/uni/ general

who /finished paper/ here?
>tfw sleep schedule is fucked, waking up at 11pm
>tfw comfy af, just finished up typing an assignment
>tfw birds are chirping happily

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I graduated with a 2.3 GPA, my degree is worthless.

>mfw my parents want me to get a doctorate and will be severely disappointing if I don't
>mfw I also have to commute and as of a result of this will get no experience in people skills

>mfw I have no face

>24 days to write 12k
>Still unable to bring myself to start

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>my parents want

How to ruin your life in one simple rule.

>finished everything except final paper
>didn't want to write 5k words
>dropped out and been a NEET for 2 years now

Meh. Why even make us write that shit?

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>3 Group projects due within the month

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>went to local top-tier community college that every college in the state accepts transfer credits
>took some generals, went to 4 year
>got to 4 year, classes are shit, made me take more generals for the degree
>professors are all meme level horrible, learn nothing, just spew politics and read from textbook
>depression ensues, fail horribly, but stay in until kicked out
>end up back at based community tech college studying IT, couldn't be happier
>program has guaranteed internships with big area companies
>starting pay is same with associates as a bachelor degree

Why exactly I even went to the 4 year for some stupid shit I don't even know. Great way to waste a lot of time and money, but at least I can tell you in Chinese that I wasted my time and wanted to die.

I really enjoyed "CC" different in Australia I Did IT as well. Then after I graduated I wasted so much time and didn't get a job and fucked around now I'm at uni doing IT I got a bunch of credits.

I can't even be bothered in arguing with them, I don't even know what I want to do with my life so fuck it, I just hope I can meet a nice qt

>joined 4 clubs
>still no friends a year later
Well fuck

>engineering internship semester
>have 2 normie lab partners that cheated their way to 6th semester and all they do is play counter strike all day or bully me
>everyone knows they don't work but no one gives a shit
>one of my bullies I considererd my friend (knew him since high school) but since he has a better relati onship with that other guy he started to be mean to me and is no longer my friend
>recently they decided to make their own start up and they get alot of support

Fucking sociopaths always win.
Please help me before I turn insane. It's not fucking fair.

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The Tech College I am at now does a much better job at actually teaching real world IT skills versus the "Information Systems" meme degree that was a shit mixture of watered down IT courses and business classes that would be of no use. They made me take fucking Managerial Accounting and Economics, and an Applied Calculus course.

What fucking company in their right mind lets their IT team make high level accounting decisions or invest/comment on the state of markets, or requires them to differentiate complex business math models?

You know what you need to do user...

and this is very original as you can see

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about 8 days to write almost my entire masters thesis
how fucked am i?

You're meant to write it as you go, dude.

lel you fucking loser no one likes you LITERALLY

Hand them over a gun to end my misery?

My friends wrote most of his in like 2 days (history).
If you have sources and literature at hand you should be fine.

how long is it?
yeah but no one here does that

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>yeah but no one here does that
Where is here? If you mean Jow Forums, that's not a good model for behaviour.

no no no user, you know what you need to do

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i'm well aware but that doesnt really help me now my man
okay that's not too bad
mine is mathematics so typesetting the equations takes a bit longer but hopefully ive got enough papers and stuff ready to manage it
the guidline is about 35 pages

Just stopping by to let you know that it doesn't get better when you graduate.

t. graduated 2 months ago

you are not completely fucked yet but rapidly nearing the point of being fucked. At this point it'll still bill insanely stressful to get it done to top grade standard.

i hear the first 6-12 months after graduating are the worst part, then it starts getting better after that

how did you get a job? haven't gotten an internshit yet or research. hell i haven't even been able to get hired at a place like mcdicks.
>inb4 hygiene

>At this point it'll still bill insanely stressful to get it done to top grade standard.
luckily i gave up any hope of top grade standard anything in my degree a long time ago
i should probably get cracking on this though

What doesn't get better?

I thought Uni was the reason I was so fucking miserable for 4 years. The isolation, repetitive bullshit, dealing with cunts trying to fuck me over on group work, exam stress etc. Turns out, nope, still just as miserable after graduation.
I'll be honest, I'm well off for the region I live in and haven't bothered looking yet.

