Are robots apolitical?

Are robots apolitical?
If not, are your political views idealistic or selfish? As in, do you support what you think is best long term and for the common good, or do you support what is useful to you now.
Do you vote or agitate during elections?

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I'm a member of the Unabomber Party. The UP's platform is arming deranged loners with homemade napalm launchers and the destruction of the system that has become a tool of malevolent oligarchies.

Im a literal "what if the child consents tho" ancap

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You could just say you are apolitical, and don't know nor care anything about politics.

Im in a weird position where I may not be political but I am forced to be since my rights are always being taken away. The ultimate goal of politics should be to eliminate the need for politics.

The right to trick a human who isn't fully developed yet into having sex is not taken away from you, you never had it to begin with.
In fact you are given the right to not get butchered by your fellow man for even thinking it. I hope that right is taken away.

>fell for the "muh development" meme
>thinks people didnt marry young throughout history
>literally wants to kill people for thoughtcrime

What did the statist mean by this?

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Every leader fucks up everything, no matter who you vote for, it gets worse at every election

Unironic Natsoc ( American Nazi ).

Totally 14/88 and pro white in every form. I hate shit skins for the most part and want the best for all white nations.
Used to be liberal ish but now really alt right / fashy.

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We have documents from the middle ages, you know. The median age of first marriage is between 22-24 for women, and 24-26 for men in Europe, where it was recorded.

>i am an american nationalist who worships a german flag
You could just say you are apolitical, and don't know nor care anything about politics.

>used to be liberal
You still are judging by your german tricolour flag.

Southern Populist basically.
Social Libertarian Nationalist Isolationist
Economic Small Business Capitalist.
Poor and Small Business Deserve every penny they make, Very low taxes for Midsized business and the Middle Class, Medium taxes for the big business and the local rich, and very high taxes for the rich of the rich. Low taxes for the working, middle, and local rich classes in conjuction with a midsized workfaire state and small business capitalism satifies the needs of both the left and right

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Before feminism destroyed society it was perfectly legal in all western societies for a man to marry a 12 year old girl.

I personally draw the line at puberty since prepubescent girls are infertile and have little to no sexual development.

We allow gay marriage but we dont give teenagers the right to marry. And then we wonder why our birth rates are 1.5 and we need to import muds.

You seem to be big on isolationism, and with your big biz comments, probably protectionist.
Have you given thought to the objective fact that this would bankrupt american farmers (since they largely export), and would greatly increase the consumer cost of fuel, some meats, and all electronics?

It used to be people didn't have meat with every meal, only a few times per week. This would return if the global market folds, or you abandon it. Making good meat is labor intensive, and american labor is expensive. Unless meat is made in countries where labor is cheap, it won't be cheap. Same with electronics, same with fabrics, etc. Isolationism = $30 t-shirts.

I'm anti-Jow Forumstard. I will side with anyone who is against subhuman faggots.

So yeah I'm apolitical basically.

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But I am German fool. Plus I've always liked their flags , just because I am a burger doesn't mean I can't have pride in my German roots.

Why do you say because of a flag ? I have all my national flags from my roots. I said that because in college I was kinda left ish like Ron Paul. But that was 8 years ago. Far more right now and have been for a few years.

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Daily reminder that Jow Forums and Jow Forums have a lot in common.

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The black, red, and yellow german tricolour was and still is used by liberals, why the fuck would you use that to represent your used as a nazi?

whites are treated as the 18th century abused blacks this century, racism will never die, they will always point the finger at a different race to beat up, whites and males are punching bags for now until they decide whos next, thanks "anti racists"

Jow Forums - you should marry, have children and praise Jesus, taxation is theft.
Jow Forums - you should pay me to masturbate to korean cartoons until I get bored and shoot up a mall.

>Jow Forums

Outside of both being bitter and entitled not really.

Why not just be a regular white nationalist. Why advocate for supposedly white values but support socialism. I get that national socialism is different from marxist socialism but neither are in line with the traditional European soul.

Technically monarchy is the closest thing we have to an organic state.

>Jow Forums is a product of western degeneracy and a victim of female liberation
>Jow Forums wants to end degeberacy and female liberation

I dont even go to pol and even I know theyre the good guys

>buying individual flags of the nordic countries

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>divine right/mandate of haven is the closest thing we have to organic state


>>I dont even go to pol and even I know theyre the good guys

>Jow Forumstards have so little credibility left they have to lie just to defend their dumpster fire board

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I don't browse Jow Forums and even I think they have many valid points. Do you really want this place to be spammed and raided by traps and faggots?

I'm not an Autokrat. I don't beleive in Wealth for one nation and one nation only. Exports are needed for the American Economy to help out third world countries. I don't support Free Trade nor most forms of Foreign Aid. I actually prefer the Bush Era Nation building to promote world peace and prsoperity.

Not feudalism retard. Constitutional monarchy. Im partial to prussian style Cameralism myself. Democratic but with sufferage restricted to land owning males. A bicameral system and a strong executive branch led by an elected or hereditary monarch.

