How do you guys cope with the fact that youll never have children?
How do you guys cope with the fact that youll never have children?
im good, children suck
Never wanted any to begin with.
Pretty well. The only scenario where I would care about bringing a child would be if I was dirty rich and be able raise the ultimate playboy
even as a kid i didnt like other kids
now that i'm an adult i still dont want to be around annoying little snotty shit machines
I don't want children. As an ideal it sounds nice, but the reality of the responsibility would be crushing. I can barely function as an adult, much less raise another human being.
I'd feel a little sad because if white people go extinct the planet will be ruled by the Chinese who will turn it into a Forge World
But that's alright, because I'll be dead by then
>ruled by the Chinese
Does this mean I get to be a qt Chinese girl's slave?
I don't cope. I just don't want to have any kids.
I've never appreciated the fact that my parents brought me to life, at the very least I'm not going to let anyone have the displeasure of carrying my shit genes.
>be short, ugly, asian
oh no, what will the world do without more short, ugly, asians
actually happy
why would i dwell on not taking a financial hit???
Why do normalfags incapble of understanding that not everybody think like them?
>muh chillun
Literaly animal.
Given how much of a failure I turned out and how much of a waste of time and resources I was on both my parents, i'd say i'm pretty good with never having a child doing the same thing.
Really easy senpai
I have a daughter but kind of regret it.
Great, just to have a stable living cost a fuckton of money and it's still growing.
Drinking or smoking. Usually all day if I'm not working, as soon as I come home from work I start and go til I pass out. Keep repeating everyday.
I have three actually. All three boys
Horrible. It kills my will to create.
we should leave children to those people with good genes whose children will do well in life
all of us being on r9k, I think, can assume our children would probably struggle and suffer as much as we did. Anybody with an ounce of compassion would want to avoid doing that to another life.
But I will have children. By force, if necessary.
I can't cope.
I really want children but I don't want to deal with women and their bullshit. It's not like there would be a woman who would want to have children with me in the first place anyway though.
>muh pride
the thread
What's pride got to do with anything? You'd rather I just go out and somehow find a woman that's interested in me, have a kid and never be able to support or provide it any sort of life?
I haven't gotten that far yet. I'm still focusing on the fact I'll never have a girlfriend.
I don't care and don't want them.