Is there a surgery to get rid of the "meat flaps" on my vagina? I would be a 10/10 if it wasn't for that. I already had laser treatment to get rid of my unibrow and I wear contacts instead of glasses. It seems like everything is treatable nowadays except the genitals
Is there a surgery to get rid of the "meat flaps" on my vagina? I would be a 10/10 if it wasn't for that...
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This has to be bait. Your vulva is fine, don't go mutilating it.
Pleasepleaseplease do not mutilate your pussy.
I think there is, don't let the people on this board drag you down tho.
Please, user.
It exists and its called labiaplasty go check it on google
Contact my dad. He is a plastic surgeon
Plastic surgeon here. Please post pics so I can determine if you would be a good candidate for labiaplasty.
Just use a pair of scissors you fucking coward
Yep labiaplasty
would suck if it went wrong
Beauty being an option like with cars is a part of what makes women irrespectable.
Dude, nobody normal gives a shit about this unless it's like insane.
Don't mutilate yourself because a bunch of virgin autists on an Australian snorkeling board said you should.
its hilarious how roasties define themselves as only a hole.
you cunts never improve your personalities or intelligence or make yourself interesting.
your existence is being a cum dumpster.
>its hilarious how roasties define themselves as only a hole.
i think you're confusing roasties with men
I thought it was a good idea to recircumise my penis, becauce of skin bridges.
Doctor fucked up my dick so bad my gf of 3 years left me. Every girl after was to grossed to even want to have sex after seeing it.
In other words, if you're prepared to let someone potentially fuck up your entire sex life, go for it.
Otherwise I doubt any dude gives a shit.
They especially won't care since they're going to be fucking it.
yup, friend of mine got it done, covered my insurance too, if it bothers you fix it.
People talk about their genitals, retard
>when you can literally SMELL the 30 years of virginity across the internet
Good post my dude
Roast detected. Fuck off.
It's a very unpleasant and pointless procedure. If you think it's having a real impact on your mental health and lifestyle (too self conscious to have relationships etc) then yeah it's an option for you, but realise plenty of dudes really don't give a shit despite what you see on here.
It makes me feel embarassed for them, how easy it is to determine their gender.
>literally SMELL
>oh yeah, well you're a virgin! Loser!
Don't they feel ashamed of showing their total lack of intelligence or ability to ignore something they don't like? At the very least, not lashing out with the most infantile things they could possibly say here, on Jow Forums?
If you apologize I'll post my tits for you on /soc/ and I'll write anything you want on them
We will always tell that you got it done. Don't deceive us.
Do you also think that every thread about dick size is full of men who define themselves as only a penis?
If I had a girlfriend with extreme meat flaps, I would definitely pressure her into getting the surgery done.
Then I'd break up with her like a year later.
I wouldn't break up immediately because she might attempt to sue me for 'forcing' her to get the surgery done, and i can't be sure that the SJW court wouldn't be on her side
Im sorry..
type "roastie" in mammaries please femanon
>would be 10/10
are you saying it's one of the things that are always visible and determine your overall first impression value?
can we have your facebook to confirm that?
not her, but imagine you see a thin, attractive woman with a beautiful face. then after a few dates, you get to see her naked, and she has a lot of scars on her thighs from cutting herself, and maybe a nipple piercing and a few tattoos on her stomach.
is she still a 10/10 just because you don't see these things at first?
by your logic, a woman can be become more attractive by padding her bra
Damn dude you're desperate as fuck. No wonder women are winning, when betas like you exist
Yes, there is indeed a way. You must get fucked by a robot. I can perform the procedure for a mere $20. A bargain, I'd say.
FWIW one of my sister's friends just got a labiaplasty done like two weeks ago. My sister saw it before and after and she said it was a huge improvement.
Post your poon and we'll give you honest feedback
exactly that happened to me.
>Meet girl, qt perfect girl.
>got her naked.
>tatoos on the outside of the tight and in the back.
>Scars from cutting herself in the inner tights.
>Still a 10/10
roasties gtfo and stop filling your fellow roastie cunt's head with lies.
No because FGM is illegal.
If you aren't 10/10 because of your vagina then you're probably lying. Nobody looks at you and sees your meat flaps first unless you walk around naked everywhere. Just find someone that likes your meat flaps and date them.
Let them flap free user
fgm removes the clitoris retard
Not necessarily. Cutting of pieces of the labia would constitute mutilation. Theres even a (comparatively) mild form of FGM in which they basically just poke the clitoris with a heated needle.
>If you aren't 10/10 because of your vagina then you're probably lying.
>Nobody looks at you and sees your meat flaps first unless you walk around naked everywhere
Nobody looks at a woman's naked breasts either unless she walks around naked everywhere, and yet a woman's hanging saggy breasts make her less than a 10/10
What's so hard to understand about a 10/10 being perfect on her whole body? You can't say "well that lady looks good during the winter because she's wearing so much thick clothing that you can't see her obese belly, therefore she's a 10/10"