>gas tha kikes remove blacks and we'll all be living in utopia lalalalalala

if you think this is a valid point you are a fucking brainlet, you're too stupid for Jow Forums and really should move to Jow Forums already

Sounds like Trotsky to me. It can work if you are the sole world superpower. I wish the USA was more official about doing it, and not just under the table, while apologizing and lying.

>I support A and they support A as well
>but they also support B
>therefore I support B as well.
this is how retarded you sound.

There was no plan at any point to kill the jews. They were going to deport them to Israel. Nazis were literally the original Zionists

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>>Jow Forums wants to end degeberacy and female liberation

you said this one post again

what the fuck do you think "ending degeneracy" entails? fucking insincere brainlet you are obviously a Jow Forumstard

Why I alternate between eating junk food and watching child porn all day to being literal ascetic and diverting from all extraneous excess around me? It's like there's no middle ground to this thing

Lack of discipline to remain pure, lack of confidence to remain hedonistic. A cycle of guilt and regret.

This thread now become a shitpost

>you said this one post again
I never said that faggot.

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stormfags leave

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I live an extremely humble life and yet I indulge in literally everything from decent food to CP. I dont feel guilt about it though and my goal is to live a simple xomfy drama free life.

Has Jow Forums taken the crimson pill yet?

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I don't give a flying fuck about this political nonsense because after the 2016 election, every human with a functioning mouth could not learn to shut the fuck up and realize no one cares about political drivel you can regurgitate from Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, or Breitbart. And this arrogance over something so trivial, something so easily parroted from the corrupt media, has caused a major divide in the USA so people can boost their ego by virtue signaling about shit they read online.
Not only that, but people in the USA actually think they can instill some kind of change by either shitposting for based Kek or by blogging on fuckin Tumblr, with the occasional shit flinging civil unrest and autism in the streets. What they all fail to realize is that nobody in power will change the status quo because they called someone a nigger, cuck, or Nazi online. Do you think the Bolsheviks, the colonists of the USA, or al-Qaeda took power by typing words on a screen? Of fuckin course not.
The only solace in all this is to know that society will probably collapse sooner while the status quo is maintained, and with a bunch of retards running around in the streets, blindfolded, thinking their opinions matter.

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I support Socialism With a Human Face and am a Walter Ulbricht supporting tankie. I voted Trump because of his seemingly anti-imperialist stance regarding Syria, Iran, Russia and the DPRK and because Hillary only got her nomination though corruption and rigging the DNC.

>Are robots apolitical?
Some of us are, some of us aren't. Jow Forums is not a hivemind.
>If not, are your political views idealistic or selfish?
Idealistic for me.
>Do you vote or agitate during elections?
I vote sometimes, the party's in my country are all pretty useless though.

Whats more annoying to you - the stupid Huff post shit, or people taking stupid Huff post shit seriously and doing a pseudo-academic critique of it?

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What you truly want is to dominate physically and mentally your spouse, as a 12-15 yo is in no way able to refuse a 20+ man anything in the context of marriage. Don't sugarcoat your fetishes with your false concept of liberty

I vote for the party that doesn't cut my NEETbux which is usually the left

>leftish like Ron Paul

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While its true I want a submissive wife I dont want to do anything to harm her. I want what is best for my little qt wife.

>voting for the party that wants to replace you with niggers

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You don't consider that women should have the same opportunities than men to realize their full potential?

The pseudo-intellectuals who regurgitate the media are far worse.
I have a few people at my job who do this. Rather than just talk about what happened in the news today, they go on 30 minute long tangents about how Trevor Noah epicly BTFO'ed Drumph last night on the Daily Show. It makes me want to toss my coffee in their faces.
I also have an older co-worker, late 50's, who does the same thing but he watches FOX and InfoWars. I'm the quiet guy at work and I'll talk to him, but he'll do the tangent too, except he'll go off about "lazy millenials" or "Hillary for prison" or any globalist lunacy from Alex Jones. He's described me as "one of the good ones (millenials)". I honestly don't mind talking to him as much because he talks about in a casual, water cooler conversation way, not like it's a debate or something.

I think women and men are different and both should realize their potential to the extent of their capacity.

Men are generally stronger and more mature than women however there are exceptions and its important to let exceptional women flourish. But we cant mistake the exception for the average. Most women are children mentally abd need to be taken care of by a responsible male.

Apolitical but I think that Jerusalem belongs to Palestine

You spelled the Kingdom of Jerusalem wrong, heretic

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Im right but i think im a modern version because even though im right i think weed should be legal and religion is nonsense. Someone sensible should make a centrist party that takes the good from the left and the right and leaves all the rretarded shit on both sides behind.

>rational, reason and sensibility

Enjoy getting 0.9% of the vote.

I will start my own country. Want to join? We might get raped initially but it will be worth it. We can start our country inside of another country, we just need to select a nation so cucked that they would look like the bad guys if they tried to shut us down, I propose Sweden.

I'm for burning down every single thing.
Like just as a fkin auto destruction of the worst animal that the world has ever seen.

Not really apolitical per se. I have opinions that could be considered to be in line with certain political dogmata, but I'm too big of a cynic/skeptic to give any kind of political system any credit whatsoever.
I say that I'm not apolitical because it's not that I don't care about politics, it's just that I can't subscribe to the way things are typically done in those circles.
Regarding whether I vote or not, I do. I just don't put that much thought into who I vote for because to me it won't change a thing.

