There was a Catholic church I used to go until 16 and I found this altar girl (Korean) particularly attractive

There was a Catholic church I used to go until 16 and I found this altar girl (Korean) particularly attractive.

Two years younger than me, short height and had nice body. Seemed kinda quiet. I didn't really have a crush on her, mind you, but you get my idea.

I'm 20 now but I wonder if I have any chance if I go back to church tomorrow? Or should I know my place as a scrawny beta? She has something like 700 instagram followers

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Wonder how devout she is

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Nice body surprisingly

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Gooks are ugly as shit without makeup to compensate for their slanty eyes

no u

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>that nose
Whatever floats your boat m8, I'm not judging you
Sometimes you get to the point where you'll settle for a 6/10

She's clearly wearing eyeliner and mascara in that picture.

What's wrong with her nose? desu

Remember the Korean pastor at some liberal church in San Fransisco who did porn once? :-D
Wasn't even interracial though, rare for Asian in the US.

even if you do to church, how would you make a move on her ? it might be better just to dm her or something

People are extremely approachable just before or after church services, that part should not be hard.

ah i see. well in that case, sure, go for it ! worst thing that can happen is that you never talk to her again lol

Please tell me her @, I love her too.

What makes you think she's not gonna friend-zone his autistic ass?

>altar girl

What kind of fucking """catholic""" """church"""" is this modernist bullshit?

Why would they be ugly to compensate for their slanty eyes?

Nothing, such things can always happen, but approaching church girls is not the difficult part.
You'll be getting handjobs or titjobs at best before you marry them though, remember that.

Re-read what I wrote.
She's gonna friend-zone him. He'll talk to her, be nice, and she'll only see him as a friend. He won't have the social skills to steer it into a relationship.

I'd say go for it, she seems quite cute

I did read your post, you spewed some irrelevant friend zone memes and felt cool for saying naughty words like 'ass' on the internet. Go brag about it to your little brother.

You don't understand what board your on.
This is a ROBOT board. In other words, people with zero social skills. Neet virgins.
Where the fuck do you think you are right now?

I honestly see nothing wrong with it, but it's the type of nose you'd more commonly see on a Black girl.

Haven't you heard, user. The pope declared there is no hell.

Nice projection. If you live your life expecting failure that's all you will ever get.

OP what other attributes do you have that she may find attractive? You got to D-emonstrate value.

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>it's ok that I am a loser, this is a loser board

Not anymore. Us Chads and failed normies are taking over.

Even edgier, you sure are hardcore user.

Maybe if you keep posting pictures of her all over this damn board for weeks instead of fucking doing something about it she'll magically start dating you.
Getting tired of seeing this shit here. Fuck off and do it already instead of jacking off to the thought of her looking at you.

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Pope didn't actually say that. Some clickbait article from Italian journalist

Her instagram is private duh

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Shut the fuck up, Neet Flanders.

What's a dm?

t. backtracking Vatican bureaucrat

direct message. like 1 on 1 private messaging

sounds more creepy don't you think

just all the pics you have of her then leave plz

uhh i guess to some girls. personally i dont mind when guys dm me (ive even made a couple new friends that way) ?
as long as youre not a fucking weirdo, it will most likely be fine

Tell me it so I can try to follow her.

May have to deal with her religios shit tho. If you could change that have at it boi

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They call it Americano in Korea

insta profile

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>buying into the "even devout Catholic girls are sloots" lie

What a fucking joke.

Also, user, you'd have to be devout before she'd take you.

Just reminder, I didn't have a crush on her. More like semi-crush maybe

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You're kind of grasping at straws here; you'd be better off finding someone else through school, work, even Tinder. But I mean, it's your life, do what you want. You seem kind of smitten so maybe it'd be better just to get your feelings out there. IDK, I just came here for qt pics

post a pic of what you look like and ill determine if she will like you

Gotta admit, i feel kinda lonely and desperate these days

Can you ask her how she keeps her skin so clear for me? Lol

Wher is that pic of the church singer who cucked her husband with a nigger?

>I wonder if I have any chance if I go back to church tomorrow?

are u fucfking retarded, ur white, shes aisan she'll be slobbering for ur cock trust me
t. chad with asian gf

unfortunately, clear skin is entirely genetic. believe me, I've tried everything.

it's not even banned these days

Did I say I was white bud???

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>I've tried everything.
Have you tried dry fasting?

no, that sounds dumb.

What's her instagram please, I don't care if it's private, I just need to know. She's gorgeous.

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No ones here is wondering if she'll even still be at church.
>18, so probably in college
>probably too busy to go to church
>probably only goes on Sundays
>altar boys/girls only remain so as children

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