25+ Thread

Didn't see any 25+ thread, how're you guys doing?

Been thinking the past. In the 2000s I had an internet gf. Since I'll never be able to have a relationship irl I want to get an internet gf again but I don't know how anymore.

Wageslaving is also taking it's toll on me. I have no energy anymore.

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Feel a bit better I have a job at least even though the pay sucks but gives me some money. There's a cute girl there too I might ask out.

As a 30 year old KV who has been a hermit shut-in NEET since dropping out of high-school at age 16, what motivates you guys to get internet GFs? I've never seen the point of that. You're not even having sex or anything, you're just talking online, how is that worth doing any of that shit?

Boggles my mind how people can be such losers, and yet still exhibit such normie desires.

>become a vegan
>fast forward a year
>doing yoga
>attending feminist rallies
>supporting financially a crush who happens to be boned by another guy

weird how memes always turn out to be true

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Set up a Tinder or a Facebook account or whatever.

I can't take living like this anymore wageslaving away just to be able to subsist and live my empty shell of a "life"

I need a gf to cure the gnawing loneliness

Sort yur life out duuude

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Why would you subject yourself to something like that?

i just want someone to love me, but i can't interact with people socially in real life
isn't tinder just to give roasties a list of chads to fuck? why would they want an eBF? how would you find egf on facebook

I met a girl on omegle once and we talked every day for months. I lied to her about my age though even though I didn't think it was a big deal. Eventually I told her and she was upset and said she doesn't want to talk anymore so I said thats fine and removed her from everything. Phone, skype, etc. Only had her email left. It was a fun few months even though we couldn't get physical and it gave me that little push that said there are girls out there that will like me and accept me. She later emailed me asking me to basically come back because she was lonely but I ignored her. I moved on from that. I still think about her and hope she is doing well.

i don't have that much going for me anyway

I don't know. People post Tinder stuff here all the time. You might hit it off with a girl.

Why not just use Bumble?

>the app permits only women to start a chat with their male matches
So an even easier way for roasties to pick their chads

I read No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai today, and now I am overcome with sadness. A lot of parts in the book were literally like reading an inner monologue of my own. It made me think back on my life and realise that no one even knows the real me. I can't even show anyone the real me, no one would even want to know that person. I was welling up at the ending and feel that it is foreshadowing my own life. Why does the world have to suck so bad for people like us?

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Do you think being able to start a chat is going to change things? You save time by using bumble and it puts things into perspective if you are wondering about yourself.

I already know I'm undesirable.

It's a weird feeling to know when you're going to die.

Gonna binge read this tonight now.

>halfway to 28
>NEETing from '09 to '14 and '16 to present
>I tried I really did
>content with my fate now
>trying to get a driver's license now
>fuck I hate studying, I have the attention span of a fish
Slowly, but surely working on improving myself. Picked up horse riding hobby, lots of qts there. The trick, and why I failed so hard is, don't try to become a normie, we simply aren't, it's not meant for us, but we can become happy non-normies if you apply yourself and focus on filling your life with what you enjoy and what works for you. We don't have to be the sad robots all our lives. Aim to be a real human bean

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dont get into work relationships.i learned that the hard way

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It's a temp job and we don't even have to interact so it wouldn't be a problem. You should tell your story though.

I can confirm, things can get very ugly

>went back to school to improve my life
>not happy with my major
>failing all my classes
>can't even get a simple desk job that only requires a high school diploma
>hate going into my current job filled with high school druggy dropouts
>feeling lonely everyday because I've never had sex or even a gf
>always tired and just unhappy with life

Also all the people I graduated high school with are finishing up their degrees, starting new jobs, getting married, having kids, buying homes and having kids. And all I'm doing is fucking up in life. This feel is whats really fucking me up. Like if I ever see someone I went to hs with outside, I usually lie and tell them everything is amazing! But I'm really dying inside.

18 year old girl here.

Any older (30 and over) robots interested in talking? I've met some really nice people in threads like these a while ago. My only requirements are that you're not fat and that you're articulate and somewhat nice and polite.


