Please help my brother is turning into a fucking neckbeard

please help my brother is turning into a fucking neckbeard
he's 10 and does nothing but play video games all day but that's bearable because I also do it
he's also a fatass piece of shit who never showers and my parents never tell him anything
also he's one of those tards who if they don't like something to eat start screaming and screeching

is it over, anons? can I still save him or is it too late

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Does he wear the shirts like in image related?

yeah man he has a shitload of Nintendo shirts

It's probably too late. I mean, you're on Jow Forums yourself. Your parents are obviously shit tier who have no clue how to raise a child properly.

Risky because you could push it further but I say bully him. Make him know that what he's doing is weird and that your looking out for him so he isn't a complete sperg when he grows up.

Kek well, ditch the cunt, he's probably going to be a soyboy

trying to do this
I mean I was pretty autistic growing up myself and I don't want him to feel bad ;_;

but I actually have a pretty active social life now because I understood that being a tard sucked

Try spending more time with him op.

I'd say don't. Nothing seperates spergs from normies like bullying, he will just grow up to resent normalfags and be even worse than before. Try teaching him about hygeine and try to get him out more. I became way more of a normie when my brother included me with his friends and had me doing normie shit

How big is the penis of his?

doesn't give a shit about me
sometimes I play with him and laugh at his stupid fucking minecraft memes

I don't think I'd bring him out with me seeing as I'm a girl and I don't think he would be very comfortable with a group of females several years older than him

Persistence is key. People are so soft nowadays and get way to comfortable. It's cool to have hobbies but it shouldn't be the only thing you have. Make your parents enroll him in any sort of sports. Most parents should take the time to bring there kids to practice and if they don't then that's a different problem

Are you white?


I mean at this point he is just being enabled. So he will only get worse if this continues. Just try getting him to like you more, shit maybe even play some games and bond over that

the only ones who could do anything are your parents and if you try forcing him to do anything parents will just get angry at you

my parents are absolute shit
they bullied me when I was severely depressed and self harming
so if I want to fix his shitty life I have to do it myself
we don't even have that much money and we live in a shithole town in south Italy so the only solution for him is to go out and play
if only he had friends

Dont take the burden of other peoples problems onto yourself.

I know I shouldn't but he's a pretty embarrassing dude
I don't give a fuck about any member of my family, I just want to prevent shit from happening and bothering me later on lmao

In he's defence he's 10 years old. Let the kid play fortnight or whatever he does, if he grows out of it, he grows out of it. If not who cares. Chances are he will

thanks user, I think I'll do just that
hope it doesn't bite me in the ass later :^)

>grows out of it
>already fat loser addicted to food and instant reward whenever he wants
rip anons brother

This apu made me laugh.

never liked him anyway
I just wanted peace of mind

>never liked him anyway
The internet age has compartmentalized our compassion, how sad.

>the internet age

people have always been shitty and always will be shitty, nothing has changed

I think I'm just shitty by default actually

get him a gaming pc and introduce him to steam, then let nature take its course.

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Tell the parents to give the dude less sugar, doritos and other garbage and instead give him more meat, spaghetti and full meals, he'll be less hungry because of that. If you get him to eat fruits it would be even better (Mom will probably have to peel them for him).
He'll lose weight even without exercise. And that's the main thing.

The rest is ez, just ignore the video game thing, he'll get bored of it really soon if it's available without limitations. Probably introduce him to the GOAT games too, you know, the good RPG's, something psychological and probably a class based online shooter, if he gets addicted over an online game after a year he'll vomit at the thought afterwards, also if he experiences the best of single player everything else will seem as garbage to him. If he gets into anime or some other shit then do the same thing, shower him with the better stuff so that everything else he sees afterwards doesn't match up with the standards and so he'll quit himself.

If you do everything right he'll never play vidya again at the time the boys his age will just start to experience the GOAT games and he will also have a tolerable body if you don't feed the fucker with soda and other sugary drinks like fruit juice (the main cause of obesity)

Just make sure to introduce him to interesting stuff after he's bored with repetitive garbage like vidya or you'll have him as a neckbeard that does repetitive stuff because he doesn't know any better.
The main thing is to not limit his vidya, if it's limited he'll be addicted to it for a long time and the anticipation during the novidya hours will just act as fuel for him.

