Stefan Molyneux went full Jow Forums

Stefan Molyneux went full Jow Forums.

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Molyneux is a fucking retard or controlled opposition. No reason to watch his videos now that he's shown his true colors.

He'S cOnTrOlLeD oPpOsItIoN

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He went full Jow Forums in 2014 when he was claiming that women dating assholes will ruin the world. He went full Jow Forums afterwards.

You are controlled opposition. How much are you being paid by (((Sorros))) and (((Rothshild))) to comment?

>He went full Jow Forums afterwards
He's always been full Jow Forums except for the atheism.

Biggest giantest redpill, Jow Forums and Jow Forums are always right, and if you do not agree, you are surely a roastie or jidf shill, and I must ask you to go back to Rebbit.

Remember not to read books yourself, just have Stefan explain them to you.

Is "the art of the argument" good? Thinking of reading it to boost up my debate skills.

He was a different sort of AnCap, he was fundamentally out there, not everyone liked him. His ideas on UPB are interesting but I never read his book

t. Was ancap during 2012-13

You will not like it if you're not willing to overlook a lot of anti-left rhetoric.
Meme man makes no attempt to write without bias.
That said, it's a reasonable crash course in knowing when to tell a retard to fuck off.

It's not going to teach you to win, just how to deal with being lied to. The winner should always be the most correct argument. If you want to lie to people and get away with it, go read Alinsky.

he makes very basic errors in the parts about logic. The book is shit. The man knows nothing about philosophy.

He's a retarded cult leader milking braindead Jow Forumstards. He'll move onto the next cult once the nazi larping bubble bursts.

Hey retard.
Go write a better argument book or fuck off.

Get out of my thread memelord.

Hi Stefan. Pls go to a philosophy 101 course, ok ty.

>oh shit he's criticizing something my identity is attached to
>gotta use my trump card
>"why don't you try and see if you do better"
>fucking ace
>close thread so I don't see his reply

This is my thread now, fucko. Stefan is a hack.


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not an argument xDD

Yellowtext and meme arrows is not an argument

Fuck off retard.

not an argument -___________-

Call in his show and correct him. GL.

not an argument 0___________o

He can come to Germany and visit my lectures but he'll have to shut up for fucking once. I highly doubt that he is capable of that.

Go engage the meme man and win if you're right and he's wrong.
It should be easy.

>he thinks being a better rhetorician determines what is true or false

>play chess with a retarded man
>retarded man keeps moving pieces in retarded ways
>tell the retard
>he starts screeching "not a chess move not a chess move" until you leave
>he has never won a tournament but he sure is undefeated

Explain to me why you think you're right if you'd lose to molymeme.
Or I'm going to assume you're wrong, a retard, and should fuck off.

not an argument x______________x

>user is scared
Just do it faggot, lmao.

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Isn't it weird so many people here defend e-cultists? I thought you guys were smarter than to fall for obvious scams.

not an argument ~w~

All talk no action.

Yes, that is clearly the only explanation. You truly are a genius just like molymeme.

You're just a fucking coward. I'm not even kidding, do it. You can warn hundreds of thousand to millions of people that he is a hack. Do it.

Pretty unsurprising to find dunning kruger fuckhead normies on this board who mistakenly think they're in good company.

Jow Forumstards

Jow Forums - tards

As I said, Stefan, if you're interested in proper philosophy just tell me and I will e-mail you the times and places where I lecture on logics so you can come by and learn some basics. You just have to shut up, listen and only talk when I call on you.

C a l l i n y o u c o w a r d

Sorry, Stef. If you wanna talk we talk on my terms. I'm out for now. Gotta prepare tomorrows lecture ;)

I fucking knew it. All talk no action. Fucking little bitch.

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Guys gotta run from a Jow Forums thread
Are we cyber bullies now

no yov

cyberbullying isn't real baka

>Normie memes
Fuck off.

Fucking retard. I think Molyneux is dumb, especially his earlier cult-like stuff. But he's been doing his thing for ages. Calling everyone muh CIA/FBI is fucking stupid.

He lost me at his trump betrayal video

Textless posts are not allowede

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It was facebook-tier and it was on Jow Forums

>all this character assassination

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