[email protected]
let's give it a try

What would you be interested in discussing? Also even though I'm not overweight I'd still not like to divulge my appearance to anyone unfamiliar.

>getting uglier
>health problems

Yep same here famigIia

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There is no coming back from hairloss


I take solace in knowing that I was already light speed ugly so hair made no difference. I'm already at the bottom aestetically speaking

Parents trying to set me up to get married, then I remembered how horribly my last relationships have ended and decide to keep being a hermit.

thats cool i guess.long story short the roastie asked me out and i got needy and shit,she was a big gossip too.later on got with a good friend and coworker of mine just to try to piss me off.
she is fat as fuck now and hit the wall so i got the last laugh

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[email protected]
Is it just chatting? What happen to all the people you chat with before?

No job, in a ton of debt, no self worth, and using what little money I have to fuel crippling alcoholism. 26 and not doing too well


Robot from yesterday's thread who was on a second date here - looks like we're doing a third after all. I guess you just don't know sometimes, I was convinced she just wanted to be friends

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Last day of work today! Next day of work hopefully never!

>i want a child

what does it mean?

Get the fuck out, blabbering cumsack.

You don't want a girlfriend. The operative part of gf is "friend," not girl. Why do you think you'd enjoy being around another person when most of you so obviously don't? You don't like people - what makes you think you can like a female (read: even more foreign and less friendly than the males you avoid) person and really enjoy their company for more than 45 minutes?

Hope it turns out good.

I had a girlfriend for 18 months back in 2009. We broke up in 2011 and i still check her spotify and twitter every day.

She's got engaged there recently.

Whats the point of having a "match" on a dating site if the stupid cunt wouldnt even answer to messages? Just say "fuck off" or "I like you, but i dont like you enough to reply to you"

She's probably got multiple dozens of other matches; sometimes they'll talk for a bit and move on to another dude.

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G-guys, I'm 20 going into 21. I'm actually studying but I am afraid of life going forward. I'm not a kid anymore, I'm an adult now and I'm alone. The loves of my life have banished and my friends are growing stupider by the day.
It's going to get better, r-right anons? She'll come back and I'll meet new interesting people, right?

>2011 and i still check her spotify and twitter every day.
god that's so creepy. why are men so fucking creepy?

I know, and i dont have a problem with that, but say anything.

Im so tired of this, im on that shit site for 2 years now and i only got a match for the first time a couple of days ago.
I usually say "dont have expectations so you wont be disappointed" but im so fucking disappointed right now.

>an internet gf.

topo keko

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Just a question, I'm 25 years old an never got a job because I was in a lot of pain for years and then got kind of in a depression or something. How will I be viewed when I mention this?

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>loving someone is creepy

resume get thrown in the trashbin

Not favorably, you might get some sympathy points, but I wouldn't count on it

Same, thanks mate. I've been single for over a year now so feeling dem nogf blues again bigtime

More details. What do? I'm actually very good looking so will that help if I talk to a female maybe? I'm happy with a decent job that is atleast a bit above mimimum wave otherwise mimimum.

I dont know that blues since i never had a gf

Just lie. Tell some bullshit story about how you had a sick family member and had to keep a menial job to stay close to home.

But can't they check that I have been on wellfare for years? I've been doing so since 18 or so so I'm screwed on that aspect, right?

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>a decent job that is atleast a bit above mimimum wave
You are competing with tons of people who are more capable than you.
Only chance of getting a job for you is through connection

I don't think any employer is going to check if you received welfare. It's probably illegal (in burgerland at least)

Also can they check I've been in a psychiatric institution for years? I need to know.

But when I put in my CV that I finished a certain course it kinda corrected that the next day, like a bot checking your background info.

You'll get one eventually if you keep trying brobot. It's a long journey but worth it

This is correct. I've. Ended up going to bars to interact with people because otherwise people are repulsed or visibly disgusted by me. Yes, I'm a failed normie, but it hurts to live and exist alone. I can only talk to people when they're beyond the pale in terms of consciousness. I only exist as a person after the 5th drink.

