Comfy thread

I can't remember when was the last time we had an actual comfy thread, now it's all trannies, fembot threads and retarded shit
we used to have at least one thread up every day, what happened?
share you comfy feels and stories user, tell us how your day was

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Other urls found in this thread:

I miss the comfy threads too user, only reason I'd come here.

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The last time I've been truly confy was when I was a child. I remember well, It was winter, I was in my bed, seeing Jurassic Park 1 (I liked dinosaurs a lot), eating cookies with milk. Good times. I was so innocent.

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I'm feeling >tfw gf for the first time in my life, it's very exciting. Watching ani/m/e with her in my arms is probably the comfiest I've felt in the past few years.

I feel like there's so many of these images that I still don't have. I remember some time either last year or maybe January, two or three posters were having a conversation while dumping them and there seemed to be no end in sight. I'd like to get into making them myself I think, it seems like an enjoyable hobby.

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Another that I saved from that thread.

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winter is truly the season of comfiness

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Comfy threads are a luxury, like the freedoms of the outside world, it must be fought for against those who want to take it away.

gondola an user made....very comfy

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Here's an OC

I literally have a folder just for that kind of pics, want me to dump some? also, congrats on the gf I hope it lasts

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Fuck, forgot to include the file.

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Sure, I'll drop the ones that I have as well. I wonder how many of yours I already have?

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>I wonder how many of yours I already have?
that's my line

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we should talk about something in the meantime, this thread is for comfy feels not for dumping

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I didn't enjoy the past few weeks, I don't feel comfy, it is cold and I don't sleep well. Also I fell in love again, which is no good.
I want to isolate myself from others.

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got a weekend of 3 days ahead of me since this monday is a public holiday
feels good lads. i'll get to watch as much anime and vidya as i want!

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You're in the wrong thread then, mate.

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I consider this picture to be highly comfortable

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cabin+snow is very comfy indeed

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/fa/ggot here. Anyone have any pics of comfy homes?

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only like this, sorry user

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Had to take the bus for 2hours, shouldn't be comfy because it's cramped but listening to va-11 hall-a while watching the road go feels comfy af
>pic related

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I sometimes get lost in my thoughts while in the bus or walking, thinking about the live I could have had but never will

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You probably still have a lot more to look for than to look back on, user.

that's actually one of the few things that keep me going, thing is I don't have anything to look back to, I don't have childhood memories, I never had a comfy afternoon while playing vidya, I never had a single real friend whose house I would go to. Literally every single day would be going to school, coming home, study for 3 hours straight and maybe read a little

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The last true happy years for me were all before 2011, my blissful ignorance kept me quite safe from high amounts of neuroticism. My life has been shit up to this point. One thought that keeps me going though is the prospect of becoming fully independent so I am able to have a space where I can be myself and do whatever I want.

>always dreamt of proposing to a gf in this sort of setting
>high above the city/town with the lights sparkling below us

this isn't a comfy thread
this is a /youwillneverhavethis/ thread

>this isn't an original board
>this is a /youwillneverhavethis/ board
have you ever had a gf in the first place user?

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Yes, but I never planned on proposing. I'm holding out for a girl that doesn't exist.

Well, I also don't have many childhood memories because my memory just gets blurry and I can't remember well what happened more than 2 years ago. But I've set myself a goal and working towards it really helps my mood. Knowing that I'm not doing everything in vain.

>I'm holding out for a girl that doesn't exist.
you can't be sure she doesn't exist unless you try to find her user

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comfiest bump ever

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I hope you get comfy soon user

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here's a comf

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pls don't die I don't want to go back to the propaganda catalog

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Anyone listening to comfy music?

Here is the view from my flat. Pretty comfy in my opinion.

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is bowie comfy?
nightime is a great factor not just to comfiness, but to any aesthetic in general

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>is bowie comfy?
Not a bowie fan, but I can understand why you find it comfy
>nightime is a great factor
Yes, indeed.

