How the fuck do you deal with normies?

How the fuck do you deal with normies?

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idk how do people deal with you?

Normies are overwhelmingly influenced by literally every piece of shit article the media spews out. The ones I know are pretty much liberal but not the kind you could tell by looking at and they consider shit l like the New York Times "high-brow" and pretty much all normies are insufferable if you don't buy into their notions about life and the need to work 9-5 til you're 70, etc. How do you deal with these people?

I don't. I go out of my way to avoid any sort of interaction with them.

Pretend you listen to the migos, hate trump, and talk about the NBA/NFL finals.

What's the migos? Also I haven't watched a game of sports in like 10 years. I was watching soe video online in Asia and the comments are all "south korea is so racist against blacks they should be more accepting of them! More black immigrants would be great for Asia" and shit like that. They are overwhelmingly liberal.

What do you do?

Pretend. Pretend really hard.

In my case I just don't give a fuck. If you are willing to die alone then the way to deal with normies is to simply be yourself and see who sticks around. I've gained a few normie friends like this but they know not to invite me when girls are involved because I'm a shameless creeper.

I don't, I use online shopping and haven't gone outside in years. I assume not much has changed outside.

Keep your distance from them.

Put on earphones, walk slouched

They leave you alone.

What do you mean ? Like how do you even interact with normies?

I'm so sick of hearing this coworker where I'm forced to work rattle on about how his $200 Bitcoin investment is "crashing" despite him knowing nothing at all about the space. Meanwhile I have $60,000 in Bitcoin still and cashed out $200,000 at the start of the year.

But I can't fucking say a word because then they'll think I'm rich enough to start paying for their shit or get me fired like at my last job. My last job I bragged about turning $3,000 into over $300,000 at that time and I ended up fired probably because of that. If it's not that, they talk about how The Atlantic, Slate, and other shit is so great and how bad Trump is and I just sit quietly. But then they go out to eat and I'm alone and I wonder why the fuck nobody ever invites me to eat with them. But then when I do eat with them I'm constantly holding myself back from "one-upping" them while they whine and whine about money problems or their new travel plans when I've been to every inch of the country they're visiting and could talk for hours about it. Then I go online and watch a video and the entire comment section is about how there needs to be more black people in the South Korean media and other retarded shit. Then I hear people in Korea who have been here for 5+ years and don't speak a word of it whine about how Korea is "so homophobic and should enter the 21st century socially" or some shit.

I WANT OUT. I want to own a fucking gun and meet other NEETs who are "rich and bored" and play vidya all day and eat chicken and aren't consumed with shitty fucking media.

They're all over the Internet too these days. Everywhere I look or read it's more media-controlled shit, propoganda headlines, and an army of "progressive" people agreeing with them.

I am working some job for some reason and have to see them every day.

I don't
>Problem solved

Where would one go to find someone else who enjoys the REKT threads on /gif/? The kind of person who enjoys getting comfy with a bucket of chicken and just lurking those threads for hours on a good night.

Glad other people understand. It feels like no one gets what its like to be caged in your everyday life

Hide their threads. Not much else you can do.

Chances are you're as much of a normie as they are.

I doubt it. I'm not nearly as good at "pretending" to care about this kind of thing as I thought I would be.

Have you ever had a gf or friends? Or any romantic interaction with a woman? If so you're a normie. Liking anime and vidya doesn't make you a robot.

I understand completely.

original comenttt

I know that. It still fucking sucks to have to live like this. I know I wouldn't really qualify as a robot and should probably get the fuck out but you gotta believe me. I'm different from them. it's like there's a wall between me and them that I can't cross through.

The fact that you have had a gf and/or friends is proof that that is not entirely true. You might not fit in with most average people, but you still have your niche so to speak.

I would not say I've ever really had friends but I convinced some asian girl in a foreign country to date me by learning her language once. But she was abusive and 17 years older than me and it messed me up and that's about the only interaction I've had. There is no fucking niche for me to speak of or people to talk to in my life. I still wouldn't call myself a robot though, I know that. But I'm not the opposite either.

Well lad if it's any consolation, I think you are one of the good ones and I have no problem with you being here.

Woah you're like me but more. I've got a little less money, not from Bitcoin. I'm working a job now for god knows what reason, I've been there a week and I already want to quit. I just want to spend my life reading, lifting and occasionally seeing the (few) people that I actually like

I need to exercise more, but I can relate to this. Thanks. I always feel like I want to quit. I'm starting to realize that feeling might never go away in my life so long as I'm working..because the feeling seems to follow me to every job I have. Is there anything we can do?

