ITT: that kid thread

ITT: that kid thread

>that kid who got past the school fire wall and got on porn
>the kid who drowned in a puddle
>that kid who dove down the middle of the tower block stairwell
>that kid from a rival school who contracted rabies and died at school

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that one kid who skateboarded on the school roof and fell off and broke both of his wrists

was the only interesting thing to happen at our school

>that kid who destroyed an IT room because the school banned him wearing his furry suit

>that kid who started masturbating in front of the class because he wanted to show his "white pee"

That kid who bupassed the school firewall and installed Quake on the school servers.

Computer class was literally just everyone playing quake while the teacher wasnt looking

>the girl who had 0 common sense but was hyper hyper intelligent

she diddnt even know how to cross a road, button up shirts or even bathe properly but was accepted at a top uni a year early....

>the kid who fell down the stairs
>the kid who would always pick fights and loose
>the kid who said "watch this" before attempting a backflip off of a wall and shattering his own spine

>that kid in middle school who had diarrhea that Monday... he left a turd in the middle of class during Chemistry period

i was that kid..

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>that kid that was to self-confident in art class and would act like he was a historian
>that kid that would act autistic around actual retards
>that kid that always weared cargo pants for no reason
>that kid that wore beanies during the summer
>that kid that was bullied by retards
>that kid that would sit alone during lunch playing with his food
>that kid that would wear flat caps and acts like he's the roaste of the century
>that kid pissed on the football field
>that kid that lit off fireworks on the football field

>that kid who filed the skin off his face to get rid of his acne
>that same kid who set rubber gloves on fire in the biology cabinet to "see how they burn"

>that kid who got bullied in primary school
>that kid who got roasted everyday
>That kid who had to learn to socially interact in year 7
>that kid who was considered a weirdo but wasn't bullied because he managed to learn how to interact with people

That kid was me, still feel lucky I didn't get bullied (only a little in year 7) still one of my biggest achievements

>That kid who lifted for her for four fucking years only to see her choose a Mexican manlet

It was me...

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Nobody takes his yiff away! You hear? Nobody!

>That kid who got away with the most ridiculous shit
I'm sorry Joey

>That kid who was so retardedly blind that he had a computer with a webcam mounted on his desk just so he could see the board
>That kid who was the epitome of mental illness and lived in a pretend world where he was a general and all classmates were his subordinates
>That kid who had Tourette's and got his glasses smashed into one of his eyes (which he lost because of this) when he insulted a guy
>That kid who ROUTINELY shat himself in class
>That kid who was born without proper nostrils and made a whistling type of sound whenever he would breathe through the whole doctors made in his pallate

I'm starting to realize that I somehow went to retard school without noticing

>that kid who pretended to be a fictional character during recess, and didn't stop for the rest of the day

this is getting more elaborate with every new incarnation fucking christ my sides

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Fucking hell user what school did you go to? Mencap???

>that girl with obscenely large tits
>that girl who jumped through a window
>that kid who had mega anger issues and would sperg out at the slightest provocation. Was funny as fuck to see him go
>the kid who thought he was a were wolf

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>that kid who got placed into the special class in 2nd grade and was still too stupid to realize everyone there was even more stupid than him, not realizing it til years later that he was a spergy child

it was me, lads

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>that girl with obscenely large tits
And somehow mine managed to make it look bad, too.

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I feel that user, the girl we had was nice but the other was literally trailer park trash. With enormous knockers. She was a H cup when we were 19 and in sixth form

The worst about this is that I went to a completely normal school. It was a public school in one of Europe's most well-off countries.
I guess they were doing the lords work taking in kids with all kinds of disabilities
Shit was cash tho

>that kid who set the class on fire
>that kid who made fun of me thinking that i was gay and now is a pseudo-lesbian feminist roastie
>that kid who would stare at everyone with a shit ass eating grin for no reason
My school life was very boring desu

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Okay lads i need to kmow these stories

>the kid who shat and smeared it over the walls
>the same kid who threw shit at his nemesis

