Is that for me user?

is that for me user?

Attached: 2F8BC26E-7BCD-4625-9108-EE86A2496385.jpg (630x733, 45K)

I didn't know how degenerate women were until I stumbled across this website.

That image is for me

Attached: E2A5ADC8-5043-480E-AC68-DD799EEC36E2.jpg (640x641, 113K)


yes this iron pipe is for you you disgusting tranny abomination, prepare yourself cuz i'm about to beat the ever living shit out of you, you dispicable piece of trash

sorry fren but this is mine

Attached: 1501590512996.jpg (1149x832, 116K)

How can you people just spot that this is a trap? I do not get it.

look at his face you autistic idiot

they recognise him from fapping to traps
never trust any poster who knows that a passing trap is a not a biological female

You should detect subconsciously
unless youre gay
Its not easy to put all in words, but face in general, chin here is the giveaway

I bet you thought you could hide your manly features from the world if you took a picture in the darkness. Unfortunately for you, I have eyes blessed to seek out filth in disguise and I can tell that you are actually a man. I banish thee to the nether realm for attempting to appear as a wicked witch!

>they recognise him from fapping to traps
That is actually 100% not true. You have obviously not taken your studies seriously because you would see the flaw in your statement.
It is a gift given to a chosen few at birth, but it can be taken away as time progresses. It is the duty of those lucky men to keep a keen eye whenever possible.

yall are trippin, this aint a good enough shot of the face to tell. some girls look like trannies from certain angles. im not saying this isn't a tranny, but i'm just saying we don't have enough evidence to tell

Look at the:
But we aren't, friend. Maybe you arne't one of the chosen few.

That ass is to phat to be a mans ass

would you really turn this bussy down?

Attached: AB3800C3-8485-4371-94AA-138EC5EFE31B.jpg (1125x1062, 848K)

image search it

Im definitely getting some Michael Jackson chin vibes from this persons chin

>tfw you'll never fuck kalindra-chan

This kalindra chan is a really big confused boner for me

Attached: EB138DF7-47B5-4160-90FE-681699ED0043.jpg (781x554, 55K)

um no sweetie. take her bussy

Attached: DD271E6A-2D95-4540-8811-51D14E150D49.jpg (456x810, 54K)

Why boner'd

i want to annihilate that bussy

I would have sex with that trap. OwO

hahahahhaaahhahahha nigga

What drives a man to become this degenrate sex driven shadow of a person

I wanna see the hole

>tfw trannys like this L I T E R A L L Y look like my ex GF

should i just go gay?