting. That seems really disgusting...

Why is there so much porn that takes place in a school setting. That seems really disgusting. I kind of feel it should be illegal honestly.

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hmmm now that i think about it it really makes me think

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Hmm. I think I'll need to see more of said content in order to pass judgement.

it should be illegal doing it with used up sluts in their 20's, instead of real prime teenagers

what kind of morons in denial fap to this pleb shit anyway?

Because it's hot, just let me have my 18-20 somethings and fap to them pretending I got laid in highschool.

>tfw teacher
>favorite porn is teacher x student ones
I hope I don't give in my urges...

ugh I know a teacher who made moves on me because of this fantasy and met a guy who was super perverted, it's gross. Stop

Kylie Quinn
I masturbarte to her almost dayli, i an kinda in love to her

>Why is porn degenerate and try and make profit from people's sexual fantasy's that they can't live out????????????????????????????????? :)

>this is disgusting
>ban things I don't like
kys yourself

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because as much as people want to suppress it plenty of men like to imagine fucking 15 year olds.

Please fuck off my board whore

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Because Jews are sick and perverted.

>things i don't like should be illegal

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Jews are the reason porn is legal, and jews are why 99.9 percent of porn exists. Fucking scum.

this is a hard one. maybe it's because people start developing their libido while they're in school and that's a very memorable point of their sexual maturity. no... has to be something else

based jews. they did something good for once

>your board

how about no

>things that hurt people and potentially screw our society should be illegal

Wish my gf would have such a nice pussy

>you will never go back and fuck prime pussy in highschool

The only thing porn hurts is men's dependency on you, roastie.

sure I will, I'll make it the last thing I do before i eat lead, if you know what im sayin.

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I would love it if nasty creeps with porn addictions actually became less thirsty but this is not the case

>unironically using the words creep and thirsty
Post your tits. Unless you're a landwhale, then just fuck off.

> hurt people and potentially screw our society
Um, sweetie... no.

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Jow Forums hates sluts but worships them, this is nothing new.

Does porn directly infringe on someone's right to life? No.
Does porn directly infringe property rights? No.
Therefore, it's a victimless crime and should not be illegal.

b-b-but pol says it's degenerate....

This. Its always some 30 year old in a school girls outfit, and what's with the dialog too?

>"hiss oh yes yes yes put that big cock in my tight little hole!"

Because most people start watchinh porn when they are teenagers

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>that feel when 18 year olds are 8 years younger than me now
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

I'd agree if I didn't get hard after looking at that picture.

fuck off lolberg

What does porn give you that you would otherwise have to be dependent on women for?

You can jerk off without porn.

If I ever had the chance, I would publicly execute the people running this vile, exploitative industry.

Thanks for the new fap material OP

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>post a cute non-lewd loli
>"PEDO" *angry normie noises*
>normie watches porn set in a school setting that looks like an elementary school classroom
>"totally normal brah haha"
>probably had underage sex while they were underage

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