Any bookworm robot who isn't illiterate and doesn't give a shit about delving into the most desperate and misanthropic...

Any bookworm robot who isn't illiterate and doesn't give a shit about delving into the most desperate and misanthropic reads?

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Houlleboq is fun. 'Submission' was a very entertaining read. So many vivid descriptions of normalfaggots fucking themselves over by buying into all of the irl lifestyle memes.

Has anyone here read Conspiracy Against The Human Race

the elementary particles was a much better book than submission

No, I'm edgy but not 14. I read Mike Jones for my existential conspiracy theorizing.

I should get to the rest of his work. I got told to read Submission specifically because I was interested in the relationship between Islam and Europe. Those parts were interesting but the earlier parts about the failures of secular culture were where he seemed strongest.

Ryu Murakami "In the Miss Soup"

I wanna buy it but idk. Has good reviews on Amazon

Just pirate it you nerd. Read it while waiting for your next harvest of (you)s to come in.

the elementary particles is more focused on the failure of the sexual revolution and the resultant slow rolling death of western civilization.

And the entire point of Submission is, I think, that while Islam is obviously bullshit it is preferable to the complete absence of moral values, and the 'defenders of western civilization' such as the identitiarians who oppose it and claim to be defenders of the west are in reality trying to prop up an inherently destructive and untenable form of civilization.

although Michel Houellebecq is a well known pussy ass motherfucker around here.
He has always behaved like a revolutionnary while truly being a traitor

As much as I enjoy his writing a book about how awful the sexual revolution was won't exactly be expanding my horizons. I'm well past that bogpill. And I don't think that Submission was about Islam's superiority to anything. I think it's impressive how he managed to portray what was pretty much a best-case scenario for Islam in Europe and still make them come off as disgusting. I think that the point he was making was that Islam can only offer material pleasure to intelligent and clear-thinking people, and that Europe is so dead that that's pretty much all they want at this point. They might claim moral values but all that the protagonist and the other elites are interested in is what conversion can do for them on Earth.

What I considered to be the greatest weakness of the story was that it didn't really go into the identitarian nationalist movement after the start of the story. He introduced that young right-wing intellectual leader at the start and then never brought him back. Also didn't address lower-class common-Muslims and how they were doing. I understand it's all about this one miserable intellectual bastard rather than an attempt at large-scale sociology/speculative-fiction but it still felt like something of a hole in the story.

And obvious answer to fixing the west is normal people reclaiming the Vatican but it'll take a few more decades for Francis and his kind to lose their influence, meaning more nonsensical modernizing measures which will continue to drive away potential converts and existing faithful alike.

My pc broke last week, so I only have my phone

the vatican hasn't been an institution that has had influence/power across the west for over a century buddy, the majority of catholics are now nonwhite. How the fuck is the Vatican going to 'fix' the west?

Also while the sexual revolution and counter culture being bad was the core theme of the elementary particles there's a twist at the end where he sort of hints at his solution to the problem.He's smart enough to recognize that there is no going back, you can't return to old values once they have been discredited.

Still probably easy as hell to pirate

Everyone can see our current system doesn't work. Why can't we go back? Obviously there's no time machine, but the ideas never broke.

great read!
nothing wrong with this thread user
very good!
did you know: jim morrison cited this as a source of inspiration for his music?
specifically he wrote a song named after it known as "end of the night"
i do like this book

Every robot should give this book a chance

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Can you expand on this solution ? I'm genuinely interested.

The ideas did break in the same sense that a man who lets a woman cheat on him is never going to be respected by that woman again. The old ways failed and any 'return' to the old ways will be a return to some idealized notion of the old ways which is fundamentally corrupt.

If you want to be spoiled, the end of the book is basically a revelation that the entire book was written by a transhuman from the late 21st century recounting the history of the man who identified, from a philosophical and biological perspective, that the core problem with humanity was the fact that procreation was linked to sexual reproduction and pleasure, and the fact that life was just a slow process of death. Keep in mind that this book was written right before the human genome was fully sequenced so there was much buzz over what would be done with this new information. In the mid 21st century his work lead to the UN genetically engineering a replacement species for humanity.

The key is this replacement species is androgynous and biologically immortal, they are not asexual but sexual pleasure is in no way associated with reproduction, the fact that the transhumans are raised outside of a chaotic and inconsistent family structure aids in reducing the inequalities in pleasure which I believe in his view, lead to most of society's ills.

Of his works, the elementary particles is where the author himself shines through the most, because there are quite a few things he shares in common with the main characters. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the scene where Bruno is bullied, urinated on and forced to eat feces was something that happened to him or someone he knew.

>Of his works, the elementary particles is where the author himself shines through the most, because there are quite a few things he shares in common with the main characters. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the scene where Bruno is bullied, urinated on and forced to eat feces was something that happened to him or someone he knew.

Very well, I read his first book, will read this one aswell.