Why don't you have a goth lolita gf?
Why don't you have a goth lolita gf?
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She's perfect.
How do i get a cute goth girlfriend
That style is really popular in Japan but for some reason the fashion industry and Japs really really hate it when Europeans do modeling there in those outfits, because they believe they invented that style
she looks like a cute trap in most photos, thisone just looks like a normal dude in a dress
that's pretty retarded, considering the fashion is European in origin
tfw been into lolita fashion since i was ten and worked hard my entire school life to pursue the hobby but became a shut-in loser neet instead and can't afford clothes. thanks for reminding me
Her face isn't masculine at all, she just has a chubby baby face.
Can I buy you nice brand dresses?
i know you're taking the piss but save that money to buy something nice for yourself, i can't accept donations. i'm just feeling bad for myself since i never achieved my childhood dream, among other things
>i know you're taking the piss
I'm not, my dream is to be Jow Forums and muscular and have a gothic lolita femdom be mean to me and make me buy her stuff
To me that face looks like the face of a really feminine man, if I were to be sceptical.
Even better if she's a cute little NEET too, like precious but smug and bossy
you sure you should be looking here for a gf? you sound too good to be lowering your standards that much.
I didn't say gf
You know what you need to do champ or champette
Because I prefer classic.
because my place is just full of stacyes and progressives
as long as it's not sweet you're good.
it's because she has a long philtrum
Oh Wow we have the same birthday
What's stopping you from getting your shit together for round two? Are you just gonna roll over and give up for good? Money is just a small hurdle to overcome; what went so wrong in your life that you lost sight of your dream?
maybe she got fat
Because I'm taking hormones to become my own goth lolita gf
my mental state just continues to deteriorate, i have to be under suicide watch 24/7 and am legally homebound. lots of trauma. i made a thread that just 404'd talking about living in poverty that didn't get much replies
You will never be a lolita and you will never be cute. MtFs always look like monsters and sound like them too.
It breaks my heart to hear that. I hope you can find light in the darkness friend. What's your mental state deteriorating mean in this situation? Please don't hurt.
Nigga, what nigga!?
Are you the same guy that posts these underage pale girls with black hair everyday? It's always the same type over and over.
That was a needlessly rude thing to say.
thanks user. my depression and anxiety have been so bad that i don't leave my bed or eat for days. sometimes my mind is so messed up that i look at words but can't put a sound to the letters. my mom and dad verbally and physically abuse me because they blame me for not making money for them. sometimes when i get really lonely i start hallucinating and at first i was really scared and even peed myself while crying because i thought i was feeling someone hitting me but some days passed, it kept happening so i just let it happen. i realized the thing i was hallucinating was someone's hands patting me and kissing me and it was very nice and comforting and now whenever it happens i instantly fall asleep, but that may be because of vitamin deficiency or whatever. thank you for reading my blog
It's not rude, it's the truth and if you don't like it you can kill yourself so you can forget.
You might be low on B and D if you never leave the house and catch some rays. I'm going to imagine your diet isn't optimal for mental and physical health either given your sketch of the situation. Not eating for days certainly wouldn't help but lack of appetite is understandable.
Do you have any skills that could get you out on your own two feet? You don't have to leave if you're not able to, but it helps to have a feeling of control and self-sufficiency even if it's only on paper. What about Neetbux or something similar? You sound like you'd qualify given your situation. I'm sure you're not in the mood to put plans into action but please know there's always a way out so long as you still have time on the clock and life in your body. Stay safe out there.
i don't live in a place with windows so i haven't seen the sun in about two years. i am #ffffff white. i've tried to apply for neetbux many times but was denied. i even went to court to have them repeal the decision but i don't know why i keep getting denied. i am legally bound to my home. maybe it's because i already get food stamps. my parents don't take me anymore and i need a chaperone if i leave the house because i walk straight into heavy traffic without realizing what i'm doing. i've caused accidents like this before. i lost a lot of brain cells since i've been revived from a hanging and been locked in a secluded room for months while at the psych ward. i was accepted to an ivy league school but didn't go because i couldn't afford it. and now i slur my words and forget how to speak english sometimes. every day it gets a tiny bit worse. i hope something good happens to you for being so sweet
You two need to get a room
that means exchange discords
Bureaucracy is a bitch. Please don't give up hope user. Brains are very pliable and resillient; people can bounce right back even after physical trauma or extended periods of isolation if they're given enough time and a good balance of external factors. You can get out of this somehow. Try to write or sing a bit to keep your linguistic faculties going along. You obviously have lots of untapped potential. I believe in you.
The same way you get any other type of cute girlfriend
buy her some burando
Tried that, Still rejected
I look like the ugly reject version of this girl, and she's already off-looking to begin with. This sucks
Please don't insult my wife, thanks.
>he won't even get the off-looking girl
How pathetic of a man are you, hah
I'm already married to her. Keep up.
everyone can see through your shtick, predator
i have a similar dress but hers is cuter
>larping about being married to someone you don't know
What a joke
Oh, it's actually a very simple reason my friend, because WHERE THE BLOODY FOCK DO I FIND ONE??
