It's Toga-Friday, How is everyone this morning?

It's Toga-Friday, How is everyone this morning?

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That's a cute girl
>tfw no psycho gf

i know that feel user.
lets get one

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I didn't realize that it's almost easter already..

Toga is fucking garbage shit character for neckbeard fags.

Toga is too fucking cute. I can't wait for MHA to come back.

i need someone to talk/shitpost with will you be that person?

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please be my friend pretty pleace

please not pleace im retarded

I dunno, probably; if I don't have to be the one to always initiate conversation, sure

Good luck, she's barely in the story after her first appearance. Most anime villains are like that.

really you will be my friend

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What's that?

Take it back rude!

Same, it comes out soonish though.

Sure.. if you want. What does that entail?

feels bad.

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us shit posting and chilling, you got discord or somthing

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You are all stupid faggots and should kill yourself.
How fucking pathetic you have to be.
Just end your life. It will be better for the world.

I'm a completely different person btw

Why am i stupid user?
Why are you hostile?

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say you i just wanted someone to talk to

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Your obsession with this shit character was created because you hate yourself and your shitty life and that you are an immature edgelord.
>Haha no gf that will stab and murder me in pleasure.
How fucking retarded you have to be to want that. You need to be some ultimate beta that would be better off dead.

idc if you are, im lonley

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But i don't hate myself, my life is good.
I was just joking user i like boys anyway.
But i think it's funny how stupid you are

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user from that thread#7361


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i didnt send???

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I exercised all night and I still can't sleep. Just shitposting now until I have to got to LAX to pick up my grandma

i did so

You did so indeed.

Exercise is good, i want to start doing that more often. Normally i just do yoga.

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is dis the op

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no, i'm this guy (gay)

i added you beotch

you did not

im anons dead

I have 0 pending
I'm also this guy

oh it didnt read

What does that mean?

oit wouldn't send to because it was invallid

Cvnka you are so perfect it pains me knowing you will never love me or notice my existence in any significant way

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I'm gonna post it again, but slowly

user from that thread#7361

It's not invalid (oh, paste the words first then the #xxxx thing)

I hope you don't feel that way, that would be saddening.

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Why yoga? Literally the women stretching activity. You're a women right?

no it's a tranny dude

Toga is too cute.
>tfw you're so starved for affection that you want an anime girl to kill you
I need off this ride asap.

Are you telling me I'm replying to a degenerate? What the fuck man I was having such a good day.

Yoga is comfy, and it relaxes me. I'm intersex.

not a tranny.

I don't think you should have those desires user. But the void will take us all.

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I like when you post tb h, you make this place nice cause ur pleasant
How are you and ur family

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cvnka is a fucking doxxer, she is the opposite of comfy lmfao
www lolcow farm/snow/res/302894 html

Holy fucking shit you're a pussy, tell me, how often did your mother and father beat you?

Im doing okay, im in bed on my phone now

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Literally none faggot, did your priest ever molest you so hard you instantly became the faggot you always were?

Nope, wish he did tho, then I'd be able to meet you in therapy.

Why did you delete your Instagram? Originally

got spooked because he didn't want his latest persona to be exposed

I didnt delete it, just changed the name.

Can I see pics

>wish to be molested
Nice fantasy, got that from your sissy faggot friends in high school or did you think incest was normal again?

What does toga poster look like

Why ruin comf sleepy thread for hostile?

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Yeah c'mon let's start over, why are you being so hostile?

I think its nice to not be hostile! Froend attempts are much more fun!

Didn't mean to, sorry bud I have to leave anyways. Wish the comfiest of post for you user.

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Its okay, everyone has bad days i understand. Anyway im going to sleep too.

Looks like a girl but is technically a boy

only 8 days left, user

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You all are gay faggots. Kys.

Yeah, and you're straight.


but...but user, mina is best girl so i'll post her here for all people to see

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OP is pretending to be a hermaphrodite now. That's why he dropped the Chara and Piety names.

a yes a man of fucking taste.

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