/MBTI/ general
No fun allowed edition
>your type
>what can you do the best?
/MBTI/ general
Make people laugh, I guess?
BTW ENTP is the masterrace
>leave people alone
>tfw gay banana with no hobbies
My dick smells real bad right now
I will always get introverted and thinking, with 50-50 splits on intuitive/observant and judging/prospecting.
I guess I'm just good at being stuck in my head
>I'm good with people. I basically act as a counsellor for my friends.
>lie my way out of trouble
>suicidal ideation
I have a great ability to charm people but I can never express my true feelings, I'm not sure could even if I knew what they were
I often find myself laughing at nothing while in the shower, am I insane?
I really wish I could kick this loneliness tho, I have all the physical traits of a chad except hight (5'9) yet I've not only never had a gf, I don't think I've ever had someone I could call a close friend
all my most inner thoughts go to internet bros whom I could never meet, thus giving me no consequence when opening up my thoughts, never feelings tho, I don't know how to express those
what this user said. too lazy to think of anything else
Manipulating people
I work in sales have my own office and coach a team off about 5-15 people on how to sell well
This hits home too hard.
Why are we like this?
Why do you people do this? To feel like a snowflake? Literally no better than astrology bullshit.
counterpoint: why do you do this?
is this a normie personality type
>Being a dickhead that needs to be in control of every situation, otherwise I refuse to participate
No one cares that you watch anime you dweeb
Lol totally a injf thing to say
Classic entj
ENTP and everyone hates how much I talk and how I try to debunk everything they say for no god damn reason
Post more memes. Also collecting INFPs to lead. Sorry dummies, you're not gonna be able to do it on your own.
Outwitting this guy: and people like him.
t. the most common type around
>infj or intj, depending on the test
>be a loser
I don't know my guy, I feel like I'm so inconsistent, I lose focus, or rather interest in something so easily. And once that happens it all falls apart. Like in high school, I got shit grades in allot of my classes, but put me in AP American politics or even econ or history classes and I ace them without even trying
what is this hell that I can have a good life I just lack the focus to grasp it.
I could take over the world if I wanted to, and I have the determination to do it, but my inconsistency is so obnoxious that it's making it's way into my uni performance.
I never trusted anyone from the start, and my biggest fear is that I'll find no one that thinks like me to make a companion out of. Rather, I suppose my greatest fear is that everyone thinks like me.
I'm not even good at anything.
I'm a really good poker, counter-strike, league of legends, wow, and chess player
Being liked by everyone but myself.
yes. Only XNTP, INTJ, INFP, and ISTP qualify for robotism. Otherwise you're a failed normie.
very ISTJ thing to say
Collecting crap
Failing school
Being a general disappointment
Being a fucking fatass
Being so non offensive that nobody'll hate you, but nobody loves you because you're not opinionated enough or really willing to go out of the way for someone
intp myself.
>Being so non offensive that nobody'll hate you, but nobody loves you because you're not opinionated enough or really willing to go out of the way for someone
hits close to home. I'm so boring that I even bore myself in conversation.
are these threads just mensa for retards?
Why does this happen, anyway?
This Taiwanese lawnmower forum is mensa for retards
i'm ASD, aspie.
t. intp
ENTP is the only E*** that can be a robot
>not intj
fuckin' miracle
Same. I have a handful of friends and all I do is talk to them about home stereo equipment and sometimes music. Occasionally coffee too
>adapting I guess, as a simple answer.
i believe that had i taken an mbti when i was younger, i would have been intj then. i am almost 40 and all the ones i've taken the last few years are intp.
What do you think in terms of dark souls you guys?
I'm ISTP and even though my spicy one liners and dry sense of humor has got me many laughs (that stereotype is at least true for me), it's still not enough for people to want me around. It seems you have to converse properly to be liked. Fuck this shit.
You're the most common personality type. Every normie thinks like you.
>most common personality type
uwot8? STP's make up only 1 in 10. And Ti dom gives many of us more in common with our autistic INTP brothers than our Chad ESTP brothers.
I guess ESTP was what I was looking for.
>tfw INTP
Is it possible to become an ENTP so I can become a sociopath full raid gear? What if I destroyed my amygdala to eliminate social anxiety?
>your type
>>what can you do the best?
literally everything, i'm good at everything except maintaining any kind of relationships or friendships
I can think too much the best
Can INTPs be edgelords?
I'm amazing at reading/researching/absorbing information with no bias and alienating any and all close relationships. I'm INTJ classic
Waverer between ENTP and INTP here, the secret is probably to extend your total lack of belief in anything to social interactions.
Oh I wish there was something to be proud of, but at this point I 'm not willing to put much effort into anything besides jerking off.
i remember hearing about how hard dark souls was, so i bought it and, with no prior experience, put it on the hardest difficulty. i couldn't beat the asylum demon and never touched it again.
regardless INT and DEX are my favorite traditional RPG stats and i'm in that quadrant so it's gotta be a yes from me.
