Is a woman's best by date? My opinion has always been that by 30 it's ogre for them, but I'm hearing a lot of people say after 25 they're spent.
At what age
It gets younger the longer the feminist era persists. Women from traditional backgrounds can have a longer timeframe but some thots get on the carousel in middle school these days.
i would never impregnate a woman over 35. i would never date a girl older than 19. if i'm not married by the time i'm 25, i'm not getting married or having kids and i'll probably just go out in a blaze of glory or something
>best by: 18
>use before: 25
If you get a woman older than 15 she's had a mile of dick, older than 19 she's had ten miles of "going out with the girls" dick. If you didn't get a high school sweetheart you've missed your opportunity unless you get super lucky and find a unicorn. That or date a 1/10, but even then it's iffy.
I've always thought women looked best in their early 30's but then again I have a mommy/MILF fetish.
>If you didn't get a high school sweetheart you've missed your opportunity
this is one of the worst feels known to man. my mom wanted me to go to a catholic private school too, but i wouldn't go.
If she takes care of herself then a woman will peak in her late 20s to early 30s. That's when she finally starts to not behave like a retarded child, and still has youth and attractiveness.
at that point she's only good for like 3 non-autistic kids max though. eggs start going bad in early thirties
>dehydration (comes with excessive drinking)
>excessive sun/tanning
>dry environment (desert)
All these things contribute to wrinkles and ugly skin. If you stay at home and read a lot, you age better.
I had one but because I was a faggot when she became a cringy cosplay whore when she turned 18, so I dumped her. Shoulda picked the 5/10 church girl who was crushing on me instead. Fml.
By age 30, most women have their biological clocks telling them that they really need to start having children. By age 35, a woman is already considered too old to be having children. Most women who have had at least one child tend to let themselves go. A lot of them do not bother losing that weight they gained during their pregnancy.
I'm pretty sure most women get it better than most men for their entire lives.
Well you can go from near perfect 10/10...
That's like an 8 though.
... to maybe a 6/10 but with inferior skin in just a few decades. Time is a cruel bitch especially to women.
You're pretty picky then.
Women can still slut up well into their 40s. In fact older women are having more casual sex than young women. That's why open relationships are on the rise.
Ha ha ha that's funny. EVERYONE knows children would never have sex, which is why it's illegal. Good one guys, good one.
only to the whores
I would never date a girl younger than 25. 18 -25 women are usually dumb as fuck, inexperienced in most categories in life and just not pleasent to be around 24/7.
Not everyone wants a family of 8 children.
>not wanting 8 children
Well, damn. I ain't rich, and we don't live on farms anymore. They'd have to eat somehow. The motherland is just going to have to accept it isn't so.
too bad we can't just scam the state like the chassids
Older women have more casual sex becuase of progression.
Once youve had 3 or 4 relationships and 3 or 4 random dicks, it just isnt a big deal anymore to drop trawl.
As others have hinted st, its not the age, it is the mileage. A virgin at 30 is better then a carausal at 21
Objectively their early 20's.
Believe me mate, when women reach their 30's they begin to look beat as fuck.
>when white women hit thier 30s
Fixed that for you
I'd bang her.
Funny how Robots are picky and starving for vagina at the same time. Like dude y'all virgin and picky tho