Where my only slightly racist socialist brothers at?

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Is this view of biological sees truly compatible with ancap beliefs ?

>falling for the centrism meme
Best way to never get shit done

Apolitical for the most part as my two biggest issues are split between the major parties: environmentalism and second amendment rights

>Jow Forums is not a hivemind
Hell yes it is.

Its hard to argue for both environmentalism and decentralization, since without regulation people will fuck nature for profit.

I honestly think fascism, or at least extremely right wing authoritarianism, is the best form of Government as long as the problem of corruption can be dealt with.

Society is a good thing and society works best when the individual forgoes their own desires and puts the collective good first, and the people serve society the best should be served by society the most, and the people who are a drain on society should be penalised or ostracised for doing so.

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Apolitical, I only believing in the interests of individuals whom I care about, and don't really see a reason to not take any action to further our own good fortune. Any weapons, tools, elimination, or anything of the sort necessary to make sure that our own interests are well served is a viable solution. And I'm not talking about countries, or states, or towns, I'm talking about the dozen or so people whom I actually have a personal relationship with. I don't care for the collective and don't see any benefit for me in serving it over my own.

I'm pretty much a centrist, I may lean towards one side slightly at times but only if it benefits me.

someone explain what would be the point of having beliefs or opinions?

True. The change I'd like to see in the world can't really be forced regulated or legislated though. That's why I'm apolitical. People don't take responsibility for their actions and this is the biggest issue in society if you ask me.

>tfw no jewish commie gf

Also used by Pegida

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this is the reason i'm a sad fkin anarchist

I guess that's what I'd be, as silly and unrealistic as it is

I used to fall for right wing meme but then I realized it's cucking for muh white race.
Now I only look at issues regardless of ideology. If it benefits the economy, it will benefit me. Anything else is just a meme. I still believe some stereotypes but I try to look at things rationally. I think this is the real red pill.

I'm right-wing, because I don't want my tax money being funneled to the criminal and degenerate underclasses of society. I'm a nationalist, because I want my government to focus its on resources internally, not externally. I'm a traditionalist, because I want society to honor the mores that created modern civilization. I will never vote for any party that participates in any form of Islam apologism. I vote completely selfishly, as my vote is the only method I have to represent my interests. I always vote during every election available. There's not a single election ballot I wouldn't fill in.

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>I'm a traditionalist, because I want society to honor the mores that created modern civilization.
If you honor the things which create the civilization today, then you'll stagnate.

Burning fossil fuels benefits the economy, and benefits you (when it doesn't poison you, depending on where you live).
However its bad long term. That is, if you think farther in the future than a single generation, its a bad idea.

>I'm a nationalist, because I want my government to focus its on resources internally, not externally.

Modern day problems - terrorism, environmentalism, exploration of space, science, genetic research and proliferation, refugee crisis and mass movement of people, price of stock goods, etc etc, are all global problems. Can't solve global problems on a national level. Your country may recycle everything, and if the country next door keeps burning shit, you still lose. Your country may destroy all terrorist cells, but if the country next door has some, they'll also work in your land. Global problems require global solutions. Nationalism has done its job, and defeated its enemies. Now globalism has to do its job, and defeat its enemies. Give it a chance to do so. Think of it as nationalism for the human race. Human nationalism.

FUck Jow Forums.
Fit pol biz masterrace

Out of those things you listed, only environmentalism is a global problem.

yup, the so called redpill in itself needs to be redpilled.

>If it benefits the economy, it will benefit me
Wow, you are fucking retarded.

Jow Forums wouldn't be able to predict yesterday's weather let alone anything in the economy.

I support whatever lets me play vidya and live a comfy life

I am selfish but i don't vote

>Out of those things you listed, only environmentalism is a global problem.

1. One is enough.
2. How the fuck is terrorism not a global problem? You need to remove cells everywhere, else they just recruit and move people around.

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Ask the Wakandans about terrorism nigga

>argumentum ad wakandum

Yes. Biology is real you cant change it. Well not unless youre willing to rewerite the human genome.

Most modern women essentially married the state which is why ummarried women vote overwhelmingly leftist. Women want an authority over them be it a state or a man. I have no problem voluntarily being with a woman who wants to submit to me. And if some women want to be independent I see no reason why they shouldnt try. But overwhelmingly most women cant or dont really want to be truly independent and live without the help of men. If they did then we never would have developed social norms like gynocentrism.

i hate politics, i think i'd be considered an anarcho-tribalist though.

sneedville, formerly chuckville

If it benefits the current economy it only benefits the rich elites. They're not going to trickle down the wealth to you. That's just naive.

Its more rational than believing right wing fairy tales. are you going to tell about the magical benefits of fascism?

we are doing enough for environment. also i am not too concerned for next generations

are you going to say that we will do better under bad economy?

No, just that a good economy doesn't inherently benefit the workers. There's much more to it than that and you shouldn't base your politics off that one issue.

I'm an egoist, all over ideologies are just spooks

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