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The last time I was truly comfy was about a year ago. Just finished finished last exam of first year of uni. Felt confident about it. Went back to my room on campus. All the other students in my dorm had gone back to their parents. I just continued re-watching space brother, laid in bed. Seen where Muta draw a heart in the sky for Serika. Genuinely felt like their was a reason to live for the first time in awhile.

Haven't been anywhere near as comfy since. Feelsbadman

>ywn have a group good friends to go camping with
>ywn go with your sweet girlfriend
>ywn lay down with her and tell her you love her
>ywn hug each other under the moonlit sky as she tells you she loves you too
I want off
I forgot how to feel that feel

Please stay comfy my fren.

>>ywn have a group good friends to go camping with
>>ywn go with your sweet girlfriend
>>ywn lay down with her and tell her you love her
>>ywn hug each other under the moonlit sky as she tells you she loves you too
fug man. this hurts so much. the only friend i ever went camping with disappeared, didn't ghost me, he just literally vanished no one knows where he went. he's probably dead desu. now i just go camping alone sometimes and its depressing as fuck and just reminds me how alone i truly am in the world.
i just want a gf to go camping with

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I remember I've only gone camping once in my life, I used to be a boy scout. We where there for three days, seriously one of the best memories I have, I didn't even had friends nor something to distract myself with, I was just glad for the fact that I could be away from everything, even for three days.
I feel for your friend, when did that happen?

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last september. we were gonna try to live of the land for a while because we're both rejects who hate the modern world. lived in the white mountains for a while, then park services caught on and we bailed. i went home, but he burned his bridges with his parents when he left so he just moved to a different spot and lived alone in the wild for like 3 months until september when he borrowed some money from a kid and bought a boat and disappeared.

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damn, I was going to tell you to maybe contact his parents but it seems that won't change anything. You said he bought a boat, maybe he's living on the sea now? seems pretty far fetched bur it's a possibility, as for him not telling you anything about it I don't know what to make of that

please don't die somebody get here and post some stories

if people dont want this thread to die i could probably write a couple comfy posts of my childhood, mainly because these threads are the only ones i genuinely like on 4chin
also forgive me for this somewhat normalfag tales, it was probably the comfiest period of my life
>be me
>have to move frequently because of my dads job
>make friends at new school in new country
>every day feels fresh and new
>make a close knit group of 4 friends while also being on good terms with the rest of the grade
>one of the friends from the group ends up being gf
>we would just hang out all the time in her apartment balcony and just watch as it would go dark and all the other apartment block lights would slowly come on
>building was about 40 floors tall, would just spend entire nights exploring the huge building
>would go to the top floor and watch the stars

the ending isnt that happy, but there are also more comfy stories i have of when i lived in a colder country if you guys would like
also have NEET comfy stories too playing vidya in a clan

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A little over week ago I had a bad acid trip. I aborted like four hours into the experience. I was just having a bad time and think I'm allergic to the drug (felt physically very off in several ways).

I wasn't freaking the fuck out or having a panic attack (which I've had PLENTY of on other drugs) but it was just shitty, I knew I was having a bad reaction to the substance, and I just wanted to kill the experience.

Anyways, I swallow a valium and let me tell you that is a very peculiar experience on acid.
>did it go down?
>is it going to work?
>what have I done?
You wouldn't think it, but aborting a trip is an experience in and of itself.

We're almost to the comfy part. My sense of time has been pretty fucked because of the LSD, but in what seemd like a very short period of time the valium kicked in. I distinctly remember my vision panning up into a corner of my room and the valium - which in my mind was a divine rapier - thrusting itself through the abdomen of the deity that represented Acid; a God, of sorts.
It let out a high shriek of naked agony, very reminiscent of the fatal cry of a female demon enemy in a video game when you kill her. The visuals my brain forced upon me were of Taeyeon (from SNSD) stabbing herself in the stomach with this Valium Rapier, her eyes wide with horror that I had done such a thing - how could I do this to her (LSD really, REALLY awakens my feminine side, to the extent that it feels like I'm a girl trapped in a man's body, so that might explain Taeyeon)? I had to get this thing out of my system.

