Would you guys even care if a femanon livestreamed her suicide on here? I bet you all would sickenly enjoy it

Would you guys even care if a femanon livestreamed her suicide on here? I bet you all would sickenly enjoy it.

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i would personally hide that thread and this one as well.

Do it, faggot. An hero and post tits or gtfo.

Don't kill yourself. Take a nap instead.

I fapped to that 12 year old who livestreamed her suicide.

>girl livestreams suicide naked
yay or nay?

Sounds like it could drag you into some fetishes you dont want to have

think about it though
a girl humiliating herself for the remainder of her life, all just for you?
it sounds pretty tight

Femanons who are feeling depressed or suicidal should post their tits and disgusting looking roast beefs. They have nothing to lose.

>I bet you all would sickenly enjoy it.
Only if she's goodlooking

I would be annoyed because she didn't take away my cuddle-virginity before she killed herself

Sounds very good.

I'm an 18 year old turbomanlet. I have enough money to live doing fuck all until i'm 40, and that's not including the above average salary i make from investments. I'd rather a femanon become my neet wife than commit sodoku.

Also yeah, do it naked. Would be funnier.

I haven't cared about the people in any of the other suicide livestreams I've watched.
Why would it change if the person killing themselves was a woman?

>femanon streams her suicide
>it takes 12 hours because women usually go for "less painful" suicide methods
>it's pretty much just a stream of her downing a bunch of sleeping pills and then going to the hospital

don't be selfish, post the link


Happy fapping!

Yeah I don't want my isp seeing me access that website. Post webm pls


I only care for one fembot here, if you guys would encourage her to commit sudoku I'd dedicate my life to murdering all anons involved

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Have you seen how Jow Forums acts when a fembot is in their midst? They start dropping contact info in hopes of talking to her. I'm sure they would turn into whiteknights and try to stop her.

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>I bet you would all sickenly enjoy it

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kill yourself atttention whore

Holy fuck we don't need another Shuaiby. Guy or girl, I don't care. I'd rather the board not get filled up with threads about someone killing themselves again. But do what you will OP if this is what you're intending.

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I enjoyed shuaiby's livestream.
so yeahi probably would.