Can anyone explain to me why cats are not considered vermin?

>mostly live outside
>kill and eat smaller animals
>crawling with disease and parasites
>territorial and standoffish towards humans
>never truly tamed; will turn feral in weeks if left unattended
>can't be housebroken and piss wherever they please

vs Cats
>all the same traits
>except people bring them inside and feed them and make kissy noises to them

It's gross as fuck. Can someone please just tell why it is that you think it's acceptable to cuddle up to one of these things like it's your child or something? I need to convince my mom not to get another fleabag because she's already brought home two others and I think the shelter will start to ask questions if I keep dropping off "strays" every month.

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Other urls found in this thread:

cats are social though, they like being petted and to lay next to you. they also have a parasite that they infect you with that turns you into a crazy cat person.

cats self-domesticated by adapting to eat mice that lived around humans. humans kept them around because they killed the mice. cat people are trash honestly, how often will a cat scratch a child across the face for getting too touchy? a dog would never bite the child of its master, unless its a nigger pitbull.

>picture related
dog brainlet

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>crawling with disease and parasites
>can't be housebroken and piss wherever they please

I'm starting to think OP is just a dog fucking fag that hates cats and never had one

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cats tell me about the computer crap all the time.
I kinda had pet possums they are STUPID.

The black cats are so fucking smart. They hooked me up with these secret power I get at night. If I could just get my arcade up and running I could show you on the sailor V game.


I trained my Cat to use the toilet. I just feed her and give her water. She hangs out with me all day, loves to play, can fetch, and lays with me in bed. Great companion!

Possum... Beryl detected....

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>they also have a parassite
That shit is true, check out toxoplasmosis on wikipedia. Fucking cats turning the people cat people.

Basically. They think toxoplasmosis just appears out of thin air, they probably think that's how AIDS works as well.

>crawling with disease and parasites
No they aren't fucker. Possums are LESS likely to have parasites and disease than other wild animals. In fact they kill and eat ticks, and are virtually immune to rabies. Fuck your anti-possum propaganda.

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Based owner of based cat niggerman

cats are evil. at least dogs don't torture things to death.

Possums are cute!
>Tfw no possum gf.

Shut the fuck up cat brainlets
i swear cats are for soyboys and pretentious girls

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feral cats are considered vermin though.
and cats should be indoor creatures. and also spayed and neutered. if you don't do that, you're part of the problem.

Feral cats are considered vermin.

>he didnt even read

>dog fags will never know how comfy a cat laying on your stomach and purring is

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Cats are the animal of choice for the effeminate beta male. Easy to look after with no effort required.

Dogs are niggers for niggers and trailer park trash.

if you raise your cat right it'll never attack anyone.
i've been told, when my cat was alive, that the cat i raised was the nicest cat anyones ever seen in their lives.
it was almost like he was human in a way.
that cat would literally talk in meows at me if he wanted something, and was god darn good at explaining what he wanted.

A dog will love you even if you abuse them. A cat will only love you if you are kind and gentle to it.

cats only piss wherever they please if they're not spayed or neutered. other than that, you don't even have to teach them to use the litter box since they figure it out pretty early (unless you're bottle feeding them). they don't turn feral after weeks of being unattended and i know that from experience because of the local stray cats that i have befriended. they are only standoffish towards humans if they have never had close contact with them or if they have been mistreated. dogs would also be crawling with disease and parasites if they were allowed to be left alone as strays the same way cats are.

you're fucking retarded op

An abused dog will fucking bite you you retard.

>cat fags
>I love cats!
>dog fags
>I hate cats!
Why is this

I like both as pets but dogs are clearly better. Cats act like roasties.

>all it takes for a cat to love you is for you to pet it after you fill its food dish
>reeeee cats are like roasties and ignore me
user it's time for you to do some introspection

i really hate cats

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i really hate niggers


I hope that nigger died of cancer slowly, and painfully

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Some things are just too fuck sexy for they're own good.

False. Depends on the dog and the abuser. Regularly punched and kicked our dog and threw its own shit back at it and it never bit me once, only cried and howled a lot

Cats are cute. Deal with it. It has been proven in lab settings cats lower your stress hormones. Cuteness therefore has objective value.
Cats vs dogs? Dogs take 10x the work, you have to come home everyday to walk them, where a cat is hassle free if random plans with the office cutie come up.

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The same reason women aren't considered parasites. They are useless but cute so people will go apeshit for them.

i really really fucking hate cats

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Brother! Please may I have some more

A dog is more like the type of animal you keep around for its services and use, like a horse or cows. Or to look tough in case of afro americans and people with similar mindset. A creature that obeys it's master, even if the master is an abusive trash with superiority complex.

Cats are kept for company, a pet type animal like birds, hamsters, snakes, you name it. They also tend to catch mice and critters that would nest into the roofing or between the logs in your backyard, not as a service but for shits and giggles. You can teach a cat for this and that, but look at them as a friend rather than a slave. The cat won't pussy up and lick your feet after a beating.