>please help my brother is turning into a fucking nigger/redneck
>he's ten and does nothign but go bawlin/hunting all day but that's bearable because I also am a right/left winger he's also repulsive like me and my parents never tell him anything but I smell his ass cause I'm weird
>he's a tard and I'm not projecting who screech when angry quite like a frog would

>is it too late to stop people from having fun despite it's inherent risks?

whoa dude, thank you for the awesome advice
regarding food he's really picky (MOMMY MY TENDIES REEEE) but I'll try my best to stop him from overeating
regarding vidya I'm not all that bothered, he's 10 so it's normal, I used to play all day too
but I'm gonna follow your advice
he really likes undertale (yeah I know it has died ages ago), minecraft and splatoon
which overall don't suck too much
he also watches steven universe (why)
I think I should encourage him more to do art, he's decent at drawing, at least he could do something with that

>staying home all day smelling like ass, eating shit and playing vidya

I wanted my brother to have a normal life despite my shitty parents, economical situation and the shitty place we are forced to live in without passing the full retard phase like I did
but it's not because I actually care about him
I don't want my parents calling me when I'm 30 (if I ever reach that age) telling me my fatass brother won't move out
I'm selfish but I also want to change his shitty life while I'm at it basically

he sounds like a soyboy, try introducing him to more masculine hobbies. I remember boxing and martial arts were social and fun when I was growing up. It also helped me stay physically and mentally healthy. If he's fat it might also help him with weight loss which will help him a lot.

>never liked him anyway
>but its not because I actually care about him

why are you trying so hard to show you dont care about your own brother you tsundere

b-baka! it's not that I-I give a shit or anything! uwu
nah I actually REALLY don't care, I don't want it to backfire or embarass me in any way because I'm an insecure person

just take him outside and hang out with him???

anyway I think I got all the answers I was looking for
grazie anons, siete i ritardati migliori

>I'll try my best to stop him
Kids that age don't understand that they'll regret the consumed meals so don't even try to convince him.
There's an evil way to stop him overeating, feed him with garbage in excess to have him hospitalized, he'll immediately understand the actual concerns (and unlike the 100 cigarettes thing it's actually a working method)
And you have to create scenarios where he'll not eat passively or just feed him with stuff that will make him not hungry anymore. If there's a can of soda in the house then he'll gulp on it without even noticing but if none is available then he'll simply not care (unless drinks are his thing, then try to have fruit juice in abundance at the house, he'll drink them because of the absence of soda and he'll start to like them soon). Kids are really dumb and act in patterns. "I want soda"->searches for soda->doesn't find one and just accepts the lack of soda OR he continues his search, he will probably find some candy, but if you remove all garbage food from the house he'll encounter a new sensation and will either 1) give up and realize he's not hungry 2) eat something healthy 3) REEE
Also note this: I drank a lot of soda as a kid and I can recall the exact reason why, fruit juice was twice as expensive and I tried to conserve pocket money, that's it, so figure out if that's the case.

Try to spy on him too and see what he actually eats throughout the day, it might be just one thing that's not important to him but is a deciding factor in his diet
>minecraft and splatoon
That's bad, he's going through the normal development stage
Try to make him play Fallout 4, say that it's like Minecraft but better, if he buys it then he'll forget about Minecraft completely and thus skip this stage of vidya development

Does he just watch SU? Don't bother with it. If he's obsessed however that's a problem.
Hand him Naruto, he will love it and you'll too because it fits into the acceleration strategy that I've proposed.

Nintendo and SU are normal 10 year old things, it becomes a soyboy thing only if it's an adult obsessed over it

>drink fruit juice instead of water
they are both garbage for you stop this meme that fruit juice is a healthy alternative for soda

let him do w/e he wants but force him to do some exercise often so he gets used to it and you have to fix his eating/being a fat fuck
thats all you have to do otherwise hell end as a loser for sure
also if you dont care about him just dont lmao
its not like you have to listen to your parents when you move out

Kill him now and save him the suffering. I'm a neckbeard and it's not a life worth living once life catches up to you in your 20s and you have nothing because of it.

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A shithole of town in south Italy?
I'm italian too and from the south as well (Sicily, to be specific): if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?
But anyway, about your brother's situation, if what you say about your parents being negligent is true, then I think you could probably start helping him by making sure he goes out more, as some have already suggested.
And if he'd be uncomfortable with your circle of female friends, you two could always go on your own. At least initially.
Take him on a walk around the city, make him see something even mildly interesting, etc.