Now that this gets me thinking, I realize I'm nowhere done with this
>That black kid who got a bit too touchy-feely with a girl and got expelled by her telling, although this happened every day with white kids and no one acknowledged any of it
>That girl who used to suck cock in the restroom for something like $20
>That 10 year old with a cell phone who used to trade pictures of his father's porn magazines for Pokemon cards
>That kid who once wrapped and apple in tissues and proceeded to light it on fire in his desk without saying anything
>That kid that used to play his flute like an absolute madman in music class, making multiple second long notes that had nothing to do with what the rest of the class was doing
>That kid who used to grind up sticks of incense and sell it as hash

God damn this school was trash

>>that kid who had mega anger issues and would sperg out at the slightest provocation. Was funny as fuck to see him go

... is this me? where do you live user?

hahahahahhahaha I remember you, figures you would post on r9k.

I live in the UK user, if it was you, you were bro tier, scary but bro

The one I new was really well off just had a spergface dressed like a nine year old in eigth grade and had Early Feminazi Sydrome, complaining about everything being easier for guys.
She was rather unsympathetic, now that I think about it

stfu niggu, what country you from?

Meant to reply to you desu

jesus christ. Yorkshire I should assume?

Geez this is getting scary... Yes Yorkshire, where abouts exactly?

The Yorkshire part of Yorkshire.

>That kid who was the epitome of mental illness and lived in a pretend world where he was a general and all classmates were his subordinates

>That kid who was three years older then averyone in class
>that girl who smelt of horses and never shaved her arm pits
>the girls who thought they would become singers
>that girl every boy fell in love with and got led on by
>that girl who wore revealing clothes thinking she was hot shit when she had nothing to show for
>that kid who told me about smoking heroin with his cousin
>that kid who changed his wardrobe and attitude over the weekend from skater to gangster
>that kid who got groped by our female teacher
>that kid who tried bullying everyone
>that kid with legasteny

Not the South bit of Yorkshire?

oh fucking brilliant. this is why this stupid website is attracted to so many mass shootings. but in all of seriousness Angela's knockers were huge, Im baffled

ANGELA, fuck what was her last name? I cant remember

Did we actually go to the same fucking school

>that girl that talked about having fucked her dog
>those kids that only hung around with each other
>that one really small kid that got hugged by every girl in class because they thought that he was adorable

>that kid who got arrested for trying to kill his dad with an ax while on ketamine
>that kid who put ketchup under the toilet seat for an autist to sit on
>that kid whos been on probation since he was 13
>that kid that redirected the hyperlink to the middle school to pornhub in 8th grade
>that kid who unironically wears tracksuit and the weird Russian hat thing
>that kid...

>pic related. Its that kid

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dude i have no fucking clue. I don't her remember her last name either, last time I checked on her she was with that Russian kid, the muscular one

Its called an ushanka, or at least thats what they called it the last time they occupied us

t. fat slavboo

>Got past the firewall
I was that kid. I would have gotten away with it if I hadn't given the method to every fucker who asked
Crazy, I was also this kid but it was just my thumb. My thumb bent all the way to my wrist and my dad said it wasn't broken because I wasn't crying. Lol my mom was pissed when she found out

>the kid who was dared to drink paint thinner
>that same kid who had his stomach burst because of said paint thinner

he ded?


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>that kid who put keyloggers on school computers and managed to get the email address of the hottest girl in class and the autistic boy and proceeded to post love letters to the girl from the autists email.
>that kid who stuck his finger up his asshole and ran around chasing people with his shit covered finger
>that American student who though his dad was Jesus
>that kid who was so easily convinced that we managed to get to hump another boy whilst naked in the changing room.
>that kid who pushed several kids down the schoolyard icy hill and cracked their skulls.

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>that one kid who blasted out Erika on a bluetooth speaker during gym
>That one SJW kid that cried and autistically chimped out on some pajeet girl because she said that "we should deport illegals"

He suffered catastrophic stomach damage because the moron decided to keep it in for 10 minutes without phoning for help

I got the password to our schools Wi-Fi and they havent changed it ~1.5 years later
For the uncultured

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>that kid who thought it would be halarious to down two pints of gin for the necko nominations a few years back
liver failure and alcohol poisoning

>that weird lanklet autist
>that big fat autist
>that weird skinny gay twink
>that kid that dropped out
>that weird kid that had black painted finger nails
>that nerdy autist that got caught jerking off