It's okay user I'm sure you have a beautiful heart. And if you really still hate your looks a few decades from now you'll just be able to do a full face-wipe or whatever fancy thing we come up with so long as we don't nuke ourselves to the stone age before then. Robot waifus, husbandos and perfect shiny chrome bodies for everyone.
>and she's already off-looking to begin with
And it makes her even cuter.
I don't know how or why it works, but it just works.
muffy is so cute and pure. it makes my heart hurt.
I did but she broke my heart. I did everything for her.
The saddest part is, I'd do it again. I'd write all my songs again and drive all those miles to see her smile. But she doesn't want me any more, even though I got fit for her, went back to school for her, got a job for her. She's making me grow the hell up and I'm split on appreciation and bitter resentment.
>I did but she broke my heart.
How? What was she like?
She no longer has a part in the novel of your life, but you can build on that chapter user. You've been there and you've done it, now you know how to roll. Please don't become bitter.
She's too pure for this place, most e-waifus get creeped out or angry, but she's just cool with it.
How can she be cute and nice at the same time?
We lived together for 8 months and she secretly paid deposit on a new apartment and moved out in February. She "still loves me" but "needs to be alone". Now she's going out dancing with her friends every weekend and I'm stuck here working my ass off during Spring Break. The only thing that's kept me sane is my guitar and the gym.
I'm trying to be optimistic about everything. I feel like some part of my soul has just fundamentally withered. This is my second heartbreak in the past 5 years. I understand why my first ex dumped me, but I'm still in shadows for what happened this time around.
Link, riginaly?
lmfao ok you somehow caught feels for a normie whore, boohoo how sad
I had a thing going with a goth lolita once. But then she disappeared. Still remember her though.
>Love the idea of a gothic lolita gf
>A lot of them are genuinely pure and just love the clothes
>TFW too impure to deserve such a wonderful person
>TFW sex drive would ruin relationship
It's okay user; healing takes time but you can get out of this stronger and better. Don't dwell on the "why" too much since you might never get an honest answer anyways - just work on getting even better at the game of life.
Yeah, I scheduled a meeting with a therapist next week, and school starts up again in April. Going to keep busy. I know in my heart that I deserve that same love again, I just need to wait it out. Thank you for the kind words.
imagine being this much of a whiny little fag
Because they, just like all women want Chad.
Sorry man. Anonymous whining is all I got sometimes
she looks like a stupid ita
She is a stupid ita, everything about her is awful
No bully the Muffy
what's ita about this?
do you have a link to her insta/tumblr/twitter?
I appreciate it, gentleman.
I am glad you agree
It is not bullying if it is true.
Shitty attempt at old school. It looks like complete trash. It loooks like she stole all of that out of hot topic or kmart.
The japs loved strawberry switchblade though which had a similar style. They even did a car commercial over there.
imagine being this much of a jealous roastie
>no wig
>no petti
>maxi pad tied to her head wrapped under her neck
>ugly nails
>highschool-tier applied makeup
Figures, it's normally only for fatties but itas are always second to buy dumb BL shit
Babby's first try, she'll get better
Im not even female faggot. lmao this is the same equivalent to that other try hard trash girl crispy that looks like a greasy burrito. Her coord is not old school.
buying brand does not make you good at coordinating
this is so sad. when even /cgl/ doesn't agree with you, you know you're wrong. get a life.
>seagull on Jow Forums
ask me how i know you're fat and your life is shit
>those four guls speak for the whole board
Samefagging for her doesn't count, user.
>>no wig
Not necessary unless you have shit hair
>>no petti
>hurr what is an a-line petti
>>maxi pad tied to her head wrapped under her neck
rectangle headdresses are a staple of oldschool.
>>ugly nails
>>highschool-tier applied makeup
she's in highschool
what the fuck are seagulls?
they are a type of bird
It's how /cgl/ anons call themselves
oh i see thank you kindly
God dammit she is so cute it makes me feel warm everytime I see a pic of her, how do I escape this hell?
No thanks, I would have a goth lolita gf if she's Japanese though. Not even a weeb, just think that sort of fashion looks bad on white women.
The only escape would be getting a gf like her, but it'd be nearly impossible to find another girl like her, and it still wouldn't be her, so there's really no escape at all
Cgl is such an awful shit board
On the board shitlist its almost as bad as soc
just make her your gf then
Tfw no white gothic lolita imouto
I think it suits white girls as long as their feminine and skinny. It's based off western victorian fashion after all.
I personally hate engaging in fashion but I do love me some girls in pretty dresses.
why do all the best girls have to be gay. it hurts.
>typical sjw tumblr cunt nonsense
Do people even exist anymore who are attracted to men
It feels like eveyone would prefer idealized feminine beauty
Don't worry user, when I have money I'll make sure my daughter has nice expensive clothes when she's still young and desirable.
Look at the bright side, she'll never be tainted by some cunt chad or some smelly orbiter