Help me come up with a suicide method that'll blow shotgun boy out of the water

Help me come up with a suicide method that'll blow shotgun boy out of the water

Attached: Screenshot_20180330-153757.png (1080x1920, 156K)

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Suffering through life and dying of old age

Two shotguns at once

>rent a prostitute
>get a concealed carry permit
>go to a baseball game wearing lots of the home team's merch
>kiss said prostitute
>get on kiss cam
>blow out your brains on kiss cam
>scar everyone at the stadium as well as the people watching on tv

Attached: torwiq83jy1y.png (414x694, 589K)

fucking genius dude

urinate on an electric fence whilst wearing a banana costume and livestream it to YouTube

Same guy. If you REALLY want to guarantee your spot on the kiss cam, contact the manager of the stadium, and tell him it's your """"girlfriend""""'s birthday, and that it would mean so much to her if she were on the kiss cam. Maybe even offer him a bit of cash, too.

Jesus Christ how horrifying
>>Originu saucu

>Make explosive vest
>put under clothes
>go to restaurant and order shit load of food
>start eating
>very loudly exclaim that if you eat one more bite your going to explode

>eat one more bite
>become an akbar

Ahh the old "who fucking farted" method

>get a fairly high bridge
>get 5 somewhat long ropes, not longer than the bridge's height tho
>tie your neck to one of them
>tie the other 4 ones to each one of your limbs with piano strings or something that can cut with enough force

Quality content, user-kun.

Fight a black bear
Fight a mountain lion
Gun fight with local crack dealer
Gun fight with pimp
Try to kill ur government leader
Hang urself at a nayional event thats live streamed on news

Dont waste ur life tho . Go work for a none profit for a year...

This is the golden recipe

Just make sure to bring some roasties with you to the other side. If you are going to die, at least make a final effort to better the world

bash your fucking skull with your phone until death. livestream it with said phone

Highway shotgun suicide killingspree

Dream an hero here. Wish someone would do this

This some high tier shit right here.

Behead yourself with a chainsaw. Or do seppuku with a chainsaw.