Was the holocaust a lie?
Was the holocaust a lie?
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Itt was exaggerated and a considerable amount of the death toll can be attributed to communicable disease and the allied bombings of supply lines.
It happened in the sense that jews were put in to camps, but there was a lot of exaggeration about death totals.
>communicable diseases
yes, which result from keeping people in inhumane conditions.
so the einsatzgruppen what were they?
they killed people who caused trouble or didnt fit into german ethnostate
so was their role exaggerated as well?
i dont care, maybe they jews care, maybe because they can parrot the holocaust as a card everytime someone has a go at them, so far theyve been making good use of it and will continue to do so until people stop caring about what happens to jewish people
How do holocaust deniers reconcile their hatred of jews with their denial of jewish genocide?
they did some good roleplaying with gas vans ive heard
you have a containment board for a reason polniggers
No but it was heavily exaggerated.
>or didnt fit into german ethnostate
Soooo people like the jews whom they massacred? You haven't made a counterpoint here...
i keep hearing this "exaggeration" claim but which aspect was exaggerated? you say the deaths at the death camps were caused by disease and starvation but what about the massacres of jews, poles, ukrainians etc en masse in eastern europe?
The death toll and the treatment of jews at the camps for starters. All were hilariously exaggerated and numbers were consecutively made higher and hogher to make germany look even worse as time passed
but what about the mass deaths in eastern europe by the einsatzgruppen? that made up a massive amount of the numbers of dead and you cant seem to explain that away the holocaust wasn't just death camps you do realise that right?
i wasnt making a counterpoint i dont care about the 6 million, go look for oy vey reactions elsewhere
At the time of WWII and shortly after, the killing of Jews was never considered the primary fixation or tragedy by any serious figure. The holocaust was relegated to a chapter (at most) in the accounts of the war from everyone from De Gaulle to Churchill to Eisenhower.
Today, the holocaust is what people bring up every time they talk about WWII. It's only modern media that have created this understanding of the war.
There may have been millions of deaths of Jews and others but I'm incredibly sceptical.
>The holocaust was relegated to a chapter (at most) in the accounts of the war from everyone from De Gaulle to Churchill to Eisenhower.
well its almost like the holocaust was a chapter in a much larger war of course when you read accounts of people who were involved unilaterally in all aspects of the war they're not going to focus their attention on a singular moment of the war. Besides your point of eisnehower is pretty poor considering he demanded the event be documented prolifically to prove it happened he was so overwhelmed by the visage
I never said that.
And majority of the eastern europe deaths werent direct causes of German ethnostate. People just endrf up starving to death or freezing from shitty winter weather.
>take no issue with record of 85 million death toll for WWII
>take no issue with record of 45 million death toll during China's Great Leap Forward
>take no issue with record of 20 million death toll for Stalin's Soviet Union
>take no issue with record of 37 million death toll for WWI
>"The Holocaust was a lie. There's no conceivable way 6 million died. I can't see any bodies in my immediate periphery, therefore it's not real!"
>And majority of the eastern europe deaths werent direct causes of German ethnostate. People just endrf up starving to death or freezing from shitty winter weather.
yes plenty of soldiers died from conditions during WW2 but what of the populations dragged out en masse and shot by the einsatzgruppen did that or did that not happen?
no they totally burned 300 bodies a day at auschwitz while producing no smoke whatsoever
short answer: yes
long answer: absolutely
Look at these mass graves (that we made)
look at what we imagine this homicidal gas chamber looked like
It happened but certainly wasnt a massacre like the Allied Powers claimed it was.
explain this en.wikipedia.org
>Unable to proceed forward, some of the German troops began to go from house to house carrying out their orders to shoot all inhabitants. Many civilians were shot on the spot but some were killed after torture and sexual assault. Estimates vary, but Reinefarth himself has estimated that up to 10,000 civilians were killed in the Wola district on 5 August alone, the first day of the operation. Most of the victims were the elderly, women and children.
