Why don't you settle for a fat femanon, Jow Forums? AKA fat shaming thread pt 2

Why don't you settle for a fat femanon, Jow Forums? AKA fat shaming thread pt 2

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I was in the last thread, I am a feminine who's into this. Kik:balletdreaming

Because they're fat; you just said so in the very question.

My e-bf is best friends with a girl who looks just like this. He has low standards, so I'm scared he's cheating on me with her.
How do I find out the truth? I have the girl's Discord, but I need to be sneaky.

I'd rather die a virgin than talk or even touch a fat girl
Fat girls are worthless

that paranoia isn't good for your relationship

t. trusts my e-gf

If they're IRL friends and you're just an LDR e-thot, he's packing her. Pussy is pussy.

I need to know, and that's that.

That's probably what you and some other guys would do, but you're not him and he's a pretty weird person. So, how do I find out for sure?

I have a small dick, fat women probably can't even feel it and I find them repulsive anyways

Cause I'm already fat and if my wife was fat, she might eat my food.

Even fat girls have a easier time finding a bf than a robot.

Fat girls are pretty easy to pick up
Jeez man, I guess enjoy your virginity

>easy to pick up
Please tell me you see the irony in that statement.

Some girl at my college is legitimately over 250 lbs yet has 10/10 Chads all over her falling at her feet, is BBW really a common fetish?

>Jeez man, I guess enjoy your virginity
I will
Better than wasting my time and money on some fat worthless blob

cuz she rejected me and is still in love with Chad
but then again i'm 5'6" and even if i look good i still have a huge handicap

Idk man a lot of people like the taboo stuff


If you're gonna commit bestiality at least pick a cute one. Plenty of dogs, goats, sheep and cows to pass around.

I'm 5'9 and almost 300 lbs., and I can still get a date at the drop of a dime, especially easy with the black guys and aging hipster white guys.

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at least you're honest about it unlike the delusional roasties who come here and pretend they can't stop being "lonely" on a whim

>this is the average fembot

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why do all these threads imply i'm the one doing the settling.
get your head out of your ass.

oh shoot that looks exactly like me in cartoon form. she even dresses exactly like me

You can't "choose" tho
You can just get whatever is available

Theres a reason shes only showing us her manly chin instead of the rest of her face..

>you will never wake up as t his

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I dated a slightly skinnier version of this with bigger tits and no ass she still cheated on me though lol

That shit sucks user

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>oh shoot
I just got a good laugh out of imagining some frumpy nerdy femanon flusteredly saying that, so thanks user. Have a great day and take it easy on the cookies.

d-did i say something out of place

wow .. shes just like me ........

Teach me your ways :-(

you too? we must be twins then

I was more disappointed by the fact she didn't have an ass but your image makes up for it


Because I don't want my face on Jow Forums??? Lmao

literally go outside and just wait

Can't go wrong with a fat butt user

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Don't worry your little head about it. Think about quirky foreign snacks and your favourite actors instead.

You know the only thing worse than cat ladies? Single moms.

>black guys and aging hipster white guys.
Oh no, what will we do with the beauty queen over here stealing all the niggers and old hipsters.

Dumb pig.

Haha, no you fat whore, I want you to suffer.

God I want to slap your fat tits and bury my face in them, but I'm at work.

I will date a fat femanon if she's kind, loyal and has a good personality.

Just an outgoing and cheery demeanor, a little makeup doesn't hurt either! Im married now and don't cheat but the attention is still nice until I get too old.

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If she had any of that she wouldn't be fat. Don't be a fat chaser (a mild jog is enough, anyway).

Fat girls can still get anything they want non would settle for a robot tier or even below average male. Saying that thought fat women are the most disgusting "people" on the planet, all women have to do to be extremely pretty is just not be fat and they can't even do that.

I would settle for below average looks, for not-the-brightest, but not for fat. Fat is a telltale sign of a combination of an unhealthy lifestyle, laziness, lack of effort, or physical problems.

>tfw no cute chubby GF
I'm considered pretty handsome and sociable and generally have good luck with women, but I can't seem to find a girl who is that perfect combination of chubby and cute. Shit's hellish.

>Im married now and don't cheat
>don't cheat

Pfff hahahahah oh fuck you're funny, no wonder people like you

Fuck, please?

Why do I love fat girls anons???

