Tfw no heterosexual best friend to cuddle with non-sexually

>tfw no heterosexual best friend to cuddle with non-sexually
It hurts

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That's fucking gay OP
and i like it

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Ahhh hetbros are the best right?

There is something alluring and comforting about them

Very masculine yet fatherly as well

you'll only end up getting hurt in the end, op. Shit like this never works out...

I dream of this as well
but I'm bi

I'm willing to give up sex for good if I can just have someone to cuddle before I turn 25 but God isn't hearing me out

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>you will never fall asleep holding your best friend
Why even bother

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>you will never have a tall best friend who makes you feel loved and protected

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stop trying to corrupt fraternal love with your carnal desires, sodomites

i have done this exactly twice
it is pretty nice/10
would do it more often but don't want to make things weird between us
we are good friends and not into each other, just gotta keep warm sometimes you know?

Greentext it for us please

Time one
>Out late after gig, head back to stoner friend's house with troubled but wonderful friend and bestie
>Troubled friend very troubled that night and we don't want him to go off on dickhead quest and hurt himself, only thing that calms him down is watching weird shit
>Put on some good old bad 3d stuff cause that's his favorite
>He never sleeps, I don't think he has ever slept, stoner friend is still up and bestie is phasing in and out
>Troubled friend eventually fucks off either to sleep in his car or some dickhead mission, hope he's ok but too tired to care, he seemed calm anyway so it was all cool, stoner friend put on some spooky stoner shit and fell to sleep immediately and bestie is already nearly asleep in front of me on the sofa at that point
>I put my arm around him, I am the BIG spoon and he is the small one, very comfy, he's like "Goodnight" and he dozes off. I take a little longer to cause I'm used to staying up later and I've got a bunch of shit going on in my head like "Nah this isn't weird he's my best friend." but eventually I doze off and get a really good night's sleep.
>I wake up and he's not there but I have a cute text from him saying "You looked like you were sleeping really peacefully and I didn't want to wake you up. Had a great night, can't wait to hang out again soon! :)"
>Didn't feel weird about it at all, talked to him about it since and it was just like "Yeah I'm glad we can just do that as friends and it's not weird."

>I am the BIG spoon
more like the BIG gay

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That's super duper cute, user :)
share more please!

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Other time was pretty similar to be honest. He's got a girlfriend and I think they're great together and I don't want to make it weird for them so it only really happens when we're really tired and there's a sleeping situation where there's only one bed or sofa or something. I'm secretly very gay for it but I don't wanna make it weird cause I value our friendship and his happiness with his gf more than I value my gay. Still gonna enjoy it whenever it happens tho.

>tfw no 'friend' to cuddle with to listen to the breathing of as you drift off to sleep into the crook of their neck

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>two girls cuddling with each other nonsexually = cute and innocent and acceptable
>two boys cuddling with each other nonsexually = gross and gay and wrong
Fuck this existence

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Thanks for posting Chocola, user. I appreciate you.

>Not turning sexual.
Pick one.

I'd cuddle with another guy if he was cute enough and maybe just a bit feminine, he'd have to be okay with us not fucking though, I'm just extremely lonely and desperate for the feeling of falling asleep with someone in my arms. I want to experience it

>tfw no cute asexual snuggle friend (male)

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This, I'm 100% straight but would not mind if a cute boy wanted to snuggle and fall asleep wrapped in my lanky arms

That feel when desperately wanted to cuddle for years but have never even been hugged