Get your retribution user.
Normies are weak and cowardly, they are just tools for the sociopaths, realize that they hold no true allegiance to each other and are ready to backstab each other for small gains. Utilize this, make them slit each other's throats.

Collect evidence and report them to the University. If the Uni does nothing, don't place their name on whatever report you're working on. I've had to report at least 3-4 groups for inactivity, though my shitty Uni had 2 group projects per semester, every semester.

This is a good way to be hated by almost everyone on your course

>caring about being hated by normiescum

And the alternative is? Getting shafted by absolute cunts? I don't think so. I sucked it up once or twice thinking it was gonna be an isolated incident and it wasn't. Stopped giving a shit in the second year and just reported them. Of course I would ask them nicely before hand to please contribute but the sheer number of people that think they can just get away with doing nothing is too much.

I shouldn' have went to college, I'm probably to pick up a more manual trade, at least I'll do something useful with my hand
Fortunatly college does put you in debt in my country compared to the US system

Who else /lawschool/ here ? I actually like this school and it's free but I've been here for 2 years without talking to any of my peers.

I've been finishing up two today, I've still got two to do in the next week & a half and research proposal to put together after that.

My sleeping patterns are completely fucked and because I'm in the UK I've missed half of the semester because my lecturers have been on strike, my diet has gone to shit and I'm existing on peanut butter sandwiches so I'm getting tubby and intermittently napping throughout the day and feeling half awake the rest of the time

Cmon just 2k words a day.

He only has to write 500 words a day, which is absolutely nothing.

is it really 500 a day? I know it'll be OK if I start now but I just can't, brain feels like it's made of plasticine

i have two weeks for spring break and i want to keep busy. what are some things i could work on to help fellow /uni/bots? career guides, etc

t. accounting major


Fucking group projects man

Is there somebody here with good study habits who can tell me how they do it?

I always just cram the night before and still get good grades but this habit of mine is starting to get harder and harder to deal with as my classes become more intensive. I also have to start studying for major board exams but I'm just shit at getting myself to prepare in dedicated intervals of time.

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>uni has a big co-op program, it's like their gimmick
>co-ops are competitive as fuck, scheduled to do first one second half of next year
>no idea what to apply for
>very little work/internship/relevant field experience
>3.2 GPA because I burned out hard in high school
Is this the end of me? Am I going to be in the 2% of students who don't do a co-op?

To all the negroes who have a huge amount to write in a very short time:

Why not just buy essays? When I was forced to take worthless subjects for my accounting degree, you think I let those waste my time? I just found a credible business, ignored the worthless classes and concentrated on accounting.


>3 months into gf and I still haven't spilled my spaghetti
>have managed to function normally in social situations with her friends
>managing to find time for her while keeping on top of grades, work and other obligations
I'm becoming more normal by the day, I'm excited by how far I've come but also a little scared. When I promised myself this would be my semester, I didn't think it really would be.

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16.5 pages left for my thesis about a topic i dont care about for a degree i dont care about just so i can be unemployed. Life is a meme. Maybe I'll try again.

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I would go into trades but im clumsy as fuck and poorly coordinated so i would probably get badly injured early on.

>been working on a research project the entirety of this semester
>research instructor ask me to write a grant proposal so this summer and in the fall we can do the wet lab stuff
>this will very likely turn into a publication
Things are finally looking up lads.

what's your research about user?

After I failed my entire second semester, I finally visited lectures again and start learning for my exams I have and the ones I must repeat (I have 2 months and 27 days until the first exam, I start learning today).
Wish me luck bros.

>can't divide 12000 by 24
>thinks he is gonna make it

>want to go to university to learn about various things
>don't want to be in debt for the rest of my life
sad feels

>community college
>want to get an MD

i'm gonna be a nurse
aint that right boys

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Is this bait? You don't need an MD to be a nurse. You need it to be a physician.