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>the kid who went full super sayin on the school bully

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Blasted Erica.. fuck my sides

>that one kid who blasted out Erika on a bluetooth speaker during gym
some dude also recently did this at my local train station

>that kid who did acid, got caught by his parents and got taken to the other side of the country

was me

>that kid who would wear a onesie to school on pajama day
>that kid who flung his poo on the roof and then proceeded to smear it on the bathroom walls
>that teacher who would send kids using inspect element to the office because they were 'destroying school property'

>the kid who would set fire to random shit

Lotsa pyros in this thread

>that kid who got past the school fire wall and got on porn
That was me, it was that and running .exe's. Made bank

>that kid who put hot sauce and hand sanitizer in a subs coffee
the sub had an allergic reaction to the hot sauce and got taken to the ER, she was like 90

>That kid who killed his own mother
I'm not joking

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I really shouldn't be on feels right now but...
Fill me in

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>the goth kids who wwere constantly starting shit with other people and having sex in the school yard

>that kid who always wore his slipknot hoodie, even in heatwaves

kid from school killed his mum with a hammer, it made news

>that edgy anarchist kid that "waged war on the state", went to the mountains with his AR-15 to "engage in guerilla warfare" and never came back

not even memeing

>That kid who smells of racid shit
>That smart kid that watches hentai instead of doing classwork
>That kid who watches anime and cartoons on shady websites on school computers
>That kid who's 4 years older than everyone else
>That psuedo-depressed attention whore
>That black kid that acted really white

>that kid who tried to vomit on teachers
>that kid who faked being jewish
>that kid who just jerked off in 5th period everyday

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>that kid who hasn't slept in day because he was playing video games
>that kid knows his times tables but can only say them backwards
>that kid that cries when he sees some one pee outside
>that kid who was into heavy metal but didn't have long hair

>the kid who owned a pet crab, would take it small walks around the garden and dedicated his locket to being a small aquarium for it.
>the same kid who was completely and utterly devestatwed when his ex gf pulled all the legs and claws off of the crab because he dumped her to go to uni

honestly lads, the cry that he gave out when he found his crab in bits in front of his locker will still haunts me.

it was a sheer cry of utter despair .
im sorry for the loss Benji, i hope youre doing okay brother

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>that kid who called the black kid nigger and got his head smashed into the wall
He ended up dying a year later from the injuries

Literal autism user it's amazing

>that kid that got rugby tackled, broke his knee and they had to land a helicopter on our rugby field to take him to hospital

>That kid who was the epitome of mental illness and lived in a pretend world where he was a general and all classmates were his subordinate
Too close

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>that kid who kept a stash of razors and scissors in the ceiling of the toilets that was found during maintenance work

I'm werewolf kid. Hello

>those roasties that challenged eachother to a duel in the middle of the cafeteria first day of freshman year
>that 7 foot tall tard wrangler that ended the fight by holding each by the neck
Literal adeptus retardes.

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>that kid who broke a sewer line and caused shit water to spray over everyone
>that kid who threw a rock threw a window and got us banned from playing outside
>that kid who tripped an autistic kid during recess when the entire school was watching
>that kid who brought vodka and got drunk at 8am
>that kid who wouldn't shut up about transformers even though he was highschool
>that kid who wore combat boots and jean shorts
>that kid who told the teacher his wife was ugly as fuck
>that black kid who sperged out and cussed the teacher out and punched a kid in the head before storming out
>that kid who took LSD at bojangles, stripped naked, ran into the road and stopped traffic for hours

>That kid who took nutmeg at school and took his shirt off in class

>that kid who unironically started a Nazi group at school and was openly saluted in the hallways

>that kid who hanged himself
>that kid who ODed on heroin and died
>that security guard who dropped dead on the track
>that kid who either was unable to or refused to speak
>that girl who fucked every dude she could get her hands on raw and had had 3 abortions by the time she was 16

Genuinely felt sad after reading this. I hope this guy was ok in the end

>>that girl who fucked every dude she could get her hands on raw and had had 3 abortions by the time she was 16

That's disgustingly hot desu. Though I'd assume she's dead by now, which is also pretty hot assuming she died from some gangbang complications or some shit.

My dad is Jesus cunt

Yeah I did that