>dad came home drunken again saying it is my fault because I am a loser

I can't take it

I need answers to these. I'm going to the job center tomorrow and I need to know. Very much appreciated.

Im 30, i dont think so. But i appreciate your kindness.

Love doesn't mean stalking them silently for 7 years you fuckin weirdo.

I have a drunk mom and 2 drunk uncles that do the same. Shit can suck. That's why I do drugs

Have you tried joining an RP community user, if its serious then you will find really commited people there that you can meet, however i'm sure if there's any real girls in there they're all orbited by other betas

Is that really stalking?

you have a weak definition of love. not surprising with this hookup culture, slut

>you have a weak definition of love
>silently checking on someones online accounts daily for 7 years
get over her you fucking weirdo goddamn

would you tell literally anyone in your life that you have been doing this to her, let alone her?

I must have been cloned recently because that describes me down to a tee

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I'm not him but this isn't really stalking. You put it on the internet, people see it.

lads I've been a a hiki/neet for years now and I can't stop

what do

my psychiatrists tried sending me to some program that helps the mentally ill reintegrate back into society but the place is crawling with skeevy crack heads who make pretend to be mentally ill for extra welfare benefits

3/31 WOO WOO, one more day till Easter. I've been frantically waiting for that day for a week now that was a really shitty one for me. The good lord's joo joo will make me stronger, I can feel it

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So I tried using bumble. No matches so far but lots of roasties giving height requirements

>another job that doesnt call back
Of course.

is there anybody on Jow Forums who wants to do a group suicide?

no, i have social anxiety

>In the 2000s I had an internet gf. Since I'll never be able to have a relationship irl I want to get an internet gf again but I don't know how anymore.
You know in the 00s you could've and should've meet people, girls, IRL.

Oh damn, i always saw this thread before but just realised i can participate since i'm 25 as for 15 days ago.

Hi ~

I've been think about this too. An unexplained mass suicide of 80s/early 90s kids.

29yo KHV. Touched elbows with a girl who sat next to me on the bus today and she held it there without moving away for 10 minutes until she had to get up and leave. Part of me thinks that wasn't really her stop and she just wanted to gtfo away from me but I'm still going to masturbate after posting this while the feel and memory is still fresh. Blessed day indeed.

Anyone in Seattle ? I'm not smart or good

cuck lmao

why soyboy when u can neck yourself?

I live near Seattle

I don't want to be associated with you fuckers



At least NEETdom made life bearable

I've been working for a few years now and i can't do this for decades

>implying girls didn't just want chad
Stood no chance. Couldn't interact with girls anyways. That's why I got internet gf.

>supporting financially a crush that cheats on you
you know if you stop giving her money she won't give a fuck about you.
do you even have sex?

>Why not just use Bumble?
Because I'm still job hunting, and am more than aware that my looks alone don't matter for shit without some career modifiers attached in my favour.

>Stood no chance. Couldn't interact with girls anyways. That's why I got internet gf.
00s was full of weirdos back, pretty weirdos even with low self-esteem. You could've made it.

this + i am a HS dropout and don't have a job AND on a psych ward ...
"yeah, i totally finnished HS, everything is fine :) "
TFW some still live in my neighbourhood
TFW i am the only one who never had gf
TFW i am tye only one who didn't get driver's license
TFW i am probably the the only one who wishes everynight to die from natural causes

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>how're you guys doing?
Alarmed. I was reminiscing on a memory I have as a child, my mother would take me to a milkshake place when we would go to town; she would buy me a shake, a magazine, and go off and do the shopping she needed to do and leave me there. It was a lovely memory, and the place was the cosiest, comfiest cafe Ive ever set foot in. Flametree cafe.

The alarming part was this was when I was in the second grade; this was in 1999. I almost died on the spot after doing those mathematics and realising how fucking long ago that was.

>falling for the roastie bait

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if you fuck up 3rd date and don't chad-kiss her she will friendzone you... don't worry tho

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