So many people (usually dogfags) cry that "muh cat never stops they love you for food, they bite and claw". I personally never had a cat around that wasn't the sweetest little friend I could ask for. Maybe it's always you, not the cat that is the problem. Tell them this and they will bark, just like their genetically cucked wolves.

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Dog fags are emotionally unstable and low self esteem cunts. They constantly need attention and their 'doggo' provides them with the lack of social contact and acceptance because dogs are such servile creatures.

You can see the difference. Cat owners won't make dog hate threads but dog owners will constantly spout shit so they feel confirmed.

>*Tips fedora*
>Checkmate, dogcucks

I first laughed at your post because I thought it was linking to OP and referencing the oats meme, but you are in fact a bad person.

>let a cat out
>it'll come back home by itself a few hours later
>let a dog out
>it runs off into the sunset and onto a road where it gets run over because it's a retard

You win for most ironic post of the day.

my cat is lovely, she "talks" to us by meowing, asks for food and likes to be around us most of the time. i like that cats have their wilder nature because they are the introverts of animals.

>female handling dogs
Absolutely disgusting. So what if these dogs would have attacked a person, a small child? This cunt couldn't even hold them, not even talking about stopping them. Fucking infuriating. Women should not be allowed to handle or possess dogs bigger than these handbag dogs, they are a danger to everyone.

death to all cats. sneaky vermin

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Because they simply are not. Also, what is your Cat hatred based on exactly? Like all animals, they are living things with different traits and to single one out and say "I hate that one particular animal I do" Not really fair now is it? Also Dogs can have parasites as well and people cuddle up to them.

Does its' shit sink to the bottom of the toilet? Like to the point that even flushing it doesn't flush it?

>can't be housebroken and piss wherever they please
Not true of most cats, which is a pretty crucial distinction. Also, cats have shorter snouts which we find appealing because of neoteny.

>>mostly live outside
literally every animal is meant to
>>kill and eat smaller animals
every meat eating animal is meant to
>>crawling with disease and parasites
>>territorial and standoffish towards humans
every animal is, including a lot of other humans
>>never truly tamed; will turn feral in weeks if left unattended
it's not true of dogs too? stray dog packs?
>>can't be housebroken and piss wherever they please
litter boxes... ok you are prob trolling

> Can someone please just tell why it is that you think it's acceptable to cuddle up to one of these things like it's your child or something?
What do you have against possums?

oh crap she posted more shit this is hot as fuck

>mostly live outside
Not true for all of them.
>kill and eat smaller animals
They are animals, it's what they do. Also, Dogs are not any different.
>crawling with disease and parasites
Most animals can have parasites.
>territorial and standoffish towards humans
What about Dogs?
>never truly tamed; will turn feral in weeks if left unattended
Not true.
>can't be housebroken and piss wherever they please
Not true and depends on the reason if they do.

>Also, cats have shorter snouts which we find appealing because of neoteny.
Explain. I've never heard about this.

Dogs are literally retarded inbred wolves

Dog owners are fucking retarded. Why even have a leash if you can't handle when they pull away?

The only time a cat will ever freak out like this is if they're provoked by a dog or they are drenched in water. Dogs will go apeshit if they see literally any new animal or human in their environment. Dogs are prone to biting and can fucking kill you, you're not likely to be seriously hurt by a cat, they don't chase you down, if you leave them alone they leave you alone.

women hit a "wall" because they gain adult features and stop looking like children that you want to protect
over time, populations can select for neotenous features

Wild cats are vermin. And people who let their cats outside whenever it wants aren't even aware of the damage their pet does.

>Wild cats are vermin

Is that the same for Dogs?

And people who let their cats outside whenever it wants aren't even aware of the damage their pet does.

Really? So what are Cats supposed to do exactly? They (like most animals) are roaming creatures, it's in their nature to do so. As for "damage" I'm pretty sure Dogs do damage as well and as so do other animals. What is your Cat hatred based on?

all of this OP except cats kill millions of birds and small animals who are actually native to the area (cats are not native to most of the world)

as far as I'm concerned, wild cats and dogs are both vermin. cats are a threat to the wildlife and a dog is a threat to humans.

the reason why people dislike wild cats more than wild dogs is because cats hunt, dogs don't really. numerous bird species have gone extinct partly because of cats. Also here in aus they're a threat to native wildlife, like bilby's and bandicoots.

>all of this OP except cats kill millions of birds and small animals who are actually native to the area

Animals kill other animals not just Cats. It's called "survival".

>(cats are not native to most of the world)

And? Why is that even important? Cats seem to adapt very well.

>And? Why is that even important?
Because introducing foreign animals to an ecosystem has the tendency to fuck it up pretty hard. Same with rabbits in aussiland or well I forgot where but some kind of frog.