He's saying he'll fail and end up a nurse

Even if that's the case, you need to be in a nursing program to be a nurse. Pre-med courses don't satisfy the requisites of a nursing degree.
Also being in community college won't make it that much more difficult for you to get into medical school. The only problem is lack of opportunities at a community college like research which can hurt your application, but if you do other things like volunteer and shadow at a hospital, then it doesn't really matter.

ayy this entire thread
>move out to other city to start uni
>1st semester, 2 modules
>don't even get to do exams because of homework criteria
>alright I guess I'll give it another shot, lots of shit made things harder than it shoulda been anyway
>2nd semester, 3 modules
>things go well for the first 2-3 weeks, everything is going optimal
>hilariously fuck up on the first 3 programming tasks in one module, immediately booted
>alright still got the 2 from last semester
>ridiculously low, way lower than anyone could foresee, grades in one of the modules
>one of the group ragequits the module
>other guy also failed last semester, fail to get how the grading can be so bad for the same stuff compared to the last semester
>as pretty much all hope is already lost anyway, turns out tutor's courses are so overboard his courses end up becoming advanced courses, everyone else free to switch
>we'd need to pretty much ace the final 2 homework tasks to have any hopes
>hours, days, lack of sleep of dedication
>results come in for the first homework
>it can't go on
>circle around thinking what to do, options are few to none
>fast forward, moving back in to parents
>will pursue a different subject next semester
>all the guilt, sorrow, self-loathing, regret, feelings of departure killing me
...I want to and believe I will make the best out of the future, whatever it is... but facing the fuck-ups is hard. I believe I already got over that, but I'm still feeling terribly for days at a time frequently. Hope I can finally plug my emotional weaknesses at least.

>in last half of my masters degree
>need to study for last attempt at exam in a couple of days
>put on whore makeup and wear a bodysuit and heels and dance in front of the mirror for hours to "nancy boy" and the like instead

But i'm awful at it so wouldn't even be able to make a living so.

Upper years, what would you tell your first year self about uni?

Don't bother putting in nearly as much effort as I did at first. Also switch majors to mechanical engineering because computers are the devil and electricity doesn't actually exist.

Those people who say they're your friends are actually your enemies. They will screw you over and will deeply hurt your naive self. It's better to be alone and stay in that shell you had before college.

Don't leave things until the last minute, your mental health will thank you.

I'm actually thinking about doing this since I have a good amount of spending money. I'm just worried because my essay has to be checked through Turnitin to make sure it wasn't plagiarized. Do you have any recommendations for essay writing services?

>started taking the Jow Forums pill within two semesters
>forced himself to socialize with his peers despite severe social autism
>continued doggedly grinding charisma until he'd developed a strong normiesona by sophomore year
>already knew to keep his grades up (within reason, Cs really do make degrees)
>knew what he wanted to get out of college going in and made sure everything extracurricular he did had something in it that was making him better at what he wanted to do as a job
I wouldn't tell him to do anything he did differently. Looking back, I set myself up to survive the shittier later years pretty well within the first two or three semesters.

>tfw later spring break than everyone else because winter session is so abhorrently long
I'll be feeling with you all again next week, I promise.

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brag about it, why don't you

I will, faggot. I earned everything good that's happening to me this year, I've dragged myself out of a future of endless autism and NEETdom and I'm proud of it.

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Good for you, now leave this board before you become an autismo again

Try to make friends you fucking autist

I went to one of these schools but it was easy to get co-ops for your major if it was worth a damn. If you're undeclared still then why the fuck would you go to a school with a big co-op program lmao

I am in my second semester. Double major (English and literature + Japanology) - Eurofag so the degree is a bit more useful. Anyway, I used the fact that I am not socially retarded and made three friends. ALL GIRLS. I have no idea how that happened.
>one is a qt alt girl but a vegan
>one is a really nice but also quite fat girl with a bf
>the last one has an irish name on FB for some reason and I don't know much about her
The rest is just people I know and say hi to but that's it. You think I could move it further with Girl 1?

Also, pic very related. Girl 1 did exactly this when we were going home on the tram.

