Tfw find a shy depressed fat qt online

>tfw find a shy depressed fat qt online
>tfw she's into nasty sex fetishes involving abuse, domination, and generally disgusting things done to her, and she broadcasts it openly
Every single time. Why, fembots, why can't you just want to love and be loved? Please. Just once.

Don't you realize how creepy it is to do this "daddy" bullshit, especially in an abusive manner? Do you really think this can lead to anything normal? Do you expect to just have these sexual fetish based relationships forever and never have to grow up? Because it really doesn't work in real actual life.

Where did this shit even come from, it only appeared in the last 10 years or so.
I can't take this stupid meme anymore.

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You fucking virgin. Women have wanted to be beaten up by men for hundreds of years.

I was into the same shit

I have no clue what happened to her as a kid but she was into the most vile shit

>incest roleplay
>having a loaded gun held to her head during sex
>being cut open and having the blood licked up and making out with the blood still in the guys mouth

After she told me all of that I blocked her on every social media possible and I was scared i was gonna have to go into the witness protection program

well why not broadcast YOUR fetishes openly to her? she'll understand where you're coming from then

Not a single one I was ever with wanted anything even remotely like that before 2007 or so.
What, like having someone to love and to cook together and go ice skating and drink hot cocoa and hold hands with while walking the city at night?

yes! tell her about how you feel. communication is key to relationships. if you can't even tell her what you really want or that her fetishes are too much for you then how do you expect the rest of the relationship to go?

Yeah, those things aren't mutually exclusive. I've taken girls on cutesy romantic dates, gone for long walks in the park, candlelight dinner, the typical list of normie dates, but afterwards I took them home and beat the shit out of them because they *wanted* it. It's not uncommon. Rape fantasies are incredibly common, for one.

I think you missed the point though.

This is absolutely disgusting, how can you look someone in the face after doing that to them and consider them a human being? How can you look at yourself in the mirror?

Simple, I cuddle them to sleep, wake up the next morning, and make them breakfast. Being into really rough, brutal, and filthy sex doesn't mean she's any less of a human being. It's possible to spend an hour plowing some girl's asshole while choking her and still think she's a beautiful and lovely girl.

the point is you don't want to have a relationship based around a sexual fetish right? then tell her that. how else do you expect her to know what you want

Yeah I mean dude I actually like tying girls up and slapping them around while fucking them. If you don't like it, then don't, but it will make you incompatible with certain girls who want that shit. Just tell her what you think and say no. Walk away. Don't make a big deal about it.

It's really not. You're mentally ill.

>it will make you incompatible with certain girls who want that shit
The point is, there was about 1% of them in 2007, and it's 90% of them now.

I'm just going to vent and hope it opens a discourse, or not, I don't care.

of course I want a daddy. It's all I've ever wanted. I remember in my early years online, we were poor and couldn't afford a computer for a long time and when we finally got one my brother loaded it up with porn and viruses, but during the months when it was functional I'd log on in the night and go on chatrooms and I'd find older men. Before that I'd use voice on those "party line" numbers.

I've been looking my whole life.

Then my dad died, and I broke down, and I lost my job and my mind. I could no longer function. I was nothing but the trauma of his abuse, the daughter I'd never be again, the anguish of our love's last survivor, the victim, the child, the infant, the apple of his eye, the worthless, empty shell of a person who was never whole and never could be again.

Venting then like I am now, but on /b/ and posting the rapiest lolicon in my folder, he responded. I didn't know then but I know now he was just some lost fuck up with his own problems, but at the time he understood. I didn't want to be told I was a victim of a monster, I wanted to be understood for all of the very confusing ways I felt, he accepted that. He told me what he saw I wanted to here. It was my fault it had ended, I had betrayed him, I was bad, I deserved the suffering I was doing, I deserved more. He gave me a mantra, he gave me commands, he gave me freedom from myself, I need only obey.

Soon enough I'd do anything in the world for him. When I'd slice into myself, I bled for him.

When we met, his fingers found those fresh scars, and he pinched at them, he slapped them, he had me suck my thumb as he did it and I whimpered and squirmed, and he almost raped me. I'll always wish he had. He did not, but he pulled me into an embrace I've never felt again. Curled in his lap, he held me like a baby, and I snuggled into him and he knew what I felt and he said, "aw, can't be close enough to daddy" and I could not.

