Is the dark age of the internet beginning?

Is the dark age of the internet beginning?

>barely any good vidya coming out
>vidya been completely overtaken by normies
>memes are getting more and more mainstream and die within a week
>roasties infiltrate the internet and praise themselves for being whores online
>more and more beta males turn into either trannies, cucks or soyboys through porn addiction and degeneracy

Is now the best time to kill oneself? It will probably not get any better soon.

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Aside from the vidya part, none of it directly affects you.
How about you just do what you always do, sit at home, eat tendies and play older videogames?
The best time to kill yourself is every day.

>doesnt affect you
nice meme fag. The normie infection of vidya IS the reason there is so much shovelware in the market. even the best games of the recent decade sacrifice some gameplay for the normie hoards.

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This reply made me really lose all my hope

Read again, you retarded faggot: I said ASIDE from the vidya part.

Why did Mordhau and Bannerlord have to be delayed?

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Kill yourself now fgt

I miss the old days when only hermit no life losers used the internet and played video games.

What happened? How did this shit go from being unique to shut-in hermits, to suddenly becoming this huge thing that even the most thug gangsta niggers use, as well as male model chads and 15/10 stacey's and billionaires.

Then again 99.9% of this Jow Forums probably grew up during the time the internet was already infested by normies, so I guess none of you have any idea what I am talking about.

Here's an idea

stop coming to this bullshit website and stop relying your entire life on technology. Literally of the problems you listed existed because of internet and video games. Stop being a faggot

Except it was never unique to shut in hermits.

we will keep moving to more obscure shit everytime normies push us out and as long as hirohito doesn't sell out we'll be able to shitpost to our heart's desire, keeping normies at bay without being banned for dumb rules

Watch some anime or read a book or something bro stop being such a bitch

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Also - Does anyone else remember in the early-mid 90s when people thought the internet was full criminals and weirdos?

I remember trying to get my parents to let me buy something online in the 90s and they were horrified and screaming at how the everything on the internet is all a scam, criminals just trying to get your money, and to never buy anything online as you will 100% get scammed!

Now my parents do all their shopping online and spend the majority of their time streaming. Funny how times change.

It's not that isn't any good vidya coming out, you grew up faggot. Do you think it would hold the same magic it did when you were younger like action dolls and cartoons.
This videogame wasn't mainstream is such a fallacy. Everybody had a NES. Everybody had a SNES or n64. Everybody had atari2600. Everybody went to the arcades.

Fuck off mate, it was.

Last year of high-school for me was 1999. I was literally the only person I knew of in high-school that had internet and used it everyday. I mean for fuck sake, 95% of people didn't even have a fucking PC at home.

>doesn't affect you
This is the end.

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Good to see a fellow comrade

I am playing team fortress 2 and dead by daylight(lol) and they are pretty good

>barely any good vidya coming out
Lot more good stuff than a few years back on PS3
>vidya been completely overtaken by normies
Been this way for years now, not new
>memes are getting more and more mainstream
Yeah because Jow Forums has now pretty much become mainstream
>roasties infiltrate the internet and praise themselves for being whores online
The internet isn't solely a place for men so saying they infiltrated it is a bit silly.
>more and more beta males turn into trannies, cucks or soyboys through porn addiction and degeneracy
Not the internets problem, this is a social problem. You teach people that this stuff is accepted through schools this is what you get. These are also males who feel they aren't doing well in the male role so they want to change themselves.

The internet's been in a permanent dark age ever since social media became a thing. It hasn't been good since 2007.

>barely any good vidya coming out
Pirating older games has been easier than ever

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Literally everything goes bad with increasing popularity. Libraries, parks, groups, or clubs of any kind. The best thing to do is to find something else. I'm not trying to sound like a whiney hipster faggot, but the internet started losing its touch when it became accessible by everyone.

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