Would you date a girl who is verbally challenged?


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Why did you remake this thread?

Yes then I'd make her say tongue twisters like "peter piper pickled his prickle pickled penis" and laugh at her for my own amusement.

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Yes I would date you where are you from

FUCK hell yeah

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Now post a vocaroo so we can hear you

>all of these maybes

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Yes, but don't be fat and ugly. However, those traits seem to go hand in hand.

It says my device does not support in browser audio recording or whatever the heck that means.

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make a private youtube video but cover the camera I'm seriously curious now!

Also looking at your time zone are you in SoCal?

Isn't it illegal to date retards?

Your Dad must be a smooth criminal.

Made. What do you want me to say?Yes

I'm not sure tells us about some awkward times were your condition cockblocked you also I'm in SoCal too maybe we can be friends or something

I don't think I can talk for that long, considering it's 1 am and everyone in the house is asleep. I'll just say a short phrase or something.

I'm also in socal and would like to make friends/ have a qt gf

whatever you want I'm just curious about your condition


What does that imply exactly?

How smart is she outside of conversation?

My camera cut off at the end, oh well. youtu.be/D0sQIJNvglo

Hi please move to New Zealand and be my girlfriend.

sound normal to me, bitch

Nothing wrong with your voice. Am confused

you sound normal and decently qt
would date/10

Sounds normal? was a bit silent tho

Lol you sound perfectly normal to me honestly. What do guys you've dated before say about your voice and now more curiosity what is your condition? You sound fairly attractive you think you'd send me a picture?

ridiculousIy cute

I can read just fine, I just have limited verbal skills. I should've clarified that at the beginning.

Please be my gf your voice is so cute

So are most people. Whats your iq?

You got memed by the industy.
Like when they tell kids that are more active,p that they are ADD and give them pills. Or kids without homework discipline forced at home that they are dsylsic. Just trying to sell pills and services.
You are probably just under socialized and get nervous at times and that causes phonetic symptoms. You arent disabled in any meaningful way

I was never tested for one, but if I had to predict, probably somewhere in the 80's

you should post a video of yourself talking about stuff instead of reading

Thats like retarded level. Are you retarded?

Did you finish highschool?
Really? I doubt it. Around ~80 people cant even live on thier own, and below 80 you would need help eating

I'm verbally challenged myself, so no.

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lol nice try, I don't want to make an embarrassment out of myself. Plus, my phone is running out of storage so it won't let me record anything longer than two seconds

So I'm in Ontario were are you?

What is the nature of your disability exactly?

I am verbally challenged too. Good looks,rich,6 foot 1. It's just a turn off for others. People like us are doomed to be alone.

I really really wanna cuddle you tbqh

Well i guess that's understandable. Everyone's just curious though. Why'd you think people wanted you to read something out loud, anyway?

define "limited verbal skills" and what you believe to be the problem.

Lets be real for a moment here guys

There is only ONE important question if you wanna know if you are able to get a gf/bf


If you look really good you will ALWAYS find someone easily who accepts you for what you are

If you look average you can always find someone with a bit of work

If you ugly you fucked

You know its true user

It's not like that you delusional fuck, I swear all you ugly fuckers think it's all about looks. Looks do not matter. If you don't have inner confidence and ability to take charge on social situations you are doomed. Blame it on your autistic behaviour. There are plenty of ugly looking guys who have beautiful females by their side.

pretty much, yeah
I have 4 more months until graduation. (Inb4 underb&, I'm 18)
The thing with my brain is that it has a hard time processing/comprehending certain things at a certain time. Like whenever I'm told to transfer information to another person my mind goes immedtaily blank and cant string together words right on the spot. (This is possibly due to being verbally challenged)

Thats african level, you can operate a computer so thats not possible.

Is that why you want fucking explain the specifics of your challenge?

Would you kindly post tits?

I'm a phoneposter.

Pls no bully

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I would date a full on retard if she was cute and fot

as a robot with a girlfriend, I have to say the sole reason our relationship has lasted is because of the dynamic nature of our conversation. honestly the most integral part of our relationship. I'm 100% falling in love with her.


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There's more to my IQ than not being able to transfer things. I just don't have the proper words to explain the areas that I'm specifically deficient at

>as a robot with a girlfriend,
retarded normie.