>It happened but certainly wasnt a massacre like the Allied Powers claimed it was.
so youre just saying the images we have of the violence in eastern europe, the first hand accounts, all the people who arent alive in the wake of these massacres what is all of that just a bunch of lies? what killed them instead? where did all those people go? where did all those mass graves come from?
fuck i knew this was a brainlet thread but the absolute state of deniers is tragic
it was actually the soviets that created fake burials, camps, ovens, gas chambers. anyway you are a fucking faggot zog slave nigger
so the allies arrived at concentration camps, stopped their original plans of advance, devoted manpower, resources, hush money, pr guys and a whole propaganda team to faking this rather than just it being documented as it was? For what purpose? Why would anyone bother with this when youre winning the war? whats the point of making the germans look worse while theyre already losing? The american people arent going to be more in favour of the war all of a sudden considering its in its waning days when this was discovered
there were camps in western europe that were liberated by the american forces you absolute fucking brainlet
>citing blatant propaganda as a source
They mean the obviously ludicrous, cartoonishly evil claims, like the lamps and soup made from Jews. Or Hitler's Jewish theme park that I've seen a few literal historians claim, despite little (if any) evidence.
This but unironically and originally as well
it's literally right there, they were putting down an uprising. it's brutality but war is hell, which is why neocons should never be listened to. allies were just as brutal.
>unlike your pol infographics which are entirely unbiased
we need a pogrom for stormniggers
>Citing unsourced infographics on /pol as a source
Come on, user. You're going to have to come at me with some harder evidence than that. Also, to really be thorough, post evidence that only includes primary accounts (not fourth hand sources of claims cited by one fringe website, cited by another fringe website, and finally cited by the infographic itself).
>they were putting down an uprising
by killing women children and the elderly sounds like a really dangerous uprising to me wow what a necessary use of force that wasnt at all in line with their previous behaviour on the eastern front
When did the allies attempt to kill all German civilians?
the nazis were cartoonishly evil, most people in wars are cartoonishly evil, just because they're white doesnt mean theyre incapable of horrific acts of violence, just look at abkhazia and georgia in recent memory the violence there is pretty similar to the violence witnessed on the eastern front at the hands of the einsatzgruppen
>by killing women and children and elderly
Except that never happened....Do you actually believe Germen men were so desensitized they actually killed 50k women children and old people in Wasol????
Come the fuck on.
>everything that goes againsnt my bias is propoganda and jewish lies
this is why no one takes Jow Forums seriously
Everybody knows war crimes happen on both sides in every war, but you can't just believe every claim about the Nazis just because that's what they taught you in school. Like, do you seriously believe Hitler had a Jewish theme park where people dressed up as Jewish caricatures? Really? There's next to no evidence of this, yet it appears in history books because some old lady claimed she was there.
History isn't a science. It can be distorted and used for propaganda purposes. The allies ran a huge propaganda campaign after the war that included destroying very old statues of knights and kings.
Yeah because we never completely make shit up or greatly exagerate things about our enemies during war. Nope. No siree.
I think the real question here is "does it matter?"
Why can't we all focus on what the Jew is doing now, in current year, in our respective countries. Yeah, they'll trot out the holocaust as proof that anybody not aligned with them is evil, but if enough people can just stop caring, like said, then who gives a shit? We should really be asking "why have they been kicked out of country after country for millennia and hated so badly?" Its like the kid at school that nobody likes, and you feel bad for him and try to be his friend, but then he's such an irritating asshole you realize why he's hated in the first place.
yes absolutely, this is a country that had been told through propaganda from day one that these people were worth less than dogs and plenty of the members of the armed forces were scraping the barrel at that point and had begun employing people with violent pasts including rape and homocide. You're delusional if you think people cant be motivated to kill anyone under the right circumstances, youre being willfully retarded
Im not saying that wasnt the case in some instances but youre delusional if you buy into obvious propaganda like the Wola Massacre and take it at face value.
youre moving goal posts here, the obvious pol claim is that the violence witnessed during the holocaust never happened we're not arguing the trivial ambiguous bullshit people have thrown into the mix. You need to take your ass back to/his/ if youre not here to tell polniggers to fuck off back to their board and you want an actual historical discussion of holocaust revisionism
Dresden if you mean Western allies. Waited for the help to come for the survivors before bombing them as well.
>obvious propaganda
can we get a source on this claim? oh right we cant because you havent got one because youre a brainlet whos only education on the holocaust came from glancing at an infographic on pol and concluding everything that goes against your worldview is propaganda
>the obvious pol claim is that the violence witnessed during the holocaust never happened
I'm pretty sure the obvious Jow Forums claim is the six million figure is dubious at best.