Fuck, same. Every job feels the fucking same, it's the same shit, the same boring and annoying characters, the same story, just a different backdrop. I want to be self-employed somehow, maybe run my own business. Every passing day that feels more like a pipe dream. I'm too young to be this jaded, but I don't know, I can't help but feel like life is kind of passing me by already.

I only lift because I like it as escapism btw, I'm not the type who firmly advocates that exercise is a panacea for all concerns. Can be helpful though. Idk. I just wanna lift in peace, it feels like it's the only thing I enjoy.

This is how: stop playing their games. THAT leads to a situation where Chad is giving up on trying to sell you things that you ain't buying.

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I used to play piano all day to relax if I was upset. Anyway I don't know what else to say, since I've thought about the same things you said. I would like nothing more than to be able to work from home or be self-employed at least. I feel like I'm wasting away my 20s but I also keep saving money obsessively and hoping my remaining investments will somehow become enough to leave. At the very least I was hoping to one day have enough to only have to work part time optionally, for spending money or something, and be NEET the rest of the time. I daydream about this pretty much all day at this point.

When I give up they just ignore me for a while, don't invite me to anything, eventually stop even greeting me at all, and then I find out a few months later I'm being fired for "undisclosed reasons" or something. That's what actually happens.

Fuck. I honestly day dream at work, doing the sums in my head... If I work this many hours today, multiplied by rate of pay, minus lunch break, multiplied by 6 months, adding in stockmarket increases that I'm hoping for... I'm nt even sure when I'll have enough, maybe I'll never feel secure and I'll be on this hamster wheel forever. Feel like I'm mortgaging my youth. I can't go on like this for the rest of my life. Piano is cool, I played heaps when I was a kid, now when I go back to it I just feel painfully aware of the time and talent that I've wasted. What can people like us do? Maybe I can buy a place in the sticks and set myself up with a home gym, but I'm paralysed with fear- if I do that and I'm still unhappy, then I know that it's over for me. How far away from NEETdom do you reckon you are?

I do that but then I realize whenever I quit I feel like I've wasted my effort and the time when I was a student but I still feel like that at this job now. I had about $260,000 but I've lost nearly $100,000 of that recently with crypto and own a small house in South Korea that I live out of, but I'm not Korean. I'm worried about taxes taking a big chunk of that though. My daydreams are filled with regret for not cashing out more of my crypto a few months ago but I can't bring myself to get out because I just keep thinking that if it all just goes back up close to the "all-time high" it was at before just 1 more time, even if it takes a few years, I'll be able to cash out over $320,000 or so, which realistically could last me 10 years at about $2600 a month or at the very least long enough to comfortably figure out what kind of work I would enjoy doing with my life without having to get up early and go work for somebody else's company like I do now. $300,000 didn't seem like enough when I could have had it but now I'd give anything to have it back. I'd give up having any luxuries like a nice house for the chance to not have to work without feeling guilty even if it means I'd be lower middle class forever or something.

You dont have to deal with them if you are a lowly peasant wage slave working all day. They see you as a thing or subhuman and you must reply in learned way so you are dehumanized. After work its too late and you go home. If you are in most of these low jobs you are not really interacting with normies because there is no interaction. Just look at them as scripted NPCs that has different types. One is angry type, other is confident type, one is pleasant type. You wont care if they are NPCs. They almost always follow few types and you can train yourself to see them that way. Life is so much easier when you dont interact with normalfags. Interaction is only real if you are speaking to a human anyway.

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Damn, that must hurt you man. I hope all your cryptos go to the moon and you can retire and play piano all day or do whatever you want to do. Save yourself man, one of us has to make it

I hope you make it too man I really do. Thank you

I don't.
Fuck everyone.

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I want this confident user to fuck my boipucci.

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The question is not how to deal with normies
The question is how to use them

Can you fuck me instead?

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Only if your boipucci is clean.

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It's not very clean... I leak a bit.
Can you kill me instead, kind user?

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anime posters need to be gassed fucking subhumans

Clean your pucci user.

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anime website
please kill yourself of Jow Forums.

I do, it just gets dirty fast because I am sick.

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I don't. Makes life a lot easier. Just give up on humanity.

Hell is forever!
Degenerates like you should go back to your containment board

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Just go into any highly active thread right now and get all the practice you need.