so what happened was I slightly fucked up, I went under an extreme amount of stress which forces me to talk and I did, so I explained to my parents everything about me wanting to do a mass shooting, I explained to them what I thought and why I think it is right, how I hated niggers, spics, faggot and whatever and how I thought they were less than me and that I thought I am some sort of god that decides who lives and who dies, one stupid mistake and now he wants to send me to a psycologist, I WOKE UP TODAY REASLIZING WHAT I DID UNDER EXTREME STRESS AND I REGRET TALKING, HOW DO I TALK THEM OUT OF THE IDEA, My rights will be taken way and they will put me on meds, I won't be able to but a fire arm soon and if I mention mass shootings they will lock mme up, hot do I just tell them I lied about it and that I was just being an edgy faggot, please help
So what happened was I slightly fucked up, I went under an extreme amount of stress which forces me to talk and I did...
Better commit a mass murder now before the police catches you.
like your parents
I don't have a firearm or a plan, does not matter now I just want to get them out of the idea how do I convince them I somehow lied
It's too late OP, you're already guilty of thought-crimes.
yeah I know, fucking retards, I just... how do I undo
You don't have to convince them if they are dead.
Tell your parents it was a big ol' goof and their bright shining baby boy would never even think those thoughts in seriousness.
Also your parents already knew that you're fucked up but were probably trying to deny it and you just threw the confirmation right into their face.
how do I convince them though originnaly?
They didn't think I was they denied saying it is not possible because he did not fuck me when I was young and was not a drug addict but he said he is sending me anyways
Show them the memes on the internet and tell them it was all ironic.
You have been hecked by yourself
Wow your retarded not just everything you were thinking about while you were under stress but the fact that you told your parents is raw autismo retardo congratulations you've past Jow Forums levels you've passed the union of cripples your now a joke so let me say this now
kill yourself
You need to go to a psych doctor though, dude. If you spazzed that hard you're not in control of yourself. Plus how are you not laughing at yourself for the "God"hood bit? That is a sure sign you're delusional. You're not fit enough to join the genepool, you can't run your own life (you live with your parents), how do you reckon you're fucking GOD, guy?
You need dem meds.
You know what that could work, thanks
How do I say it though
I dont mean it literally I just feel like I am godlike and that I can see through others and whether they should die or not etc
tell them you were under the influence and very stressed from that day and didn't really mean anything you said
Lol this
>ornithologically of course
Sure thing That is the best peice of advice I heard so far I cant thank you enough
Holy hell youre retarded son. nice self awareness you got there kid. like LMAO literally neck yourself
Hahahahaha cyaaaaaaa!
with you on the niggers part
but you aren't a god
you're a faggot robot who has anxiety and worse lmao
dude just go to the psych
you obviously have a problem try to better yourself
Are you British lad? Our therapists don't care about thought crime. Besides, the fact is you only said it out of stress, whether your words were true or not is irrelevant. I say a lot of shit when stressed
I am not British I am originally Canadian
I hope it helps user, let us know how things go.
woops, I replied to the wrong post, meant for
you are welcome it worked and he decided he is not talking to anyone, what I said was that I was stressed that night and I was making an excuse for my weird behavior, It actually made me feel a lot of joy how easy that was, I really do like lying sometimes
In a similar situation bud. Talking to people (especially people you know) about anything other than Netflix or some other fag shit is a no go