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Fat women aren't like that, no women are like that user

Save yourself the time and aim for a real girl instead of a blob.

Everyone has weird fetishes. Hell, some people are into dogs or little girls, so plenty of insanity to go around.

You could make an alt and try to befriend her somehow, and with time you can possibly milk out some info. Maybe join a mutual server? You could absolutely not break character or make things seem unnatural or she might connect the dots. I would be down to do this if you send me her discord as well as yours.

No my little fuckpig, daddy's working.

It's funny because that's me and I like being fatshamed

The cringe. It hurts. Pathetic, both of you.

Say it again I'll cum

Sex with new partners can be really fun but it's never worth the risk of damaging or losing a good relationship.

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why don't you just spice up things with your husband instead of salivating for new dicks in the back of your mind while walking?

The ice cream won't fill the hole in your heart. You could have been better if only you were prettier and skinnier. Keep shoveling down that food and raping your dopamine system, because god knows that fat pussy isn't getting any use.

u think you wouldn't like girls wanting you even if u had s good sex life?

I am aware you voluptuous little whore.

If you fucked niggers before you'll go back

But I love ice cream :-(

if i covered my penis in ice cream would you give better blowjobs?

Maybe but you might get a yeast infection so b careful

Yeah, we can see that.

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No, Im taking the piss out of you fatty

thats a good point, i hadnt considered that. i would still be willing to take that risk and stop if it actually happened though.

So yummy though

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I'm 175lbs, someone tell me not to eat dinner.

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Don't eat dinner. It's not worth it. The less you eat, the better you'll look

You can't settle upwards. It's quite that simple.

Thank you user! I appreciate the encouragement.

I get physically ill when I look at a really fat person. I don't hate them, but it's beyond my control, I just can't look at them without gagging.

No problem! I'm looking for encouragement too!

We can skip dinner today together, don't let me down, okay?

You know what else is yummy? Your future health bills.

You'll skip dinner and go straight for dessert instead, classic fatty.

Weightloss buddies!

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>go straight for dessert instead
Luckily I don't like sweets.

user you must be mistaken, april's fools isn't untill Sunday.

Hilarious user, you got me! Surely everyone who is overweight has no idea why they're overweight and they're all just stuffing themselves with dessert all day, right?

I know what foods I'm eating, I know exactly how many calories I'm overeating. I know how many calories I'm not burning by not being active.

>I know what foods I'm eating, I know exactly how many calories I'm overeating. I know how many calories I'm not burning by not being active.
So why are you being a witty blob on a taiwanese catherding forum? Masochist much?

As opposed to doing what else?

How about a jog or a set of fork-putdowns?


>or a set of fork-putdowns
I literally already talked about doing this, you even commented on it. What are you even on about.

Right, sorry. Manatee isn't my mother tongue; my bad.

>fat shaming maymay
Back to tumblr, landwhale

You're like some cringy highschool girl, user. Work on your punches a bit before you try again.

Hey, I may be a cringy highschool girl but at least I fit in cute dresses and something that isn't leggings.

I said work on your punches before you try again, kek.

Please tell me you have a sauce on this.

I don't like fatties.
>In shitty bar playing pool with friends
>Two loud girls come into the bar and start drinking
>29yo fatty & 21yo qt
>29yo keeps complaining were hogging the table.
>Invite her and her friend to play us.
>Three games later fatty is telling me how she likes me and keeps trying to kiss me.
>Leave bar for smoke.
>29yo fatty follows me. 21yo starts getting pissed/jealous at friend cause she thinks she's ditching her to smash me
>Follows us out and begins flirting
>Have 21yo qt on lap and 29yo next to me, all 3 of us smoking.
>Qt being more physical than fatty despite me interacting with her less throughout the night because of jealous female hormones
>They are still arguing with eachother outside.
>I tell them that we should get a room in a motel.
>Fast forward
>Make each of them pay one third
>Fatty keeps trying to get on top of me while I'm getting with her friend.
>Keep pushing her off telling her I'll fuck her when I'm done with her friend.
>Nut twice in her friend.
>Tell fatty I'm tired.
>Mfw I make her cry.
>Made her friend gets pissed at me for not fucking the fatty
>Mfw I tell her I don't fuck fatties
>Mfw they got violent
>Mfw I maintained an irrection while being attacked by a naked fatty and her friend
Very awkward night

Maybe you were dropped on your head as a baby idk man

Oink oink