I have an addiction to sissy femdom porn. Pls send help

I have an addiction to sissy femdom porn. Pls send help

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You are beyond any help
Gas yourself

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Is the sissy supposed to be bullying you in all this?

isnt the whole point of sissies that they are undoubtedly submissive in every aspect to you user? how far down into degenerate faggotry are you dude

Get a cage and a dildo already goyim.

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not op but I have owned various stockings and pantyhose (I bought them from adult stores)

I've also purchased several custom audio's of reddit with a dominant female telling me what a sissy I am and I've also used a butt plug and prostate massager.

I now have a gf of 2 years who doesen't know this about me.

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*sends cockcage without key*

That's dumb and unsafe.

It may be hard at first but just stop watching porn for a while. Doesn't have to be forever. 3 months are more than enough to cure your addiction completely. Don't stop masturbating or crossdressing. Just stop using porn for a while. The need for crossdressing and humiliation will probably never stop. It's an uncurable mental illness called transvestic disorder. Just accept it as it is. It could have been much worse.

If you are worried because you don't find any more good femdom sissy porn, I could dump a shitload of it ITT :)

tell her! I told my gf after we haf sex for the first time and she accepted it even though she didn't want to see me in dresses and shit. 1 year later and she told me to buy a maids dress too humiliate me while I do household chores.

It's better to tell her than having big sexual secrets. She will probably accept it. If she doesn't she isn't the right one for u

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I told her I liked to be dominated and she wanted to go to couples therapy :(

Go to couples therapy. Chances are that the therapist tells her to try it :)

Same, for over 5 years now I shit you not. Its a rabbit hole thats difficult to break out of. Currently pic related is helping.

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Help is on the way. Traps will soon be exterminated from this board.

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I wouldn't say that so fast. They're really popular among robots

no, there's just a few fags on a discord or w/e that enjoy raiding Jow Forums for whatever reason with their anime trap tranny bullshit

No, I meant a lot of robots enjoy jerking off to traps

I fell for the meme and it's a hard habit to break. I did a 180 and started trying to be as Chad like as I can after "finding myself again". I remember I broke down crying in the shower because the thought came to mind that I am ruining myself mentally and physically and nobody could ever love a girl(male) and stopped with it all. After that I Bought an old muscle car and started restoring it. So I sink hours and hours and thousands of dollars into that car and feel pride vs when I would sink hours and hours and hundreds into "sissyfication". I'm glad that part of my life is behind me, it will always linger in the back of my mind and maybe result in a shameful fap but I will never fall back as far in as I once did.

Dear lord. This is what fucking happens when these guys tell every single depressed user to become a qt "girl". It's not going to fix every body's problems for fucks sake.

Nofap has breathed new life into me. Just a few days ago, I was addicted to traps, but with my newfound discipline, I have become a god amongst men.
I can feel the fire burning on the tips of my fingers as I type this. I have seen the light, and you will too eventually.

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glad you managed, user.

Yeah this positive reinforcement shit is not the answer. In my case I had low self esteem and hated myself. I also unfortunately had a small thing for crossdressing when I was hitting puberty and I put two and two together and ran with it. I thankfully hid this from everyone else but it caused some deep deep issues. If I didn't figure it out then I'd likely be wearing a dress and makeup to work now. Or unemployed because I couldn't handle it. Regardless If retards online had never told me if I don't transition below 20 I'll never look like a real girl.

Shit wouls have been different in some way. Last part didn't make it in for whatever reason.

If you're not trans then don't try it. If you're fine with it just being a fetish and its doesn't the rest of your life, then that's up to you. Actual trans or non-binary people feel the same the same way you did but in reverse. If the thought of being masculine doesn't induce dysphoria, then don't transition.

not addicted but I like it

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My point is people convince themselves that they hate masculinity so they can confirm to themselves "yep I'm trans alright"

There is no such thing as "actual trans", they're all just dudes with a fetish that got out of hand.

That's because society has stupid, harmful and unrealistic expectations of what a "man" should be.

Not discussing it, science is on my side.

well gender dysphoria is a thing and people are killing themselves because of it, it's like claiming 'depression isn't real you're just sad lol get over it'

just become the sissy bitch you know you want to be

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People kill themselves long after transitioning. It's that same breakdown I had that kills them but it's far too late.

pretty sure the suicide rate for all trans people is pretty stable across all stages, i.e. it doesn't really matter if you are on hrt or pre/post OP. Although I'm pretty sure that what we call trans nowadays aren't people with GD anymore but simply confused young men. There's many more men that try to be a female than there are women trying to become male.

It has already started user.

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>Stable across all stages

Let's suppose that's true. Then it means that "transitioning" doesn't actually help. I'm guessing the suicide rate is higher post-op in reality.

What science is that? Johns Hopkins was the first to perform SRS surgeries. They ended up stopping because they found no improvement in the patient's condition, in fact they found it was overall negative.

They later found that it is improving their lives now and the cause of the suicide rate remaining the same in 80's and 90's was discrimination and alienation.

Hey my post made it in the screen! Neat.

No they didn't. And trannies commit suicide at a rate of 40%. This remains true whether or not people around then accept their fetish. You also don't see a suicide rate that is anywhere near that high in any other group.

Bollocks. Its higher in people who don't transition. And they have a high suicide rate because of abuse and denial of their condition by right wing idiots.

Sure, blame the people who just want them to become functioning members of society rather than the people who promote transitioning as an easy get-out-of-jail-free card for life.
It's people like you who are deceiving these lost souls, it's people like you who are promoting them to mutilate themselves in a futile attempt to look like what they are not, it's people like you who drive up trans suicide rates.
You people make me sick.

