How can you afford being a shut in NEET?

How can you afford being a shut in NEET?

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My mom pays for everything.

pretty sure like 75% of the neets on the board live with their parents
the rest are either rich or temp neets


kindly and originally kys

My country offers help for people who study etc. so I signed up for correspondence school, allowing me to take 2-4 years (depending on how much time I take to finish it) of courses online, getting some nice NEETbux for the timespan that pays rent, food and a tad of extra for vidja or other stuff

Obviously it's not too much and sometimes I gotta save a bit if I want something big, but since there's not much I want and I'm happy being alone and just browsing the internet this is perfect

Well work is the only social interaction i have, probably stopped me from kms.

Live with generous grandparents. No pressure. Miserable as fuck and suicidal though, despite having a comfy life. But still not doing anything career wise and no friends is depressing.

Finnish social security has kept me alive for the past 5 years.

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you count yourself as a neet? i work part time and i dont really consider myself one

I get free money from the DWP

>live in good country
>get free neetbux in my bank account each week

how can normies compete?

No, but definitely would be if i had money without a job

>Mommy just brought me fastyfeedy

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I don't have any income my dude. My mom is fairly successful and runs her own business, she says I can stay under her roof for as long as I want under the condition I don't drink or do any drugs. She gives me a $500 monthly allowance.

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I live with my mother and get NEETbux.
Funnily enough I'm the only family member that doesn't work and also doesn't have any debts.

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What are u gonna do when she dies?

Inherit all her shit?

bumping thread for this

Kill myself

I cant wait

Idk man I guess I'm going to sell her house and move somewhere that is extremely cheap and try to get some welfare or something.

i have neetbux for my mental illness

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How does this work?
user you're cray here some cash

Finish and Swedish neetbux are the best in the world I think

i dont even know exactly. i was diagnosed since i was young and i was on neetbux since then, my mom did all the work. i have a long paper trail full of doctor visits and such so im deemed neetbux worthy

What race are you? Just curious

Cryptocurrency trading.

I'm currently living a lone neetlife in a tiny village in Finland. I'm 21, I've got around 1500 euros on my account and no sources of income. Got any pro hints and tips for neetbucks?

Live with my parents, get $1k/month from da gubbamint, give them like half of it to pay bills because they're alcoholics that can't pay them half the time and spend the rest on alcohol and smokes.

i can't, i was born into poverty but since i had a psychotic break i left college and have been a hikki ever since. some months i can't afford internet. my parents blame me everyday for not going to school or making money for them. they haven't been able to afford the rent lately and we might be evicted soon, it's happened before.

>the bux doesn't actually exist

Oh, and
>homelessness no exist either


I'm screwed. I didn't pay attention in school, so there's no chance at a HSD, or even a GED.. My father has heart disease and he could have a heart attack any day now.. He doesn't own anything, but he has plenty of debts he's accumulated over the years and who will inherit that debt? His only son - me.
I figured I'll be a nomad or a hermit or just a regular homeless Joe (not even bullshitting) since there's no opportunity for me in America other than flipping burgers or self-employment seeing that having a HSD or a GED is a must for most - if not all jobs in today's I look at it this way. Being a NEET isn't all too bad.. I would die for the NEET life. I am an 18 year old white male, I have no disabilities known to me and I have no hope..suicide is not an option for me, though if it were, I would have already taken my life. I'm not sad over these circumstances, I embrace them since it is my inevitable future in the grand scheme of things.. Honestly, I don't even know what all of my options are if there are any.

He'll say white but we know there are Hebrew last names in his family.

government gibs. Life is sweet even though I feel like shit

I don't know about Finland but I know a neet in Sweden and the government is aIways trying to make him normal by keeping him busy. He has to do a ton of shit to keep his bux.

I can't afford to live on my own even though I do work. Just fuck my shit up.

Ye i get about 1000 euros per month in Finland for basically doing nothing what is more than enough for me but still our basic social security is considered as low for some reason.

Same in Finland you need to have a "reason" why you are leeching from the government and if you do not accept the terms government tells you to do, you lose 5% at a time up until 40% from your neetbux.

Being a NEET is something you pay for with the destruction of your social skills

What becomes of you guys when you get evicted? Where do you go?

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Street/jail/nuthouse depending on mental state

once when it happened when i was a baby my parents apparently just slept out on the street for almost a week i think and then when it happened when i was in high school i was in the psych ward and they went to a shelter

30 here

Shut-in perma neet since age 16.

Parents owe me 40k

What country...? I'll walk over soon.

mooching off of snekmom while I await my NEETbuxx$$$$ for being so crazy

shadow people touch my butt at night and my latest speaking waifu is jane lane from dariaj

she emasculates me and fucks my butt while shaving my legs

its relaxing

because im schizophrenic and autistic so basically im comfortably fucked

Mom pays for everything and cooks and cleans for me but she's getting old she keeps talking about retiring soon and my dad kinda hates me.
I will probably go live with my sister and her husband when my mom dies and just hope that I die before my sister. I know she isn't happy about having to take me in in the future but she is too nice to leave me with my dad or on my own. They bought a house a couple years ago with an in law suite attached to it and I think its for me but I am too embarrassed to ask. My sister still comes over and tries to get me out or talking to people and I'm scared she will keep trying to push me and i just want to stay in my hole with my alcohol. Shes too optimistic it makes me miserable. She's also vegan so the food is going to fucking suck too

Rich Jew NEET here.

