You people are fucking disgusting, all of you

I've been lurking here for a fucking year now
I can't believe I actually let your words and batshit insane theories about how women are or what they want or why we're not accepted in society actually get to me.
All of you like to think you're victims, that because someone told you you're ugly or short or whatever the fuck your insecurity is that you should NEVER try to fix any shit.
You're all colossal fucking failures in life and you keep crying like the little pussy you are then you call someone low test or a soyboy and shit whilst you're on here, crying about how women are cunts, chad is better than you in ever way, or some other 3rd fucking gay shit and you refuse to do anything to make your life better, you'd rather be a bitch and cry about it than do anything about it.
You like to think that there's some truth here, yet there isn't, this is a hugbox for all of you faggots. Try going on tumblr, you'll find the EXACT SAME FUCKING SHIT over there, just replace "women" with "men" and there you have it. You'll find constant cherry picked articles showing how some retard killed a girl because of this and that, and you'll try and find a fucking argument against it but refuse to use it when you find some cherry picked shit on here only with the sex reversed.
Fucking shoot yourself, just like that dumb sand nigger.

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Ok so same time tomorrow user?

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Nice blog post user, now clean your room.

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cool, see ya tomorrow user

I really like Mr Peterson. I clean my room more regularly now. Also /r9k fags are pathetic. I only come here occasionally to feel good about the general situation of my life. Talking to girls are real easy.

>All of you like to think you're victims, that because someone told you you're ugly or short or whatever the fuck your insecurity is that you should NEVER try to fix any shit.

Yes cause nobody is an actual victim nor can suffer from mental illnesses or something no you can just fix that shit

don't forget, suffering is an objective thing on a scale and your experiences are invalid, too.

>i knowingly and willingly come to a place that i consider undesirable
oh look, a literal retard

>muh bootstraps
kys, sage in all fields

>I only come here occasionally to feel good about the general situation of my life.

>Norman coming to laugh at robots to feel good about himself

off yourself at once

You're just proving my fucking point, you're using an excuse to try and justify not even trying to fix anything

No, I'm saying that there are people that genuinely can't fix shit

only the strong can survive here. to declare us fools and liars, is to be weak, to embrace feel-good lies. go on and keep lying to yourself user, you'll be happier that way, no doubt, but in here we embrace the truth for better or worse. but there is no better, no upside. there's only pain here, but the pain comes from knowing the truth, and only retards can hide from the truth. GTFO NORMIE

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>lurking here for a fucking year now

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faghoot trying to prove his epic healthy mentality with his le epic wojak

What truth you brainlet? This place is a fucking hugbox
I'm saying you're not even trying, you're just giving up instantly

ah alright mate I see

This time OP is not a faggot.

originality is of the utmost importance

Only reason you can be so triggered is because you see yourself in the robots, though admitting that won't happen anytime soon as it would burst your perfect little bubble you're living in and maim your mad brain.

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>What truth you brainlet?
that we're all fucked and only exist to suffer

I do see myself in robots, thats the only reason why i went to this place regularly and why I listened to all the shit they say
However, a relative of mine is an even bigger robot, and he is such a complete fucking faggot that it helped me realize all of this self hate and edginess is retarded

>I'm saying you're not even trying, you're just giving up instantly
Why play a game you cannot win. This isn't some hero story where the absolute underdog becomes the best with some hard work and dedication.

Welcome to the real world jackass.


>I only come here occasionally to feel good about the general situation of my life. Talking to girls are real easy.

>but in here we embrace the truth for better or worse
Some things on Jow Forums regarding women is true, but others aren't.
>Welcome to the real world jackass.
Jow Forums is not the real world.

>Jow Forums is not the real world.
Oh it's a bait thread l0l

Another saved soul.
Walk into the light brother.

>failed normalfag discovers that hes normal
>feels superior over other people on a fucking r9k
well uhh okay thanks for telling us now you can go away lmao

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