Would you date a black girl who looked like THIS?

Would you date a black girl who looked like THIS?

Attached: 7r2PZwq.jpg (1080x1045, 166K)

and have to deal with being around her nignog family?

absolutely fucking not, my friend.

how could a straight man say no?

lmao imagine being this much of a brainlet.

butthurt ape detected

SHE *clap* IS *clap* A *clap* QUEEN *clap*

I could never date a black chick seriously. Our kids would be fucking mutts.

butthurt stormfag detected
>i protect the white race by staying a virgin

Nah. Worst parts of pinku piggu and brown gorilla.

If you wanna go fucking African you needa go full BLACK.

Attached: ebony.jpg (800x552, 183K)

Yeah pissibly depending on personality.
Her face is kinda cute, her skin is relatively pale enough. Her hair might be dark enough.
Her eyebrows are weird though.

only if a technology existed where she could make white babies. I don't want to have amerimutt children

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we're all gonna find our African princesses some day, user

no u.


no but has anyone noticed that most of the whites who date black women try to act like they are black

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Of course I would

But no girl would date anyone as hideous as me

Not in the least, as long as she's not fucking with a cornfed Topeka, Kansas white. Jews and Italians are top-tier qt swirl bfs desu

no, the other way around. black girls act more white when they date white men.

Most blacks in the US have two different cultural faces: their "black" face and their "white" face. They speak AAVE around their black friends, but will switch to general American English as soon as they're in a white-majority room. It's very interesting, to be honest.

It's a lot easier for a black person to act white than vice versa.

Same deal when people have accents. They can hide them until people who grew up around them come around.

fuck... what's my sister doing on Jow Forums

Gib her to me pls

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Yeah, but AAVE is even more extreme. It's a proper dialect with its own grammatical rules and vocabulary.

Spot on, I do it completely unconsciously too.

>overly done up eyebrows
Dropped, no thanks. At least they're not literally drawn on, but they're still overdone. Chicks who go in that hard on their eyebrows are almost always bitchy.