The fact that you're a faggot who isn't in touch with his inner monster is your problem, not mine. Read some Nietzsche.

He didn't choose me, in the end. I moved 1300 miles for him, for the chance, and will never be.

I spent 6 years loving him more than I cared to breathe. I don't know if I'll ever have another. No bond will be the same. He has my undying loyalty. I always said I'd do anything for him, and if it cost me my life, I'd have still done it. Well, it did. It cost me my youth, my prime years, before the world came tumbling down and I had to grow up or I'd be in the ward until I eventually died in the gutter, with my peers. People with pasts like mine don't make it, not in my experience. I may never, but I'll go down with a fight.

And all I can do now is ache and suffer, just like always. And the cute new girls wear what I can't anymore, and they are open and free and can pastel dream up their worlds while I say goodbye to my freedom and see before me a life of responsibility, fealty to family. I am who I said I was, I will be, at the very least, an honorable and dedicated woman. And never again a child, the baby I'd have been for the whole of my life, at his side. Obedient, innocent, the confidante, the muse, the brother in arms, the world to my one and only, through the good and most importantly, the bad. Support and structure go both ways, in different ways.

I wanted to travel the world. I'd have hiked the AT on his leash. I wanted to, maybe I was too picky.

I'd always dreamed I'd find the man who'd let me love him, with my all. Now I will never be that little dreamer. I knew myself a fool, but it was beautiful while it lasted.

Dream on. I doubt you'll have the misfortune I've had. Beautiful little dreamers. I'd love you, if I was still me. I'll never be whole. I mourn here because I am here, for the moment.

goodbye my Daddy, the more it hurts, the more I feel you with me. My God, I feel you now.

I think you misunderstood Nietzsche.

Are you gay, is this how you cope with it? Did your mother abuse you?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

The civilized monster is a man. Well-controlled consensual violence for mutual gratification is a civilized outlet for my violent tendencies and makes both of us feel good. The rest of my life is better because of it.

A rabbit isn't good. It's just weak. Women appreciate violence and always have. Evolutionary imperatives.

We already established you misunderstood him, and his opus is a bit more complex than instagram quotes btw.

I think you just gave my heart a boner user. The fuck.

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muh misunderstood Nietzsche

Nice argument faggot. "You just didn't get it" is the classic stupid argument by people who don't want to engage with the point. "It's more complex than that!" says the pussy who still falls for Judeo-Christian concepts of romantic attraction.

Every shitty idiot on Earth thinks that their sole interpretation of Nietzsche is correct and that everything that disagrees with it can be hammered into one perspective. It's not like he has a complex body of knowledge and I'm only citing a specific aspect of "Also Sprach Zarathustra" or anything. No, le epic Hot Topic Nietzsche memes are exactly what I'm aiming for.

Who could be behind this post.

Someone who actually read Nietzsche and understood the point of the "God is dead" monologue without shitty Hot Topic nihilism.

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girls who want daddy bfs creep me out. my mom told me she married my dad because he was older and taller and she could feel like a daughter to him. and i thought it was really vulgar, not even because of incestual tones or anything, i just thought it was perverse that she made a decision to be with him based on such an immature sense of security.

Oh you mean every shitty idiot on Earth who thinks that their sole interpretation of Nietzsche is correct and that everything that disagrees with it can be hammered into one perspective.

>Vile Shit
Incest isn't bad at all user. Nor is holding a loaded gun... or bloodplay.

But feederism... what the fuck? Seriously? How can this be a thing?

Literally nothing wrong with raping your daughter with a gun to her head and making her cut herself to cope with it
as long as she doesn't get fat.

"there are multiple interpretations" doesn't mean "every interpretation is valid" you postmodern cunt. Fuck off, go find a woman.

Daily reminder that if you read Nietzsche and concluded that he was a nihilist that you should end your own fucking life. Immediately.

This, it's clear he wanted "men" to sadistically abuse psychologically broken victims of molestation.

is being a switch degenerate?

