Fembot and robot over 30s thread

Any other fembots or robots in their 30s here?

I'm 32 and I'm dating a girl a few years younger but still mid 20s. It's depressing to me to see so many beautiful girls in their teens and early 20s.

Sometimes I think the memes about women going to shit after 26 are true.

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37, only ever had interest in older women, my little sister was born '90, I always had to change her diarrhea filled diapers and wipe puke off her face, whenever I see women her age the smell of baby powder, shit and vomit hits me.

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33 here. I've never really had tfwnogf/bf luckily because as an outside observer, that shit is completely fucked from the beginning to the end. Autism works in surprising ways I guess.

Do you have real, diagnosed autism? What's it like to live with as an adult. How's your interactions with others?

In order:
Yes, I am aspie.
I don't have a frame of reference to personally compare it to so I dunno but I kinda like it in some ways sometimes.
Basically nonexistent except occasionally online.

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How do you support yourself though, most people are more or less forced to interact with others through their jobs. Parents, neetbux?

I stay with a relative and a friend and I sell some things online sometimes for money. I need neetbux but it seems impossible. I'm in the US. I'm povertyfag but getting help seems impossible like I said so it is what it is.

37 here. Life's ok I suppose. Ihave a job and a place to live. Currently spending a lot of time bodyboarding, wish I had have started years ago. I assume I'll have to commit suicide at some point in the future.

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>late 20s early 30s fembot gf
That would be so cool. No way they'd date early 20s guys though, if anyone.

>tfw no 30s autist gril to be my autistic not-gf-but-really-gf gf

Fembots in their 30s don't exist. And if they do they're awkward virgins way past the point of it being considered "cute".

That's kind of the point. Most of them are raspy hags or just plain looking with more fat. You only just realise that now?

>plain looking
but I can be into that. I like raspy and plain.

Actually a lot of the younger girls here are hot.

30 here, have no problem with younger girls, dating an 18 year old, 24 year old, and a 29 year old. I have a type and I found three of them. I might pursue the 24 year old.

They're not really fembots and they're the reason so many people here think fembots just don't exist.

Some fembots in their 30s are complete sluts though.

27 year old femanon here
Im dating a 20 year old and it's great

Dont give up

You are such fucking trash honestly. You have no respect for men.

Lol he can't please you in the long run.

Those 'fembots' are basically anons with faggy behaviour and take offense of anything mentioning bad things about women. No point of having that tag if user is a shorten version of anonymous.
>bbut the demographic is mostly white 20 year old males
Doesn't stop niggers from posting shitty memes, mutts self loathing themselves or traps trolling /lgbt/.

Tfw 30 yo fembot still living with my dad who stopped putting the moves on me ten years ago.

>robot over 30s
no such thing. you become wizard after a while. and wizards have their own chan. gfto.

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I'm a 41 year old guy. I see a fair number of ladies in my general age group who are still quite attractive, literally all of whom have some kind of gigantic, garish diamond wedding ring on. Once I noticed the pattern I started looking, and I have yet to see any lady anywhere close to my age who is anywhere close to attractive who doesn't. Of course, they're also a minority and thus pretty easy to spot.

Otherwise, I also live near a college town and it's pure fucking torture. I don't even want to date anyone that young, but holy shit the attractiveness disparity is almost vast enough that they could be a completely different species altogether. I'm not bad looking, have a decent job, my shit together, etc, but there is clearly no hope whatsoever.