I'm a black femanon and I'm a virgin. I grew up in an urban area and people were having sex since middle school. I am 20 and I'm worried that I'll never find a guy who isn't a manwhore and will date me properly. Everyone expects sex and doesn't date. What should I do?
I'm a black femanon and I'm a virgin. I grew up in an urban area and people were having sex since middle school...
girl im in college same situation. i can only say no so many times
Go be a jehovah witness, those guys are total squares. But no, you won't do that because they are too boring and you will fuck a gang banging baller instead.
I can't because I'm interested in the occult and gnosticism.
roastie plz go, there are other places for you to whine about your vaginal problems
Submit to the ghetto nigging. Bend over and let a trap rapper fuck you until he's ready to cum on your face.
Just wait and fuck someone you care about. Simple. What's the issue?
drop that gay as shit then. You act like a fucking witch in swamp somewhere and you wonder why decent guys don't want to fuck you. Who raised you motherfuckas?
You seem right up my ally for stimulating conversation. Keep being you, I've found normies are opening up more and more to occult conversation in the last 5 years.
In fact, 2 of my subordinates have brought up Gnosticism unprompted in conversation.
FYI your first time will always suck, even if it's with "the one", but that doesn't mean you should give it up to any tom , dick, and harry along the way.
Focus on yourself, don't get dragged down by losers who just want to fuck you. Get yourself out of there and start meeting a better class of man.
You're probably fat.
Lose the weight, calories in
You don't often find a Nubian on this board, I am surprised since I've often felt that black women who dodge ghetto culture may feel equally alienated as disillusioned young men (losers).
How did you find this place young lady?
You're black and into occult shit? I'm a 20yo white non-manwhore in college for a STEM career and I'd date you. I'm not exactly handsome or Jow Forums, though, so you'd probably turn me down.
Oh well. Keep your head up, I'm sure someone will come by eventually. Statistically it's bound to happen.
then date ME you stupid fucking whore
I found it through Reddit.
I may be a outlier loser :/
Post contact , such as discord or kik
Otherwise this thread is a meme
Anyone into occultism like you and I are outliers. I've managed to find a handful of gfs and had relationships of varying intensity and length. Maybe it's something to do with your appearance? Are you incredibly short/tall, obese, or just have the face of a bog troll?
Im not ugly, im just socially retarded
female listen
I am a 6'2 strong mma fighter eastern european male
You will feel protected by me as other males fear and respect me
I am an alpha warrior, so you should be the bearer of my seed ok?
I want you to give me SEXUAL PASSION
let's contact eachother
I want to enjoy sexual and passionate experiences with you
if you dont respond agreeably to this offer you're a filthy fucking whore stacey black nigger cunt like ALL THE OTHERS who pretend likes theyre ROBOTS HERE
Ah, reddit. Bridging gaps and all that.
Well, on the upside having a vagina means you'll never completely fail at life. Chin up buttercup, there'll always be someone to support you as long as you can stomach how gross they are.
no I would only have sex with a bf who is husband material desu
>eastern european male
say it to my originally slavic face
>no I would only have sex with a bf who is husband material desu
This is basically me, I wouldn't want to have sex with anyone I couldn't love beyond a physical level.
calm down Vasilij.
Me too. I can't talk to even my friends without saying some retarded shit. Are you also a shut-in?
Does it make me a female if I want the same for women?
im 21,white male,virgin.currently learning computer science in hungary.i would like to get to know you and not just for sex if you are interested.
here's my discord: