Tfw can't wait for parents/family members to die so I can let go of the anxiety and shitty memories they left from abuse

>tfw can't wait for parents/family members to die so I can let go of the anxiety and shitty memories they left from abuse

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>tfw won't kms until they die

>tfw it could take until I'm 50 for them to die

I thought you were gonna end with "to kill myself" and I was getting ready to insult you.
Fuck off.

can't keep blaming our parents forever, maybe they blame theirs too

for what reason do you have this anger user please explain in detail

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Because it's a terrible excuse I see WAY too often and it pisses me off.

abusers were always abused, that's not how it works

Love that pic, pretty surreal that moments later her head was exploded into 1000 bits.

that's not enough detail user.
what is it an excuse for? please explain.

What makes you think that it's not just a roastie posing for instagram likes?

Nah she stood up

If you were truly suicidal you wouldn't care about your family's reaction, you just want to jump on the hip suicide is so cool bandwagon and I hate my parents.

but if, hypothetically, the only thing i have to live for is my parents and i don't want to live if they're not alive, why is it a problem for me to kms after they die? hypothetically. Seems pretty simple to me.

>thinking the memories will pass when they do
>those memories will live on as long as you friendo

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>he hasn't seen the pictures of her body

what's up with people saying shit like
>tfw can't kms because parents
why the hell does that stop you?
and no don't fucking say "b-because i'll feel bad". that's a really stupid reason.

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The girl participated in internet craze known as blue whale challenge. On the 50th day the task she need to do is to kill herself. Aaand she did it, I even saw a pic of her after the train cutted off her head

>b-because I'll feel bad
Nigga ya don't feel ANYTHING when you're dead. Problem solved

>thousand bits
>because decapitated
Learn to count. She was in two pieces.

Idiot newfaggots.

Not OP, but if your family members constantly bother you, or it's possible that they will, then like a killer that killed your child, you don't get closure until they are away for good.

Even if you move away, they have your SSN, they can frame you for things, you cannot rest until they're dead really.

You're being presumptuous.

Enlighten me then. user

did she really kill herself
plz let me know

She should have met Shuaiby.

Yep, about a year ago