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They are functioning members of society you cunt. You know what, what do you that's so fucking important? Why do you give a shit what they look like? Why do you have to go around making other people's lives a misery? Fuck off.

Do you think drugged up men in drag are functioning members of society?
Do you think taking 2-3 hours off your life each day to dilate is productive and not degrading?
Do you think turning them into victims of your sick fetish for nothing but your personal pleasure will help them?
If you answered yes for any of those questions, fuck off.
Why do you give a shit about what they look like? You're the one trying to force the sexually confused into dressing up as women, making them miserable and even more depressed.

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boom. Trannyfag BTFO


You'd have a better chance of completing your nofap goals if you had an owner to lock your dicklet in a chastity cage.

I feel ya OP just watch some alpha hypno on pornhub

Other people are scary though

Faggot, the point of nofap is to improve your masculinity through strength and willpower. Chastity cages symbolise gluttony and weakness, it is the epitome of emasculation.

>tfw tiny dick
>tfw hate reading shit like this
kill yourselves

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wittle boi clit

You're bigger than the size of your dick. Don't stoop so low.

I just don't understand the concept of fetishizing being genetically inferior. Literally had a girl unironically ask me if I was in yet. The genetic lotto is bullshit

Is that what he's doing? By using an "app" to track all of the times he jerks on his dicklet, he's mproving his masculinity? Lmao.

Many little boys have the fantasy that they can will themselves to become an alpha. No amount of pretending can change your nature.

Give up, stop suffering, and get a mommy or a daddy to lock that cocklet away forever.

Keeping track of what you're doing is a sign of discipline and strength, something you trannies will never understand.
While I walk the path of the enlightened, you'll be rotting, rotting in your degenerate bubble, waiting for the day it pops.

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This is the future of every "male" on this board.


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no fap is literally cucking yourself

you're just cringey

nou cunt

>no fap is literally cucking yourself
it literally isn't.

yeah it literally is

Excellent, user. Well done.

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no, because it literally isn't

but it literally is

How is it not? You're denying yourself sexual gratification

No, it gives you motivation to find sexual gratification elsewhere.
Wanking off to a girl getting fucked by another guy, now that is an example of being a literal cuck.

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You're still a cuck. Says a lot by you even posting in this thread

>No, it gives you motivation to find sexual gratification elsewhere.
sexual gratification comes from the dick retard, nowhere else

you sound like a cuck who gets ""sexual gratification"" from watching his wife be pummeled

>not masturbating to a girl getting fucked by another man is cuckoldry

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never see Chad have to do "nofap", sounds like a sissy bitch hobby

really makes me think

Chad gets enough pussy to relieve the need to masturbate.

Keep going mate you'll make it. Consider lifting

try that instead of *checks thread subject* recovering from a sissy femdom fetish through self-inflicted orgasm denial ?

Suffering sustains strength.
Enjoying getting cucked as a sissy is not the same as building up self-discipline and willpower.

Stop bitching, robots, you're just saying "no u" in creative ways

kill yourself too

Read this if you haven't already. I assure you if you're not on the far end you'll stop

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So you're a masochist and a cuck?

>Literally had a girl unironically ask me if I was in yet

This is the best bone chilling sentence there is. Nothing else will top it

Please do not post pictures of that goblin here ever again.

you're wearing a mental chastity cage instead of a metal one, good job sissy



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No, because watching pornography makes you a cuckold, not watching pornography does not make you a cuckold. You are arguing in favour of getting cucked through pornography addiction.

Don't wanna watch porn? Convert to Mormonism!

>jerking my dick to pictures of stacy's tits and pussy that she sent me on snapchat makes me a cuckold

nice one faggot

>literally wanking off to another man fucking the woman you fetishise does not make you a cuck
nice one faggot

He should have posted this here rather than on Jow Forums.

it sounds like you have a personal problem with watching cuckold pornography

i'd suggest seeing if masturbating to women helps your sissy issues

Pornography consumption itself is a form of cuckoldry. Deny it all you want, but at the end of the day, you're just sitting in the corner, wanking off to another man shagging another woman, the definition of cuckoldry.

I lied and told her I was having trouble getting it up. I left soon after. Thank god it was dark and she couldn't see it.

Denying yourself sexual pleasure even through abstinence is cuckoldry. Stop trying to act all superior.

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>actively trying to get laid is now more cucked than jacking off to a woman getting fucked by another man.
So much jewry in one post.

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god damn that is some cuckold projection

if all you know about porn is just videos of women getting nailed by dudes, you should stop jerking off to cuck porn and try non-cuck porn on for size

you're too addicted to men's cocks to even think about tits & ass

>god damn this is some cuckold projection
>you're too addicted to men's cocks
Nice projection faggot, I see that hypocrisy has never died.

look out, it's porn

if i rub my little weewee off to this i'm getting cuckolded

better login to the nofap app and start marking off days

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Is POV porn cuckoldry?

Yes, you are masturbating to a woman who is getting fucked by another man, and not you.

damn this guy's so far gone he's hallucinating that cocks are fucking that cunny

shit's sad

I haven't mentioned cocks in any of my posts, how hard are you trying to project right now?

don't look my son, this woman is being fucked by another man, it'll make you a cuckold

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>getting fucked by another man

cuckold porn itt

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>he posts a pic of a single female to represent all of pornography.
Nice one faggot.

>every male around me is a literal walking cock
And you say that I'm obsessed with cocks?