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Rich parents. They gave me a lot of money and I bought an apartment that increased a lot in value. Then i bought my moms old apartment which is big enough to rent out some of the rooms. I live of that income. Plus I earned $60,000 from crypto which i bought stocks for so I have some more money in the future

No shit if you work you aren't a neet....

This is realized by tendiebux.

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can't you not inherit the debt? In my country you need to accept that you inherit you relatives stuff

Depends where you live. In east/central europe you can only rely on parents or being rich. Then if you didnt get good degree or have connections you will work 12 hours a day your entire week and if you get a job where you get weekend off you will feel lucky. Honeslty I dont know how people can be ok with this. They are all mental and hard coping. Do it for 40 years and then you will get a pension that wont pay for a rent. Such a great life, very comparable to feudal era.

>live in good country
failed..guess Its time to suicide

Same. Life is so precious they say.

This thread makes me feel better for not being a lazy scrub.

I'm glad you feel content beeing a wagecuck.

>squat in someones abadoned home
>owner must of died or something
>no oe visits
>looks though mail
>find social security check
>dress up as an old man every month to cash checks

ayy checkmate wagekeks

27 y.o neet here. Live with parents on neetbux and they dunt make me pay rent. Is it ideal? No it's fucking pathetic and disgusting. Is it comfy? Hell yeah

whats sad is no one has called or visited the poor bastard in 5 years

My mommy feeds me and houses me.

you would be considered a freeter, if anything

sounds like me, one of us

>when one NEET dies another will take his place
seems about right

we are a legion user

This post made me smile good chap

I am curious on why you guys stay or want to be NEETS. Is it because of a hatred of being a wagecuck, an illness that prevents you, or some sort of fear?

I don't like working and the thought of working just to be alive makes me ill.

If you lived in a second world country of east europoor you would try to prolong working as much as possible. You wont see pension anyway.

I have autism and have been in and out of the mental ward multiple times so my parents don't put too much pressure on me.

I'm definitely not a shut-in but I'm one of the few(?) I guess self-funded NEETs on the board. Worked a high-paying job and bought rental property, etc.

>How can you afford being a shut in NEET?
By going out more!
Also, have you considered enrolling in uni?

I have a mommy gf. it's awesome, honestly.

Germany :^)
It's nice, really. Especially if you're under 25. If not, just make sure you get Wohngeld or some other support anyway

Wagies want to work hard and play hard they've EARNED to spend all their money in useless shit quickly before the weekend is over so that they feel their slave week hasn't been in vain.


you can easily pay the rent in central/eastern europe just don't eat and stop buying your medicine you need to stay alive and you'll be able to pay the rent

no need to thank me for the tip just pay your taxes to the jewish oligarchs

I pay the bills doing furry art commissions. I live in a 3rd world country so the cost of living is pretty cheap I only need about $200 US bucks a month to live comfy and I usually make about 300-400 a month.

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i sell software online
guess that means i'm not a NEET, but i sure live like one

How much do you make monthly?
How hard is it to get into it?

very sporadic, i only make big money when i release something new. other than that things sell consistently but slowly

i've been programming almost my whole life so i don't know, but it's definitely much easier to learn today with youtube and all these books. depends on what you want to do.

Oh alright, i was hoping you were selling pre made softwares

I'm just looking for some jobs from home that an incompetent neet like me can do to make some money while learning new skills

-Writing erotica for roasties on amazon (check for info on how to get started)
-Being a porn artist, see Patreon
-Making games (apps, steam,
-Making tutorials on things you can do (see gumroad)
-A youtube channel
-Web development

You'll notice that anything that provides what you're asking for needs skills, so you're priority is to develop those skills.

3k month disability, live on my own. Shut in for months at a time, order groceries online, view most forms of social interaction as a threat to my comfy hermit life and thus avoid them.

I exist at my fathers place of residence

What are you getting lad? I'm making 430 quid a month from PIP and i'm going to start ESA/universal credit soon

What kind of country and disability welfare pays 3 grand a month? Sounds ridiculous.

US when you get messed up fighting bankers' wars

I get 5k a month passive income from the apps/games I developed last year. Ad revenue and in game purchases. I can live comfortably for a long time.

I barely went to school from 6th-10th grade and I got my GED on my first try. I think you might be overestimating how difficult it is.

>How can you afford being a shut in NEET?

I can't, I've been a wageslave for 13 years of my 29 on this planet. Shit sucks.

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Not living in a shithole that doesn't have a safety net

Don't make me emigrate to your country, encouraging a right wing wave and reducing your gibs.