Well i have zero fetishes and i think oral sex is nasty, i'd wager i have a much harder time finding a partner than these BPD daddyissue-nutcases. It's also partly mens fault with their increasingly more demanding sex-tastes due to overuse of porn. Even choking is seen as vanilla now.

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I'd settle for a girl just to have normal sex with.

I refuse to engage in play with submissives who just want to use me as an excuse for self-harm by proxy. This is definitely a real thing.

Fembots are always usually asexual or they have extreme fetishes

>hard time finding a partner because being normal and sane
>when there are men begging for normal sane women every day on this board
Nice bait I guess.

>normal and sane
>wont do blowjobs
men will leave when they hear this, i even had a lengthy and angry (on mens side) discussion about this on this very imageboard a while ago

I wouldn't, women are usually shitty at it anyway. As long as she let me eat her out of course.

>she's into nasty sex fetishes involving abuse, domination, and generally disgusting things done to her

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It can very difficult for some. Some people cannot separate the two. If those ideas repulse you so much, then you just have to find someone else who shares your tastes

Other people can like that stuff however and still be people, they can still love each other deeply and cuddle and hold hands and also get off on him choking her while he fucks her.

You dont need to be that, but recognize that it is totally possible for other people to do that and still feel a deep love connection

That interpretation of Nietzsche is actually the right one though. If you think Nietzsche was a nihilist, well, you didn't actually read him.

Way more girls are into some rough sex than just the abused ones.

>if you don't believe in evolution you're a creationist
Nice false dichotomy I guess?

That's not a false dichotomy dipshit, some things actually are binary. Yes, including the example you pointed out. If you don't "believe" in evolution, not only are you a creationist by definition, but you're also retarded. You cannot be a nihilist and an existentialist.

"he could have been both though"
t clueless brainlet who didn't do the homework

Oh I see, like you can't be a sane human being worthy of associating with and do this fetish shit, gotcha.

exactly. fetish-trash aren't sane. You're allowed to do what you want with your dick/pussy but don't pretend you're a normal respectable person.

>he implies that he's a complete retard who believes in fairy tales, gets called out on it, goes back to "YOU DO BAD STUFF"

Don't start arguments you can't win. You don't know shit about Nietzsche (muh "misunderstood author") and you don't know shit about science.

what has this thread evolved into

to be fair user you're kind of the only guy who wants to do these things. women have clued on to the fact that most men seriously just want to use them as cum dumpsters and they're dick hungry enough to play along. if you tell some guy you're completely into vanilla sex - honestly you don't even like sex that much in general and just want to cuddle most of the time - they're going to call you boring/normie/frigid etc.

Tell me about quantum mechanics daddy.

>afterwards I took them home and beat the shit out of them because they *wanted* it.

they do that so they can have something to accuse you with if they have regret sex or for whatever reason. cops will arrest you with all the marks you gave her.

>women have clued on to the fact that most men seriously just want to use them as cum dumpsters and they're dick hungry enough to play along.
You mean most wannabe Chads who have no mind of their own and buy into the Jew propaganda just like the retarded women they fuck.

It might because everyone hates themselves these days. Risky and dangerous behaviors is tied to a great deal of mental disorders. Porn is partly to blame and how it has desensitize everyone. For example being a shemale was no were near as popular as it is now. The amount of gay men is disturbing.

Back to these women, now if they were ACTUALLY raped I do not think they would want it to happened over and over again.

They are entirely deluded. I think naturally women want some dominance but not the kind were they are beatened violently or raped every night. Thats completely insane. And be careful guys out there. They can say you actually abused or raped them if they decide to get mad at you.

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"Quantum physics" isn't even conceptually difficult, it's just unintuitive. Go watch PBS SpaceTime on JewTube.

This is some pure virgin shit, my dude. Get off your MRA high horse. Not every women is out to fucking get you.

okay buddy if you like playing russian roulette with your life be my guest but you have some explaining to do after the cops see her bruises.

Yes, like the extensive text history with videos and pictures of her doing it to herself. No problem, dumbass.

idiot has no understand how the duluth model and the law works.

There is an extensive case history of BDSM practices in the courts. I am well aware of the Duluth model and that's why I make sure to keep my hard evidence backed up offsite in two locations. Stop falling for fucking MRA memes you lonely retard. This is why the Internet was a mistake. Because of morons like you who take concepts and examples and turn them into strict rules for living your life.