Tell him that his dick will be small and no one will take him seriously if he doesn't lose weight. Get him on 50x50 pushups and buy him a pull up bar that doubles as a foot weight for sit ups. His life will be great if he only plays games after he's done his daily exercise which he should do in the morning and right when he gets home from school. Tell your mom she's a shit mother if she doesn't stop feeding him sugary garbage to the point of caloric excess, show her a food pyramid and explain that children like drinking smoothies which contain vital nutrients. Buy him a full body mirror so he can look at his fat ass to the point of motivation. Not showering is fine, he will get really athletic and become a good person if you sign him up for wrestling, tennis, tae-kwon-do, hockey, etc. and then he will learn to shower. It would also be good to get him a high bed so he has to climb/jump at least 2x daily. When he's playing games it's important he sits. Tell him about how people won't like him in middle school if he doesn't listen to you. If he's too big a piece of shit to change then he deserves the lifetime of suffering that will begin in a couple short years.

Actually, now that I think more about it, your brother's case seems very similar to that of one of my friend's brother: and if my judgement is even half correct, I believe you should contact some form of social services

Ok, now I feel like a fucking idiot for having even tried to help.
Serves me right, I guess?

that would be a scandal in my town, I don't want to cause a fuss I just want peace of mind because I'm a pussy

that's hardcore
but it's not even bad advice so I'm probably gonna consider it

holy shitttt sanguu
dalla parte di Palermo, non specifico di piu'
anyway I think I'll go for a walk with him today and talk to him just to see where that gets us

better off just killing myself and ending MY suffering

whereabouts do you live?
do you have male friends you could introduce him to?
I honestly want to help because I regret not doing it for my nephew. I'm older and wiser now (over 30) but I had to learn for myself by forcing myself to join the army. It was like my subconscious forced me to do it since I grew up with a single mother, and only girls so had no concept what it meant being a man. Is your father a manly man? Mind describing him?

*sits so that he doesn't develop horrible posture. Explain how girls are disgusted by unhealthy boys and how horrible life will turn out if no girls like him during middle school and he ignores them for video games. Tell him games are only really fun when you're a kid and that being healthy matters a lot after you're 14. If he doesn't heed your warnings then he deserves the pain he'll be subjected to.

You really need to sort out his weight before he hits puberty or it will fuck him up for life user, do whatever you have to.

my dad is a pe teacher
my mom is unemployed
I wouldn't describe him as manly, I care so little that I don't know how to describe him
he's hotheaded and only cares for himself
so he's not the best example

yeah that's the main concern
we tried to introduce him to soccer once, bought him all the gear and shit and made him play in a team and he just cried and went home

he doesn't listen to me, I really have to bully him if I want him to do something

See I really fucking envy you because you have a reason, nay!, a duty to better yourself. Make that little faggot exercise with you 3 days a week. Use it as an opportunity to let him talk to you. If he vents his autistic rage to you he'll feel more validated and he'll spazz out less plus you can give him advice. In helping him be less of loser fag you'll get better too. Its a win-win. Invest some time in him. Wouldn't your life have been better if someone invested time in you?

I weighed 400lbs until my Chad older brother held me down and beat my ass. He kept asking if I liked being helpless. And it taught me a valuable lesson about the real world. After that he taught me to lift. I'm still an autist, but I'm confident in my strength and that has made me want to die a fuck of a lot less.

beautiful, this is the best, I'm really gonna try it asap

that's what I wanted to achieve
I'm gonna beat his ass

Oh, so you do actually care about your brother, then? That's a relief!
From some of your previous posts I had came to believe you didn't really gave a shit about him and that had left a sour taste in my mouth: glad I was wrong.
I hope our advices can actually help your little bro.
Oh, and, you're from Palermo? Neat.
I'm from Catania, by the way

Okay, so you want "peace of mind".
Well that's understandable.
At the same time, though, I think you should consider that, if you sincerely, genuinely, truly want to help improve your brother's life, and if your attempts fail, professional help may be your only option. Even if that could, indeed, cause a fuss in your hometown

Show him movies with a fat, bald loser that gets ignored and disrespected by everyone. Explain that real life is harsh and that his life will be horrible if he doesn't take care of himself now. Tell him that his body is an object of other people's experience and that looking like shit makes people want to ignore him and that being fat makes people disgusted by him. During puberty a limited amount of androgens will be released into his system and the more it's diluted by fat the less effect they will have on his features. The more he looks like a little pig with a tiny weiner the less anyone wants to be friends with him.

eh you're wrong lmao
oh no Catania ew :(

>i'm not working out, i'm leveling up
based af

yeah, that's right
I'll try my best and if I fail I'll ask someone for help

post the minecraft memes op
it will help us diagnose him with autism

So you want to help him or do not want to help him?
Please, I don't want to offend you, but reading your posts is starting to confuse me. I don't think I completely get your intentions.
And just to be clear: I'm not exactly from Catania. I'm from a neighbouring city (I'd tell you the name but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't know it)

You're actually right about this one. I remember my older cousin was watching me once and even at 4 or 5 years old I was uncomfortable with all of her friends around.

