Why havent you settled for a 3/10 like pic related user? you just have to lower your standards a little

why havent you settled for a 3/10 like pic related user? you just have to lower your standards a little

Attached: oxy 2.jpg (750x1131, 191K)

Oxy is at least a 7

Attached: 1507508261479.jpg (750x1334, 131K)

nigga how is she a 3/10? shes a 7/10 my nigga

I rate this a bad bait

is this one of those Posts in which u want the commenters to say "dats a 7/10" only so u can have the epic Comeback of
>ha, u gay m8 that Thing has a penur

why do thots do this

I think oxy was just joking about being goth but I could be wrong

I did though, we've been together for 3 months.

random minion ecks dee

I have the same Iron Maiden shirt.

Was it meant to be?????

Had ta do it to em'

Attached: 76D32EEB-B319-4B13-80C9-9D39CC88F925.jpg (750x887, 139K)

She's still a little kid and already has sex videos floating around on discord. Are you guys cucks?

>She's still a little kid
>already has sex videos

Attached: 2ACFCB2A-1D5A-4485-AA28-72B1ED06719C.png (2400x259, 47K)

This kind of threads was funny only before the 100th was created.

Attached: i-realised-there-was-a-lack-of-puns-and-bait_o_4164567.jpg (1000x584, 46K)

Some discord user named bacchan devirginized her and then shared the videos on sheep village

I'm settling for a 2/10, pic related

Attached: IMG_20180330_141550_240.jpg (900x1600, 264K)

you missed the point of this meme

>you missed the point of this meme

just settle for a 4/10 bros

Attached: pen.jpg (750x1334, 192K)

did she get fat?

Oh man, crystal meth really sucked the life out of her pretty face. I'm so pleased with you Ciara, keep it up!

yeah just like her mom who is a landwhale. Shes genetically predispositioned to be a ham beast

This is what a 3/10 looks like you fucking chad ps of shitte

Attached: tc357.jpg (418x500, 77K)

Is this a shoop? How can her neck be like that?

what the fuck is that neck

No, that a 2/10 boyo

Attached: pictorialscale.jpg (1000x1598, 287K)


Attached: F98B1BBC-C6F6-43EB-B837-AE453E32CE58.jpg (639x479, 66K)

those pictures are outdated and even the 9s there are uggos by todays standars

Attached: 1522167790413.jpg (720x720, 61K)

Yes, she's a landwhale now. Here is her now.

Attached: 20180330_145256.jpg (755x1616, 667K)

is there an updated one then

stop with these bait threads

>two different socks

He's baiting, my dear user.


Attached: 20180330_145900.jpg (1212x1256, 788K)

just settle for a 1/10 lads!
originally ofc

Attached: unreal-and-steamy11.jpg (475x600, 43K)

That isn't even goth.
I hope she gets raped soley because of that.

I think she's really cute.

Nothing about this picture indicates any relation to the Pokemon series.
I need further proof in order to confirm whether or not she is a true trainer or not.

who is this im gonna need to know

Oxy aka Bianca Devins
Not well known no ig/social media

thank you very much sir have a great life :)