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>English and literature + Japanology
>Eurofag so the degree is a bit more useful

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I have 3 weeks to finish my masters thesis. I have 10 pages of theory and 25 pages of results and discussion but I can't sit down and put it all together. I spent a year on this shit but now I risk ruining my entire degree because I am lazy. How can I start writing lads? Plz help me

nigger tell me your assignments you were given in those modules. Like what was your homework? if it was some easy shit I'm going to boot you in the face

Well a western slavfag to be more exact. Shits alright.

talk to your profs

>Go to drop class
>the drop deadline was yesterday
Its over. I was always able to get away with being a lazy fuck up, but this will be the one that does me in

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you are a fucking adult, you should not be using the word "bullied" in a sentence
jesus christ you're pathetic

about what? also i talk to him every week about my results. I just need to sit down and put all this shit together, but i can't.

I'm quite clumsy myself but I think its nothing that some hardwork and effort can fix, I don't want to spend the rest of my life working behind an office or as a teacher, I hate kids

>tfw graduating with a 3.0

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My goal is to graduate with as low of a GPA as possible

After this semester I will have a 2.0045 unironically

I bet I can get it down lower without dropping out, I'm aiming for a 2.000xx

Which do you mean? It is easy shit for you anyway probably, I had Analysis I (Calculus in English? idk), Linear Algebra I and Computer-oriented Maths or some shit I

I'm getting rekt by undergrad shit. How do people even get Masters and Phd's?

>He writes papers

Should've picked a real major, user

I have been rejected to 18 of the 21 schools on my list, and I have two left. Toured the safety I got into and really didn't like it at all.
God hope one of them pulls through with a miracle acceptance today goddamn

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>Should've picked a real major
What? What major doesn't involve writing at least some papers? STEM majors involve it and if you're doing research, which you have to if you actually want to be successful, then of course you have to write those papers as well.

-Make friends, somehow
-Don't feel overwhelmed by the amount of work required, you'll eventually get through this
-Put some effort

>having tough time in algebra
>200 word essay due in English tomorrow
>fucking excel bullshit on top of that
man FUCK college amirite bros?

>21 schools
lmao you are stupid. anything over like 4-7 schools is ridiculous. you should know the school you want to go to, if you don't then your state school will be fine. getting denied from 18 out of 21 already should be a good sign that maybe school isn't for you at this point in time.

Well what the fuck is for me, then? I spent so much more effort into everything with my application than my classmates, and they are getting into good schools left and right while I'm here struggling with a mountain of rejections. Never mind the fact that everything else in my life has gone to shit already

I really need to just fucking die at this point

What schools did you apply to?

I had a reasonable number of safeties, targets, and reaches, primarily on the East and West Coasts. Got denied by every one of them except a safety that is literally two miles from where I live.

>Well what the fuck is for me, then?
community college, a trade, going straight to work. not everyone is meant to go to a 4 year school and you might be happier without it when you realize how much money you could save by not going into debt.

>I spent so much more effort into everything with my application than my classmates,
because you probably did fuck all in school or had nothing to show for it. they put less effort in because they have the grades or performance to go further. or you're completely average and nothing stands out about you lol but even those kids got into "decent" schools that i remember from high school.

Were most of them out-of-state public schools or ivies? You shouldn't trust getting into those at all even if you have academics better than the class average. They have different admissions policies like how OoS public schools favor in-state students for instance.

>went back to school to improve my life
>not happy with my major
>already switched majors like 3 times
>now studying business admin
>everyone keeps telling me that's a shit major and that I won't be able to find a job after I graduate
>failing all my classes due to depression
>trying to pad my resume by getting a professional job/internship
>can't even get a simple desk job that only requires a high school diploma
>hate going into my current job filled with high school druggy dropouts
>feeling lonely everyday because I've never had sex or even a gf
>always tired and just unhappy with life

Also all the people I graduated high school with are finishing up their degrees, starting new jobs, getting married, having kids, buying homes and having kids. And all I'm doing is fucking up in life. This feel is whats really fucking me up. Like if I ever see someone I went to hs with outside, I usually lie and tell them everything is amazing! But I'm really dying inside.

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