ESTP is not the most common personality type either, what are you getting at? the most common type is ISFJ.
>tfw no ENTJ mistress
is INFP most prone to habitual drug use crying alone in their rooms
>Literally nothing, I'm fucking worthless
>put it on the hardest difficulty
stop lying, you haven't even played it
also, the first asylum demon is easy as fucking shit
it's easily like 6 years since that happened so correct me if i'm wrong but isn't there a difficulty option? i remember there being one.
There isn't. That's why it's the game of the decaden
Lifelong intp here.
Toom the test recently after working on a ton of self help, emotional intelligence, and leadership books and got istj.
Took it just now and got intj.
Shit is all over the map, but intj seems accurate.
What do robots, which is the real me?
>Forever Alone
maybe now that i'm a big brain adult who is excellent at video games, i could go back and play it. i think i got it off a steam sale for super cheap a couple years ago.
The remaster is coming out. Play that. People will actually be on it.
>ENFP runing from debate
>ENTP too self centered to stop talking
>ENFP being painfully honest when pissed of
>ENTP will die alone
This is accurate, I like the meme, anyone has more?
>>ENTP too self centered to stop talking
we were never really talking about anything in the first place, we're just trying to fit in
>rationalize my running away from problems
t. rationalized my nonexistence but haven't finalized a plan yet
INFJ guru here, ask anything about humanity and I will answer.
>Where are the intj gf's?
>Why being an enfp is pain?
>Why Infp's only cry?
>Why INFJ is the smartass?
>to extend your total lack of belief in anything to social interactions.
Explain m8. Like stop believing that other people exist?
When should I resort to violence?
Only when the other party does. Things always work out best if you're not the one who escalates.
I had best be leaving then. Maybe if I keep the mask on long enough I'll be happy.
Working with children or with horny men, sometimes writing a book or trying to be funny, unfortunately often also trying to change the world for the "better".
Being the funny guy and making people happy is easy and gives a shallow level of satisfaction but just enough to not force you to actually focus on finding deep enough emotional fulfillment that would actually make you content about your life.
Because the real world isint as beautiful as the one inside their minds.
The curse of feeling like you carry the whole world on your shoulders and you know real underlining truth.
Whenever you think its worth the repercussions.
>grasp concepts very easily and can critically think well
too bad im completely socially stunted and the only reason i have a cute bf right now is because i look like a loli and therefore he finds my spaghetti spilling adorable. i also have an obsessive personality and dump my life into things like vidya, but ive been finding more productive outlets for my tism in college.
>not a failed normie
All feeler types, deep down, want to be social and their primary objective in life is to receive attention from other people. INFPs tend to fail harder than other normies but in essence they're the same as the rest of them
>I would have been good at something if I didn't get cursed with a small body
>You say something ISTP cuck?
Getting on a mission and losing sight of everything else
Post pics
I'm INTJ as well and also cute
Being insecure and possesive in relstionships
Yes, but that's highly unlikely.
>Your type
>What can you do the best
Work towards occupying myself with my only hobby (which is also my job) without putting any extra effort into any unrelated things until I die
is that coming out on PC too? i don't have a switch, although i would like to get one.
>your type
>what can you do best?
-Argue incessantly, intentionally disregarding the feelings of myself and others both for more solid arguments and a feeling of intellectual superiority.
-Have no qualms about being autistic as fuck for the entertainment of myself or others.
-Work and study non-stop until hearing voices.
-Attempt to balance 27 hobbies at once, treating your mental health as a means to an end for your intense desire to know everything there is to know.
-Get extremely emotionally involved in fantastical long-term life plans and schemes, and tell *no-one* about it.
-Show affection, concern, and care for a single person/small group that have earned respect and trust, tell everyone else to eat shit and die (despite your *disgusting* fantasies where you admit you only get into arguments with people because you love them, really).
I just came in my tightie-whities
these make me feel like the intp i keep getting is because i'm on the spectrum because these are me
are there any types that are particularly skilled at math boys? not like einstein level stuff but basic pencil-pusher tedium.
Not being the worst when i do something in a group, procrastinating and being bored
no, you just have to have above average IQ and the right motivation and you will be good at basic school math
This is me , used to be a 'maths genius' when I went to primary school in Britain, at my best I think I was 8 doing maths for 13/14-year-olds in high school. At some point, since I was still in the same classes as the other kids, what I had learned evened out to the same level as everyone else, though raw ability has never failed me.
I'd say with introversion and thinking nature, IxTx is most likely to be interested, though ability wouldn't correlate to meme letters.
ISTJs live for grunt work like that. S types in general are probably better at memorizing formulas, I would imagine, details and all.
Hard to say, having a comprehension of underlying principles, along with *why* they are the way they are is a vast help. Formulas are easier to memorise when you know why they work the way they work, especially in much larger, more complicated processes.
Don't think there'd be much of an advantage either way.
>Computer science, physics and problem solving in general