This chink bitch rejected me for being asian. SHES FUCKING ASIAN HERSELF WHAT THE FUCK

This chink bitch rejected me for being asian. SHES FUCKING ASIAN HERSELF WHAT THE FUCK

What the fuck is wrong with this world. She barely got to america a few months ago too wtf is wrong

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Girls are attracted to people the same social standing or above.

Improve your social standing.

She wants the BWC, OP. Best bet is for you to become white.

Kill the ugly bitch

keep making them, i'll keep reporting them

I'm shaking rn oregano

You JUST posted this not even 15 minutes ago, dude. Holy shit.

Did she actually say she won't date you because you're Asian?

She said I was a nice guy and a girl would be lucky to have me as a gf, bs

She wants a thicc white cock. Nothing you can do OP.

You cumskins are so fucking disgusting that you can't even get a white girl you have to date a gook lmfao

How does that translate to not dating you for being Asian? Do you really think that's the only reason someone could have to not want you?

If she got approached by a nig or a spic she would have jumped on his dick in 5 seconds. But she gives me bs because she loves foreign cock

How do you know what she would've done? Are you omnipotent?

Let's trade women user, you can white bitches and we can have Asian Women

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Why are Asian girls such sluts these days

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Don't test me thot

Fuck off and kill yourself, I'm not even joking

Find her place and burn it down

Well you see there is your problem. You are retarded.

Im 99% sure she did not reject you solely on the fact that you are Asian or even if that made any difference. I bet you are one weird and creepy motherfucker IRL

The good thing is that hateful and creepy motherfuckers like you are also really stupid and socially clueless so you will never get out of the hole you currently in and instead will just whine and blame it on "spics and niggers" and die a virgin which is great cause if parasites like you procreated then this world would be fucked.

lol homogayfag

Unironically, this. She dodged a bullet.

Get a new one little bitch

Literally all Chinese students stick together, you're just too westernized

Go back to inceltears you fucking normans

Just think, you're even more disgusting than that if even gooks don't want you.

Why do you think I made the thread you idiot cumskin

God damn it we already have one of you racist autists continually reposting threads about being rejected, we don't need a second one.

When did /r9k become the new /pol ? It is one thing to be weird and socially clueless and have social anxiety etc etc, basically a "robot" which I consider myself as well, and a whole different thing to hate niggers, spics, women and basically just blame everyone but yourself.

No matter how hard it gets I refuse to become like you.

I lifted four fucking years for her

You can be lifting your whole fucking life dude, nobody will love you cause you are a disgusting, ugly, hateful little cunt. Go back to pol you degenerate subhuman scum

Tick tock gook boi, why not become a trap?

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Here's wat u do, OP, here's wat u do.. You go BACK to the land of YOUR people, and YOU FIND yourself an EQUAL who is ASIAN just like YOU! Then you will be happy, right? :) Or would you not be happy with those circumstances seeing that you love it here in America where you can peek at our women's asses as they walk down the street in some degenerate yogi bear pants. Work it girl! Work those thunder thighs! Show off that pussy power to all the male population and shit!

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why do all chink girls wear those harry potter glasses now?

K-Pop or some other stupid normie sheeple shit.

Imagine being brainlet enough to give a fuck about race.
All of you will suffer if you keep on this path of "outer form > inner being".

>go back to pol
>you degenerate subhuman scum
In the same sentence as well.

I can't tell anymore if these threads are bait or if OP is genuinely retarded. In the latter case, she did a good thing because you're stupid.