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Well, what do you want out of life? Be general or specific.

>verbally challenged
What does this mean? You can't speak at all or you have a stutter or something else?

Seeing as how I function daily as a person, I can confidently imagine myself being a shut-in neet for probably the remainder of my life. It's sad to say, as a young person saying this, but why would I be on Jow Forums if my future looked otherwise decent? I don't know how I'll be able to tell my parents this though, my older brother was the same, but they forced him to get a job and had him pay half the bills, including his phone bills as a compromise to lend him food and shelter over his head. He's now 25 and moved out of the house to live with his girlfriend's parents. Can't say that my parents are going to be proud of their second kid being another failure, but even 10x worse than before.

Absolutely. I don't like talking anyway. But I'd bother me if we would call and stuff

Do you have a legitimate documented medical condition?

Go and fuck chad you sad bitch and these undesirable dweebs alone.


Funnily enough I don't. I figured out I had verbal issues and some abnormal cognitive functioning just a couple months ago.

After the second kid it's clearly not a fluke and is the fault of their shit genetics or possibly the upbringing they gave you, so before they criticize you they should look at themselves first.

Have you not been struggling in school as a result of it? It's kind of shocking that no one at your school nor your parents realized you might have some kind of learning disability.

If you're as bad as you make yourself out to be, how did you not notice until recently?

I would cuddle/suffocate you to death
forget these losers, come to Dutchland and marry me!

it's rather cute desu, girls that are very talkative or normal are boring, after a while there's nothing to talk about. you on the other hand will keep your spouse (me) coming back for more and chipping away at the ocean of thoughts and ideas created by your long solitude. silence is bliss

>a woman who won't talk incessantly

Well, I just can't imagine any man wanting that.

google the Dunnig-Kruger effect

hey Elliot, long time no see!

I've managed to somewhat hide it, but I think a couple kids knew. I was never the person that people tapped me on the shoulder to ask help for, even though I appeared to look nerdy and somewhat sociable. Deep down inside they all knew that I wasn't the right person who could easily teach them the subject if I could. I struggled a lot in school but I managed to get my way through by cheating 80% of the time and having my mom as a math tutor for 4 years straight. If it wasn't for her I would've been short on credits, so I'm extremely grateful for that.
I'm not sure honestly, I thought I just had bad teachers, and I wasn't being taught at the right pace

>I swear all you ugly fuckers think it's all about looks. Looks do not matter.

>I say looks are 100% of your attractiveness!
>Well I say looks are 0% of your attractiveness!

Perhaps it's actually neither extreme.

>I'm not sure honestly, I thought I just had bad teachers, and I wasn't being taught at the right pace
I mean, you're probably not wrong about that. Public schooling is designed to teach one kind of learner: verbal. Students with non-verbal learning styles are basically fucked because they don't fit this cookie cutter approach to education that we've decided to shoe horn every last child in the country into. You're clearly not stupid because you found a way to succeed in a system that was essentially designed to be as adverse as possible for you.

I'm curious, do you have any ambition to make the most of your shortcomings, to improve yourself I mean? From what I've read, you're not in the best situation possible.

also, did you create this thread simply to gauge what people's opinions were or were you looking for a relationship?, because there's /soc/ for a reason.

Read I just wanted to know how far most of you would go to lower your standards enough to date a retard. And so far the results from the poll are pretty surprising, but again, I'm asking this on Jow Forums, and not the general population, so the votes might just be warped, lol.

I'm in Rancho Cucamonga can we be friends user?

fuck i just moved out of rancho cucamonga. were you in high school 2 years ago?

Yes. Now date me bitch

I graduated from osos in 2015

fuck, same school just one year off. might be completely useless information, but it's still kind of cool to know i could have related to someone in my school at one point.

You might have known who I was a lot of people thought of me as weird I think. I was the golf captain and the only white dude to hang out with all the Asians in ap classes

does your name start with a d or s? if not i dont know, but I was never really clued in on the social dynamics of that place

No it's Tommy

im going to have to dust off the old facebook to see if I know you, but i got nothing so far. sorry. still a pretty interesting nugget of lore.

Feel free to message me

This guy. It's about 50/50 me desu fampai.

Date me orginlly OP