Ugly feels thread

>Be me
>Big ass ears
>Big ass jew nose
>Dry lips
>Black points
>Dry skin
>Yellow teeth
>Bad breath
Tell me user, how ugly are you? do you think only plastic surgery will slove this?

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>tfw "don't say that about yourself" but they still ghost me anyway because we both know I'm ugly

>get a haircut that covers your ears
>use chapstick and don't lick your lips
>use a facial cleanser. if your acne is real bad try a prescription acne medication. if you buy a cleanser, i suggest cerave's foaming facial cleanser.
>use lotion on your dry skin. cetaphil works wonders.
>brush your teeth, floss, use mouthwash occasionally. if you don't brush your teeth, wean yourself onto it by just pledging to do it every week, then every couple days, then every day, then twice a day, then add flossing to that, then add mouthwash
>hell, a bit of mouthwash every once in a while both helps your teeth and improves your breath.

If you really feel uncomfortable with your nose, then get a nosejob. But everything else is a problem you can solve with hygiene and styling.

>Tfw shitty greasy and curly hair due to race-mixing

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i dunno how to take care of African hair but changing up your haircare routine can help. Maybe consider a different shampoo or washing your hair more frequently. idk about the ears. you can just try to own the look i guess. or accessorize with some neck jewelry or hats that draw attention away from your ears.

>be me
>black points
>dry skin
>big lips
>gaps between teeth
>hairy like a chimp
>deathly pale
>huge bags under eyes
>hands bigger than they should be
>face bone structure makes it look fat

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Hm, ugly feels thread ehhhh
This wont make your feel better
>3/10 according to one girl, but that was said to a close friend of mine so it could be higher or lower desu.
>Fat, weighing 95kg at 17
>Manboobs, constantly get harrased due to that
>Big ass girls seem to like
>Mix between a square and round face
>When I talk or look down I have a double chin, annoying AF

>pic related

do i really need to say anything else?

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Fuck, fatbots have it really hard, and i tought being a skelly was worse

just seems like a plain girl i'd date her

>5'4 manlet
>babyface at 20
>acne scars
>receding hairline

i look like a man but thanks

your eyes are pretty and i'd hug you don't sweat it champ

go back to /soc/ thottie. true fembots are too ugly to reveal themselves

>huge nose full of acne scars
>a horn in the middle of forhead
>still have some acne being over 20

and despite all that i still have some pretty girls who actually like me i dont know fucking how...

sadly im a faggot and dont do anything about it.

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Why get expensive plastic surgery when you could just kill yourself? Much cheaper, much easier, and as a bonus, it will not only solve your ugliness problem, but literally all of the problems in life.

very edgy ngl

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Thank you for posting beautiful spit. this image is making my peeny expand

>being such a bitter piece of human shit..

You are the one who should do it desu.

>tfw always mostly been called ugly irl
>last person I sent my photo to from here told me I was a 6-7 and they'd date me from the pic

if only this happened irl

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>a horn in the middle of forhead
pic pls

Stop being a faggot man seriously.. with that shitty attitude no women will want you ever...
Women want a strong guy who they can feel save with, so seriously change that shit or prepare to die alone.

I will. I just want others to join me. I want everyone's problems to be solved, and this is the only way to do it.

please don't do that. yall aint ugly, you've just have no motivation to solve your problems.

I have the motivation to solve my problems. All of them. And I've devised the most efficient method of solving all of my problems.

how can I get stronger dad?

>have really intense acne problems for almost 15 years
>got it sort of under control now
>can now really start to notice how bad the scarring is

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Suicide doesn't solve problems. It's like setting a puzzle on fire because it's too hard for you.

some time ago i realized i wasn't as ugly as i thought, i was just asian and comparing myself to white people

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is solving a problem different than getting rid of it though

If I were to set a puzzle on fire because it was too hard for me, I would still be able to think about the puzzle. I would be thinking about that puzzle for a long time. I'd be thinking about how frustrating it is that a puzzle managed to outsmart me and how I'm not good enough to finish the puzzle. There would still be a lot of pain if I set the puzzle on fire.
But if I killed myself because the puzzle was too hard, then I wouldn't be capable of feeling any bad feelings at all. Suicide is clearly the superior option here.

That sucks man. I know other people in this thread already posted skin regimen type stuff, but honestly if you can take care of yourself with good hygiene, workout and eat healthy (also taking care of yourself), and get a decent haircut, itll go far. I've seen plenty of ugly dudes with moderately attractive gfs just because they workout and take practice good hygiene.

I realized exactly the same (I'm hispanic).

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If you don't have seborrheic dermatitis, you don't know shit.

Yeah I have it even under the lower lip. I recently started losing hair because of it. Still smoking...the only way to rid of it is to really mind your diet which is pretty hard, and even then it can come back.

its black dots you retards

>big nose
>chubby face despite being kind of muscular
>big lips
I cared about all of these things until I saw someone so severely deformed and then I realized I'm really lucky