Fair enough, but it's weird to me that you hate Jow Forums but feel okay throwing "nigger" out casually. Sure you don't belong there?
>he absolutely HAS to bring up Jow Forums, and treat it as a single hivemind
This Rent-Free meme is starting to make sense to me now.
i can be autistically pedantic too if i wanted
cunt were on Jow Forums ill say whatever the fuck i want
Im just not a gullible idiot that blindly swallows every outlandishly evil deed allegedly performed by Germany during the war.
"The Holocaust didn't happen"
original comment lol
>The victorys write the history books guffawed Chomsky. Except WW2, that's all by the book.
>unsurprisingly no source in his post
and i can tell you it did happen and waste an hour or 2 debating an indisputable historical fact i think youre starting to understand how this works
>claims to not be gullible
>will believe anything if it's posted on an online website with no source and with red lettering and pictures of Jewish stars.
But surely you're an intelligent, free thinking person above all the sheeple, user!
Even with the bad stuff that did happen, the effect that it has on present politics means it's best for the people living now to find out every exaggeration and lie to get the numbers down.
I didnt say that you gayblade
It happened, and Jow Forumsfags are in denial.
>indisputable historical fact
I laughed. Good show, JIDF.
To be honest, you come off as the type of guy who would waste two hours arguing about pointless shit.
Oh really? Then please post one (1) source for your claims that the holocaust didn't happen. You weren't alive during world war 2, so if you don't have a source, then there's no way you could no one way or other if the holocaust happened or not any moreso than I could know what Julius Caesar's voice sounded like.
shut up and post a source already so we can laugh at how ridiculous it is
No. If you have any questions about the holocaust you can consult this guide here.
>To be honest, you come off as the type of guy who would waste two hours arguing about pointless shit.
well i wont argue witth that at least
>muh retarded memes about "six gorillion"
Yes, OP, it happened. Ignore the Jow Forumsfags.
No, it just wasn't a bad thing. I call it the final solution because Holocaust would mean it was a negative thing.
Six million wasn't enough.
An occupation force
You fucking racist virgins will pay for this if you ever go outside
Why the fuck do Jow Forumstards deny the holocaust if they hate jews so much? Wouldn't the holocaust be a good thing in your eyes then? Literally dumbfuck children who change their "argument" whenever it suits them. Dumbest group of people on the internet.
Does it matter?
Why should any of us care?
Because it makes it seem like "da evil JOOS faked the Holohoax for sympathy!!!". It's just another way of demonizing the Jews.
I'm not him nor a big revisionist but you shouldn't act like the subject is just a few nuts with no sources it's a historically well known idea.
There is some dispute about the number of people killed which basically boils down to:
Oh, the Nazis only killed 3-4 million, not 6 million. They was good boys who dindu nuffin. They just rounded up all those people to keep 'em safe. It was the mean Allies that caused them to die.
Any brainlet can see that these excuses are revisionist bullshit.
Because it's not about hatred of jews at all, just disliking the negative effects from having a foreign people with a lot of influence over your countries politics that mostly look to their own interests even if it hurts the host.
The holocaust is one of the primary reasons it's so easy to lie to people like you about what "nazis" are like. You would believe pretty much anything bad you were told about them. Most people have no idea what "nazis" think, they're just purely evil cartoon villains in most people's eyes at this point.
This. I won't deny that the holocaust happened, but 6 million doesn't seem like an accurate number.
Think about it.
You can deny every other massacre that happened during XX century. Even though there were way bigger genocides than Germans on Jews (people from Russia, Ukrainians, Chinese etc.).
And yet Holocaust is the ONLY ONE you are not allowed to deny. You will be literally imprisoned if you will even imply that the numbers are exaggerated.
That alone should make you think
I thought it was 6 million?
People think that the conditions that they were in when the allies found the camps is how they were all the time, which isn't true. They were way overcrowded due to them closing the camps and forcing them into already full ones. Not to mention supplies and troops running low as they would have been sent to the eastern front or Berlin. This created the overcrowded, starved, diseased and unguarded camps they found.
Also Zykon -B is an "advanced" pesticide