>get a cat
>go to vet
>meet a fellow cat qt
>we hit it off
>im now fucking her in the ass every night and sometimes creampie in the pussy

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>all of this OP except cats kill millions of birds and small animals who are actually native to the area (cats are not native to most of the world)

Not a good enough reason to hate on them. Also, not the Cats or Dogs fault, they have try and survive in the environment they are in.

rabbits in aus
foxes in aus
cane beetles in aus
cane toads in aus
anything introduced in aus is a cancer on our ecosystem.

>this is the fate of all females


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You're all idiots I swear, dogs can be trained and depending in the breed they'll be very patient, sensible dogs. They absolutely love their families and are protective too. They're clever animals and they sense emotions in you too, when you're sad they'll either try and play with you or cuddle up to you in a sympathetic way. When you're happy they're excited.

Smaller dogs are more stubborn, sure they'll play fetch sometimes but they're more like cats in the way that you'll just get a stare when you try to command them. They know what you want but blatantly refuse as if to tell you they're not your servant.

Cats are alright, they do their own thing but God damn they can get needy and whiney at times. I suppose just like a dog though.. I know this one cat and she tries to literally talk to you when she wants something it's really fascinating.

I didn't even mention dogs you internet fight obsessed cunt. Don't get so defensive and think there are sides.

>Automatically know how to use a litterbox
>Will snuggle up to you
>You can take photos of them to post on the internet
>Carnivores who can be used as pest control although you shouldn't
>Marsupials who care for their young
>Don't wanna argue about em' I wouldn't want one as a pet because they aren't as normal as cats
>Weird history of domestication
>Will pal around with you
>You have to care for them when you take em' for walks and stuff
>Can be idiots if you take em' for walks and attack stuff or start yelling at other dogs
>I still kinda like dogs

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Saved, thx user

I don't hate Dogs and was using them as an example because "Dogs=good Cats=bad mentality.

OP Here.

Why the fuck is anyone talking about dogs? I didn't say anything but dogs, but to make it clear they are pretty terrible too. Same goes with hamsters, fish, iguana, birds, etc. etc.

The outside is the outside and you should fucking leave it there. You wouldn't go looking for a naked licebitten human roommate that can't hold down a job or use the toilet or even speak, so it makes no sense to look for companionship in an animal. Whenever I go into someone's home and I see that they have pets, it makes me wonder they even bother having a house. Just go sleep in the fucking forest you fucking hick.

This is bullshit. My dogs don't like fetch, either. Lovecraft was such a fucking snowflake.

You unironically sound a bit like a psychopath, OP. Do you feel pity?

All pitbulls and pitbull owners should be summarily shot.

One of the last things I can actually get away with saying in britfaggia, given that dogs aren't like pakis and don't have a fucking special status under the law. I make sure to tell this to anyone I know who owns a dog.

Next doors doggo did that to my kitten.

Guess how much broken glass I fed that doggo in tasty tasty cutlets. (hint: just enough that he didn't notice it until he was halfway through it).

His owner was out for the day and the little fucker was "Hnnnn!!! Hnnn!!!!! HNNNNNN!!!!!! until someone else yelled at it to shut the fuck up". Poor doggo had a bad time as his guts were cut to fucking ribbons from the inside out. I'm only sorry he didn't live long enough to shit out the broken glass :(

Feed all dogs broken glass.

Y-you're fucking cats?

They eat mice for people as opposed to grain and shit.

>tfw like cats and dogs when they're smart
>tfw big space for dog to play fetch is nice, especially when you take dog to park and it understands not to wander off too far
>tfw cat roaming around neighborhood was fine since he always came home

I like Homewardbound

>Calling animals that can survive on their own vermin.
>Being a parasite to society or your parents meanwhile.
Nice Job incel

dogs are objectively more intelligent than cats. This is not even a debate.

You need to tame a possum but a cat tames itself.

How are they more intelligent? And for what reason?

Pretty bad comparison because possums are actually pretty harmless unless they are diseased. I remember a coworker who would grab them and play with them, calling them "trash kitties"

For example, they have pretty much no bite strength. Watch how long it takes them to chew through just a banana

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>They can obey hurr durr while your cat just sits there hurr durr

Look at this socially inept retard.

You're a liar. You don't have the balls do to that and your imaginary fantasy is pathetic.

Because cats have cute faces. That's literally the only reason humans decided to try it with them.

>weak, retarded roastie walking not one but two pitbulls she can't control

They have twice as many neurons in the brain, and thus much more computational power, stronger pattern recognition, etc. This is proven it's not even a debate.
See above.

Right.......but what is the main point to this?

But you wouldn't do that, because you'd shit yourself in fear of getting sent to hospital by the owner. Please jump off a fucking bridge you edgy cunt.

I'd have probably just knifed it to pieces and left it on the doorstep. If I had to pick up my pet in pieces you can be sure they'd have to as well.

t. pussies who would jump if a dog even ran at them

I have literally killed a dog in front of its owner in self defense in the past. I threw the little fucker directly into traffic.
Piss off.

i fucking hate cats so much.

This. Possums are great and the animal kingdom's natural robot OP you fucking turbonormie faggot

Why? And reason?