The Bible just seems like a collection of stories about paranoid schizophrenics

The Bible just seems like a collection of stories about paranoid schizophrenics

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I always thought religion was the product of drugs

yes orogonololononolaly originally

>Bible has proven contradictions and political biases only relevant to the time it was written
>proven not by fedora atheists but Christians who want a better understanding of the bible
>tfw have to ignore them and take it all 100% literally or else you'll be a fedora atheist

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Sometimes I think schizophrenics see the truth behind reality more than neurotypicals do

No they really dont lol

Taking your kid on a hill and stabbing him because your god told you to is exactly what a schizophrenic person would do.

this is true

>t. lost norman

Stop glorifying mental health issues

I know as a fact that they don't and I shouldn't think this way but then I sometimes hear really profound things from schizophrenics which reverts me back to that former belief.

you are such a fucking idiot omg

There were probably a lot of people who were fucked up in the Bible. I think a lot of the Bible is true, as in a lot of these stories were based on things that actually happened but these things happened to people who werent in their right mind.

Im sure they do say profound things similarly to someone on psychedelics, but that isnt the truth rather their perceived truth

Im not only talking Christiany but also Buddhism for example. The buddha just sounds like a massive tripper haha

what is objective truth, you fucking dumbass? science? ratiocination? intuition? you have no idea and you're not qualified to talk about it. so why don't you stop being a brainlet and get out?

Whatever you say, phony robot

Hurr durr nothing is actually true

nope not what i said at all, retard
try again ?

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u cant no nuffin
u cant no nuffin
u cant no nuffin
am i profound yet

uh no i'm just making fun of this guy in particular. i know for a fact he knows nothing.

Sorry I upset you, you schizophrenic sperg

just do yourself a favor and try not to post again until you can type without drooling ty friend

Haha, are you really so mad because schizophrenia doesnt actually benefit anybody in any way?

The Catholic church has spent centuries decieving people about the true nature of reality which is explained in great detail in the bible.
Everything that people blame Christians for have been done by the Catholic church, which is not Christian but Pagan idol worship pretending to be Christian.

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Desperation is one hell of a drug. It's not that uncommon that people that have been traumatize adapt "unique" worldviews. There's nothing that points at mental illness being less common 2000 years ago than today.

The Old Testament is pretty insane, but I'd say the New Testament (esp. the Gospels) has a lot of interesting things to think about as long as you don't take it too literally. And this is coming from someone raised in a completely irreligious household.

Links to some of these contradictions?
Not hating, just want to sound smarter when I go an a fedora spiel.

Not that user, one that comes to mind is that the ancestry of Jesus in Matthew is substantially different to what's said elsewhere (Luke I think?).
The Gospels also give different accounts of exactly why Jesus was crucified (throwing out the money lenders vs generally pissing people off according to John) and what exactly happened when Jesus was found to be missing from the tomb. Also John seems unaware of the story of the Nativity and his birth being in Bethlehem.