Be especially attracted to women with short hair

>be especially attracted to women with short hair

>they're all either some sort of man-hating queer or only date skeletor hipster faggots

It's not fair robots, all I want is a pixie cut qt without having to pretend I'm into shitty music or that I hate Drumph

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Other urls found in this thread:

I too know this feel
It's not a nice feel

>sister 2 years younger has short hair
>amazing body from biking and dancing
>hates commies with a passion
>only hangs out with me, rejects guys advances

Its almost like people tried to attract like minded people with the fashion choices they make. Its not fair. I want punk or goth gf but they want punk or goth boyfriends and not some functionally dressing autist.

Do we just instinctively want what we can't have?

don't fuck your sister

Cutting hair short seems to be a practical choice, so why is there a dearth of short haired qts who are also functional spergs like us?

Then again
>functional and practical

You can't tell me what to do, satan. I'm gonna rip and tear that hymen.

Tomboys have almost all been ruined by Tumblr and it's a crying shame

>It's not fair robots, all I want is a pixie cut qt without having to pretend I'm into shitty music or that I hate Drumph
meh living in a major liberal town, I already have to do so with most chicks, but ya, the majority are raging sjw types, real shame as aside from politics we would be 100% compatible.

Here have one on me

I currently live in Seattle. Somehow the women manage to be both hyperliberal politically but sexually conservative and frigid as fuck. I can't wait to leave

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Fuck it, tomboy thread

Dumpan another one

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The eternal feel

Tomboys truly are the best type of girls

You guys are faggots if you like women with short hair you might as well fuck a 12 yo boy, go on Grindr and come out already

Closet homosexual detected go suck some dick M8

I'm guessing you are the same type of person who likes traps

Might as well fuck a trap Bailey Jay is hotter than her

>not being a skelly hipster
sucks to b u lol

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Someone has an axe to grind

Shut the fuck up and fap

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I prefer to not be the kind of guy a strong breeze can knock down.

I bet a stronk amazon like this would shatter your pathetic pelvis

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i mean i'm skinny as fuck but girls like it. even tall amazonian girls. don't really need big muscles when you have a decent face and hair. keep coping gymcell.




don't do it -

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>implying I have problems attracting girls

It's just these tomboys that seem to go after fags that ignore me. I think part of it is they're intimidated by guys they know they won't be able to boss around

And all that aside there's more to life than pussy. Being big and strong signals pretty strongly "don't fuck with me." Never been mugged or even talked back to once


Lots of black girls with short hair, user. They all love white men

>that camel toe
Chop the head off and put someone else's on and hnnnggg

She's gorgeous fuck off

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Nice set. Girls with short hair are always way hotter with long hair. If they're good looking with it short they're WAY hotter with it long.

Do you like girls with Mohawks?
I have one

Bump 'n' dump originally

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You mean you have a gf with a mohawk, or you have a mohawk and happen to be a girl?

Dont fall for jew tricks. Women are supposed to have short hair. This is how kikes make you gay.


I'm dumb just post

I am girl with mohawk
where are you from?
Im in California

I'm the OP and mentioned I'm in Seattle. Not particularly big on mohawks, pixie cuts and short bobs are my fave

Feel free to post pics thi

Post hawk pls

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Other side of the world, as usual

>12 year old boys have boobs and a vagina
I did not know that faganon

No there are very few long haired hair styles that look good. Just leaving it down is boring, pulling it back is ugly, etc.
The only good long haired haircut I can think of is hime cut but it always looks worse on 3d

>likes mainly pixie cut
Jow Forums has ruined you

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this made my heart sink... life is unfair

I see it enough in real life user, trust me I was into it long before I was on Jow Forums

>be especially attracted to women with short hair
it's the cameltoe, isn't it?

>tfw I have a beautiful, petite, pixie haired woman who also plays ps4 with me and she's not a feminist

Living the dream, user

I have been muted for 2 seconds because my post was not original

>be short hair woman
>not petite
>flat chested
>suddenly no one wants me

Fuck you retards, all you want is an alternative Stacey. This is the male version of "teehee, I want a nerdy Chad!"

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I would probably be freinds with hipster skeletor

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It really is. Guys can be idiots.

skeletor hipster faggot here, my gf has short hair. suck my dick loser.

How tall are you? Not asking for contact; but because I have even seen women who are 5'7 feel insecure about their height

I wanna pop that pimple and lick up the pus

my boyfriend wont let me cut my hair
life is suffering

i'm not her but i'm 5'6" and constantly reeing that i'm short
whenever i watch fullmetal alchemist i deeply sympathize with ed's rage
yet technically i am two inches aboe the average female height HOWEVER THIS MEANS NOTHING WHEN MEN ARE GARGANTUAN

tell her how you feel, if she says yes, make sure you do it more than once, if she says no, then tell her you'll give her money if you have any or let her live with you or maybe even both, and if none of those work, knock her out, tie her up and put her in a closet so you can bring her out whenever you want to unload into her. force pills into her mouth if you want aswell unless you plan on doing a homemade abortion.