Don't go outside, fuckface, you might get mugged. Don't fly in a plane, it might crash. Don't drink water too fast, you might fucking drown, you Mongoloid retard.

you sound trigger as fuck. don't drop the soap when she calls the cops on you because the white knight cops don't care about your evidence. also you are against feminist organizations that want to arrest to increase their numbers so they can get funding.

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What the fuck kind of men have you been talking to, Jesus. Do you find them on fetish sites or something?

This, if you don't have cameras watching everything that happens in your apartment you're literally retarded.

white knight cops don't care and they will delete the evidence. it happen to my friend and some cop delete the evidence he had. he was arrested and send to jail.

>not being a cop or at least being friends with them
It's like you can't even into DD/lg.

I mean to be fair I don't actually talk to men - why else would I be on here - but it's kind of the impression I get from most of them

>at least being friends with them

yeah I am sure your alpha personality and your thick cock will work for the judge too.

>having this little self awareness

It's a legbeard in the wild.


That's why I said keep offsite backups of all of your data you fucking retard. If you don't keep offsite backups you're a complete moron.

You don't even fucking speak English, why are you arguing about American laws?

Ikr, I have like 0 fetishes and I think my boyfriend might hate me for it, I don't like blowjobs very much but since he likes it I'll do that for him

But he also wants anal (I think that's gross) and we did it a couple of times, it was uncomfortable and I won't let him do it again

And almost every chick I've met has daddy fetish, is into BDSM and shit like that, wtf

You think shit like this ever gets to the judge or that the judge is somehow independent of the people actually running the show in the town? Oh wow.

>>I mean to be fair I don't actually talk to men
I am already in love.

Girls like you are the best to corrupt, if he was a good dom he'd get you to sucking off guys in truck stop toilets and giving DVP and DAP to his friends when they come over for poker in less than 2 years.

Nah lol, if I have to do something I'm 100% not into then you can bet your ass you gonna get fucked up mate

m8 what are you on about? "corruption" is much more likely with "broken" girls.

You just have a shit bf who doesn't know how to break you.

I just want a girlfriend to call me daddy and let me gently tug her around and smack her ass all night


Why tf would I want someone to break me? I'm not a degenerate whore

If he can't make you want it, he's not a real man. Too bad you got yourself a sissyboy, you'll grow out of this practice relationship though.

This explains why you're a virgin alright

>an ubermensch like me being a virgin

Keep telling yourself that, dyke.

Whatever helps you feel better, mate

Loving sex is my fetish and I'm not into D/S stuff as a whole. I do like traps/femboys/crossdressers and subby boys, but I want to be nice and sweet to them and give them lots of blowjobs.

You could fix her man. I mean, if you're not into the degenerate stuff yourself, you could cure her troubled mind as she cures your loneliness.

I've recently tried out tinder/bumble. And every single person on there is pretty much a carbon copy of eachother.

It's always: Drinking, Travelling, Partying and Dogs.

I have absolutely no problem with that. The problem is that they have this mentality that they're the most amazing person in the world, without realising they are just like the common masses and if you are not interested in any of those things you're pretty much a leper.

>You could fix her man.
I can't even fix myself.


you can't fix people with depression with your love like some rescuing prince. Being depressed is like having a love filter, no matter how surrounded with love and care you are it can't get through and you always feel alone.

I fell for the rescue meme and wasted 2 years trying to fix someone. You can't be their therapist. Your love isn't special, there's nothing you can do. You can support them but they have to help themselves.

>Being depressed is like having a love filter, no matter how surrounded with love and care you are it can't get through and you always feel alone.
This is not true for men, only women are black holes like that. My depression was instantly fixed when I had a gf.

Then she left me because she found a guy who was exactly like a dumbed down version of me but in a higher socioeconomic class.

>Your love isn't special
Fuck you, yes it is.

most people that unironically think this are beyond delusional. If you're a social retard with not many friends and struggle with people, how are you going to fix some depressed person? Because you love them? There's a million people that could do that and be better for them.

>unironically referring to yourself as an Ubermensch

There exists no more obvious evidence that you aren't one. Stop disrespecting the Neech you virgin.