Red pill me on the army my last chance for redemption from this miserable neet life
Red pill me on the army my last chance for redemption from this miserable neet life
Other urls found in this thread:
>study ass off for asvab
>secure desk job in navy, army, or air force
>bootcamp for a handful of weeks, yeah you get yelled at but w/e
>Finish your admin job schooling after basic, easy as fuck, pretty much a 8-5 learning
>Get to your unit. Lmao ayyy easy ass job you can't get fired from for the next 3.5 years
>Military right now is easy as FUCK to reach E5 in under 4 years, save right and you'll be fucking solid
>Spend all your military time off in the barracks on vidya. Its fun as fuck, especially if you make friends
>When you're done with your free job for 4 years, then you get to BE PAID to go to school for 4 more years. LOL time for more vidya amirite
The military was a fucking joke. Just don't be like me and join the marines. Big dick problems, you know
I love the military and belive in it whole halfheartedly but it's not the best way to escape NEET life imo
What do you want to do in the ARMY OP?
Army seems like shit for a robot because most of the time you have nothing to do so you'll have to be good at being social with your fellow defenders of freedom
It worked well for me. I was injured in Afghanistan and now collect 3400 a month in VA disability.
woa hwoah whwhwowowowo
in 2006 I join the AIR FORCE
goood don't let anybody tell you don't deserve it.
However, OP this is what I am saying.
Disasters happen.
I am nuts from my time in the air force.
I think I am fucking cat and get confused in my own house.
Aliens eat my food and there is whirring colors everywhere.
I followed one of these advices and I joined. I followed one of these advices and got fucked by a tranny with a big dick.
VA said glad no aids.
lmao ignore this bait. Obvious fucking mental issues here
I don't tell anyone I collect it. I feel bad enough that I made it home
lol ignore this DEP dude. LAUGH MY ASS OFF
51 fuck u
I get my 2.9 and 37k apology letter
I love all the mind worms / chip heads on this board.
AIT / ft gordon was the one of the worst things in my life.
Gordon was some of the best for me. 2008 D/369. We were in trailers and got away with everything. It was a crazy contrast to go from basic to that
Did you loose your ass in war op?
Op I'd rather just murder people and goto jail than AIT.
military time eventually sent me on a murder rampage.
>I only got a misdemenor
they derseved it. Herion dealers.
The shap shifter nco / officers will find you and rape you.
I am going to stop posting now OP I TOLD YOU!!!
You will die for Israel in a wilderness or you will die old and homeless still expecting the government to wipe your ass; 0 years work experience and worthless.
You can ignore me now idiot.
eat the people eat the flesh! OM NOM NOM PEOPLE MEET TO EAT PEOPLE MEAT!
Why is a schizo raiding derailing this thread?
Also, those alien videos he's posted are really...surreal. I don't know how people like that exist.
Are you op I am not going to stop. If this was a dueling days I would kill you and save this young man.
OP I would place a glock in your hand right now have you kill this man. Then I WOULD TAKE THE BLAME TO SAVE YOU FROM THE SLAVE BOAT.
They look like us OP fucking robots. YOU MUST KILL THEM.
There are easier and less shameful ways to kill yourself than joining Israel's finest.
OP non of these veterans want to help you.
They just like to brag and wag the penis.
have a female ds come on here and talk.
If she was raped by reptilians, she must have been a gorrilion/10.
microwave technician as I was.
Why not put out for a new line of credit op?
I am glad I took this off the pain train.
Where is Op with the shit talking?
Where are the big phallus force?
Tell us of your ejaculations.
I was planning on some form of infantry or navy that way i can go over seas and shoot shit
OP if that was you that told me to fuck off. I hope you and I meet someday. only 24 time zones.
I hope you become an O because if you are an E.....
Don't join the Navy. Being on a ship as a junior enlisted man is terrible. Join the Air Force instead, unless you want to shoot shit, in which case trying out for some high speed shit in the Army/Marines is your best bet.
Damn, i really miss Tongo's good parodies, they died out quickly...
The army is a way of killing young poor males while the rich are getting fatter and fatter with all the "democracy" they gave to "shithole" countries
harry s truman didn't even know about the bomb so I doubt you sol -3 folks know.
nice one satan but it ain't gonna work
Tell me op if you are willing to kill a crazy man like me right now then you are ready.
If you felt pitty or anything other than killing me you aren't ready.
That is saturn...... SATURN!!! fucking sol-3
thought so op.....
You're not going to see any action unless you join a special ops units if you go regular infantry you'll be a glorified janitor
What's so bad about being junior enlisted in navy? My bro wanted to do either go navy and do maintenance shit or go army for tank operating
wash those rocks.