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>tfw no gf to lovingly bully who will lovingly bully me right back

>get gf
>get her to cut hair

wow you did it .

Why are we not posting more cute short haired hipster girls?

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No I mean I have seen women who are 5'7 complain about not being shorter

i would be absolutely fucking pissed if a guy did this to me and it would create a lot of problems
like i would genuinely consider leaving because it invokes such intense rage in me that i will start to FUCKING HATE YOU AND WANT TO MURDER YOU

oh. they're retarded. being tall is master race.

Being a woman is being the ultimate master race.

Get married/get a gf and then tell her to cut her hair. She will. That's the trick.

>I want punk or goth gf but they want punk or goth boyfriends and not some functionally dressing autist.

Same. Or any 'alternative' gf to be honest.

>tfw no gf who WILL FUCKING FIGHT ME

i unironically got my sister's boyfriends to fight/wrestle me as a teenager when i was too stupid to understand the sexual undertones of it
one of them even fucking licked my boot once when i got him pinned to the ground and it STILL did not register as anything dirty or sexual in my mind just goofy

>only date skeletor hipster faggots

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You honestly seem pretty perfect so far

Jesus christ you could have stolen your sister's bf if he was into that. If he's no longer eith your sister he probably remembers you more than her for that.

Nuke all men

my sister had big bobs and no autism
i had small bobs and autism and also dressed like a lesbian and irritated people A LOT because i would talk/act really inappropriately or obsessively

we used to play his xbox together n stuff though and she'd get irritated and leave because she didn't like the shooty games because the gunshot sounds irritated her
meanwhile i was just happy to be playing modern/new games bc my family was fucking poor
i often wondered why he liked her so much besides the boobs

Skeletor hipster faggot here.
Short hair GF likes trash music like Mumford And Sons. She doesn't understand the shit i like (DG trash).

Short hair qts are bound to have weird music taste.

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Get a pixie cut so OP can become your husbando

It's simple, you fuck it out of them

source: Trumper who called a queerbaiting chestlet tomboy Hillfag an abortion loving whore in June 2016 and will now marry her in July 2018

>liking short haired ugly manly dykes
>not liking patrician objectively womanly ponytail
Makes me sick.

>girls are just long hair
I bet you can't even take differentiate a trans fag and a woman just by taking a look at the hips and back.
You fucking dick-loving faggot.

i have not cut my hair or tied it up in almost ten years and i like this

what does this mean


ponytails are gay

>ponytails are gay
Show me a gay guy with ponytails. Now look for gay guys with short hair. Case closed. I win. Sorry user, it was fun arguing with you, but I had to teach you a lesson. Class over, dismissed.

Not sure. Demands more research.
I suggest you talk to other rapunzels and check their music taste as well.

you won fucking nothing

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i dont know any
all of my female friends have cut their hair short, cut it after it gets middle length, or even done the "half of head shaved bald" thing at some point in the last 5 years

>shows me horses
>thinks he is cheeky-smart in some way
Sorry user, but you just made yourself lose even harder, if that was even possible. Kiddo, you are playing in the big league, come back when you are prepared to scuffle with hardened anons.

>he can't take how btfo he just got

>implying implications implicitly

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Actually I can and allow me to phrase that in a simplified manner for your simplified mind.

>no u
Check and mate, m8!

back in the day, I also had long hair and would occasionally put it in a ponytail and I too am a gay faggot

>I need to let people know I'm a brainlet
Just google a retarded wojak and look at your portraits user.

absolutely REKT

nigger what? you asked to see a gay guy with ponytails, I posted one and now you seem buttmad
what exactly in that post makes me a brainlet

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Forgive my lack of observance, I thought that guy was your meme expression for the lack of understanding fuck all. Didn't notice his hair. And you must really have took my shit joke for real if you wanted to prove me wrong so badly and go as far as samefag. Or maybe I was the last one not to realize the joke was still joking. Meh.

I think maybe you might need a brainlet portrait user

>only date skeletor hipster faggots
Wait, really?
I like short haired girls and i'm motherfucking Nito, the first of the undead. I also like some pretentious shit, and i am an elitist piece of shit with some things, and i'm quite androgynous too.
Does that mean that i actually had a chance all this fucking time?
Good fucking lord, i've wasted so much time. Thanks a lot op.

I gave you arguments for calling you a brainlet fucktard, by saying you reacted in that way since you didn't understand the discussion. Where's yours tho?

And if I'd need a brainlet portrait, I'd just use yours, since you didn't specify self-portrait, double digit primate.

im sure you could find a short haired tomboy at the gun range

Skellies as in twinks, not disgusting Auschwitz mode bodies.

i can do both desu.
As i said, i'm quite androgynous.

>short hair
>not a man-hating queer
>not into skelly hipster boiis

I never knew that stereotypes associated with hair-styles would provoke so much controversy and debate.