Oh, and to be even more clear, I'm also the guy that's suggested you to seek professional help, should you alone could not help your brother

I do want to help, but it's more for my personal gain than anything
I want him to live a better life so I can live a better life, I don't want to just see nature take its course until my brother is a old lonely fuck who won't go away from my parents house
I'm not asking for advice because I love him, because I've never really had any relationships with him or my parents
I'm doing this so he won't be an imbarassment to me later on
(comunque scherzo, pero' Palermo e' meglio)

If you're really who you say you are I'll send a fellow neet some money so you can help yourself and your brother

you're too good but thank you, I'd feel really bad accepting your money
and yes I'm really this shitty of a human being lmao

don't give him a hard time 'cause he won't change. It's set in stone how at age 4 how you will act.

who know maybe if you dont abuse him over it he might find nerdy gamer friends at school and be normal.

>he'll get bored of it really soon if it's available without limitations.
I'm at the point where I actually need treatment for my video game addiction and this wasn't the case for me. Though, I did branch out to Jow Forums and Youtube.

i had a brad older brother who would bully the fuck out of me like that and it only made me more shy.

my childhood would have been great if it weren't for him. Also you are

fuck off him honestly, if hes not fucking with you then dont bully him.

>staying home all day smelling like ass, eating shit and playing vidya

sounds like me.

Ok, ok, now I get it.
It's not the most honourable reason, but you're willing to improve someone else's life, so your resolve to help him is still commendable.
Well then, have you had that walk around town with him yet? That one you mentioned some posts ago?
How did it go?

he was out with a friend surprisingly so I didn't want to disturb him today

Do you have a boyfriend? Get him to hang out with your brother.

does he get good grades?

I'm posting on r9k for advice what do you think ;_;

Have him watch shit like my 600 pound life. Sign him up for a super physically taxing sport like football. Figure out how to feed this fucker on your own and make it nutritious and good for him but also taste good. Throw away that fucker's video games all together for a while, make him get outside and play sports. He's really fat, so there's a good chance as he enters his teen years his body takes what's leftover from when you forced him to lose weight and grows up with it. You can build a 6'3 muscle chad if he eats right and works out and starts getting punished for his autist behavior NOW.

wait, correcting myself here
>in shower
>hear him go into his room
>get out of shower and go check up on him
>the fucker is shoving chips into his mouth while watching YouTube gameplays
>"where have you been"
>"I went to church and then the supermarket"

fuck it

he got better grades before, now he's too distracted to do his homework
I have shit grades too because I'm too lazy, depressed and couldn't be fucked to study as hard as my school wants me to but my parents make it really hard on me
and they don't tell shit to my brother
I understand he doesn't have to study the complicated shit I do but COME ON

Actually don't be a dick about it, make it all seem fun and be super supportive. Don't bully him into it, but motivate him to get better.

Well, that's no good.
So, "fuck it"?
Will you try again, some other day?
And you mentioned a friends of his? You could try to convince him to hang out with that friend more often

Sounds like me at age 10, but without the nintendo shirts and screaming. I for one realized that girls exist at around 12 which motivated me to not be a fat ass piece of shit. Still have no friends, but at least I'm fit

I'll try again but I have too much shit to do right now
I just hope he'll listen

Just bully him into it as a last resort, show him 300 pound 25 year olds and tell him thats going to be him if he doesn't stop being a soyboy.

I hope he'll listen too.
Honestly, from what I've gathered from this thread, you seem like a nice woman who was forced to go through some heavy shit she didn't deserve to go through. And I'm truly sorry for that and for your brother.
I wish you the best of luck.
One last thing, though: if you think you'd like to talk some more, from time to time, I'd be more than happy to listen to you (if anything, only to continue to support you helping your little sibling)
What do you say: would you be willing to exchange some contact info?
I repeat: only if you'd like

Please for the sake of god, beat the shit out of him if he doesn't do what you're teaching him. Little brothers learn only the one way

Won't work, to someone his age that's like 600 years away, may as well warn him about the heat death of the universe.

Won't work either, what ten year old cares about girls?

thank you dude, you're pretty cool and I really appreciate your advice
but I don't feel comfortable sharing personal stuff with people I know from Jow Forums
seeing as I'm underage too
really appreciate the thought tho!

my parents beat me up and it worked but it sucked lmao :')

He's ten and already has a neckbeard? Damn dude, this is already beyond a saving point then.
Just save yourself the time and effort and make his peers bully him at school so we can have some fun at his expense.

Move out and forget that these people are your relatives.