Finally, the relaxation I experienced when the valium crept in and the LSD faded away was absolutely glorious. Like, I just climbed Mount Everest and finished medschool and now I'm injecting heroin for the first time and it's all going to be all right glorious. I put on some Latte ASMR and just sank, SANK into the binaural tingling goodness pouring out of my headphones.

I can't recall a greater feeling of relief, ever.

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yes please, I sometimes get high or drug myself and imagine I'm in these situations or had something similar

hanging out with the cat drinking rum and cider, how you lads holding up? tell us about your day

woke up at 3, ate some oatmeal, been browsing since. same shit everday that i dont have work

ill continue with the original story since im guessing its what you guys want, just tell me what kind of story you want, chances are i probably have something to talk about on it
ah also sauce on my pics are from Life is Strange, if any lurkers are interested
>slowly got closer together
>used to just lie in bed together and talk about things all day long, until her parents got home in the evening
>in feb/march ish time, she finds out she has to move back to her home country
>about 2 weeks afterwards find out my grandfather has cancer so we have to move back a year earlier than expected
>semi-breakup because we know the pain of breaking up after only getting closer would be too much to handle
>after i left her learned that she went back to self-harming
>couldn't bring myself to fully sever connections with her so continued hanging out with her
>however would be noticeably less romantic, but still would do all comfy things in
>we still have loads of fun at school when the 4 of us hang out, and long convos at night on fb messenger
>at this point some of our other friends have moved countries again already
>would only be able to message them at 3am when all of us were online
>would wait all night until everybody would get on and then text until the sunrise
>hanging out with the 4 of us
>would all go to wendy's after school to go eat, and different people from the school would join us at random and chat
>would learn about these random people's woes as they spoke to us for the day
>became known as a group for people to just come and chill with if you wanted to talk about your problems or whatever
>eventually summer comes around and the two of us leave the country
>group fell apart somewhat, but would still spend long nights texting since i missed them so much
>tried long distance for a bit but didnt work out that well
i have some stories about the clubs i was in, just ask sorry for long post

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have you lost contact with them already? also
>just tell me what kind of story you want, chances are i probably have something to talk about on it
I want YOU to talk about the stories you want to talk about user, I don't know why but asking for certain topics or stories kinda takes the gimmick(?) away

someone needs to watch this video RIGHT NOW

This is my definition of comfy

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if you say so user, also theres a funny story about how i have kind of lost contact with them, ill write another story after this one, since i dont feel like this one wont really count
>move to new country
>keep trying long distance with her for a few months
>not really working out
>feels like she has someone she likes at her new school
>decide to just be friends
>text few times a week at about 2am hearing about her new bf
>eventually about a month after the main groupchat with the 4 of us dies, we stop talking altogether
>add her on snapchat and kik and message her occasionally after that
>eventually drift apart and only see random facebook posts by her
>fast forward 3 years
>pursuing new love interest, but progress is slow
>come home from school and my mum wants to talk to me
>she kept in contact with her mum since they were good friends
>tells me that the company her dad worked at got bought by a company situated in our town
>high likelihood she will move halfway across the world again
>supposed to move this summer to my town
this all feels quite nostalgic, hopefully we can just relive those /comfy/ moments of just chilling until the night, but its still not confirmed shes 100% moving here so im not getting my hopes up too much
if she does though, ill probably be the happiest person alive

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really happy for you user, hopefully you can reconnect and hit it off, if she moves that is


smoking is bad and cats bring diseases

Driving during the night is top comfy indeed.
The roads are empty as the normies are all either asleep or partying.

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stop idealizing girls, they are not angels, they're not perfect, they have cellulitis, stripes, moles, bad breath, cavities etc

where do you live?

ou have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

is Watamote comfy?

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Yes. The manga especially.

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