Why do white people act as if theyre superior to anyone when they almost destroyed their race multiple times because they refused to wash their asses?
Why do white people act as if theyre superior to anyone when they almost destroyed their race multiple times because...
When the Spanish arrived (and conquered you're entire continent with like 20 people) you were still in the literal stone age.
>literally the entire world dominated by a race that doesn't even wash their asses
Says a lot about the rest of the world desu
they needed new cleaners every day because they were autistically obsessed with sacrificing thousands of people to their snake gods
Feeling superior is an intrinsic desire to any male
Any male should be able to form an argument to make them feel superior as to avoid an hero
Every race on Earth feels superior to every other for arbitrary reasons
This argument is disingenuous and irrelevant
Lol the people that make this shit are the same ones that think wakanda is real.
>herd animals and get diseases form them
>these diseases make other civs die while you're immune
>also be incredibly innovative and have access to intelligent races such as Arabs and Chinese
It doesnt change the fact that the first few white genocides were started by white people because they didnt understand the concept of bathing more than 3 times a year.
>Europeans used to shit in the streets
>They became a superpower
>Since inventing the toilet Europe has become weak
>Indians shit on the streets now
>India is becoming more powerful
>Superpower by 2020 confirmed
When did you take the /shitpill/?
>Whites literally invent sewer systems.
>Invented public toilets(Greece and Rome both had them.)
>Had public toilets set up in medieval times
Fuck off.
>conquered you are entire continent with like 20 people
The reason they conquered the entire continent is because they were so dirty that people would die after coming into contact with them. Literally the ONLY reasons whites were able to conquer the Americas is because they were covered in disease and rat shit.
LOL, I love it when people try to make fun of white people, as if being white could ever be seen as a bad thing.
Is it a coincidence that the cleanest group of white people (Greeks and Romans) didn't associate with other whites, thought of them as barbarians and would rather hang around the North Africans? I don't think so. Greeks and Romans are the only whites who are worth talking about and they would hang your barbarian from a cross ass if they knew you thought you were on of them.
>coping this fucking hard that you're not white.
yea guess what faggot, despite this wonderful historical revisionist horseshit that you're churning out, it speaks volumes that the rest of the world was dominated by people who pooped and urinated in the street (ill entertain your made up dogshit history lesson)
you're claims of other races being superior never exceed beyond meaningless cosmetic things like being "clean" or some other garbage.
They didn't bathe often because they were terrified that the plague and other diseases were waterborne illnesses. It's why they also drank nothing but ales and wines.
YOUR PEOPLE WERE SO DIRTY THAT THEY ALMOST ERADICATED THEMSELVES. This goes beyond meaningless cosmetics. When you're so disgusting that you bring about the end of your whole native continent and brought about the end of 2 others, you need to realize that you're not superior to anyone and the only reason you're in the place you're in is because you were too fucking dirty for any other race to handle.
Pic related is Europe "conquering" America.
>being this deluded
whatever you gotta tell yourself babyboy
LOL, I'm not deluded. How the fuck are you going to make fun of me for being white? Do your worst, I'm fucking invulnerable.
you're right. you are. that pink skin really protects you from all bad things.
Feels good to be white, man.
like I said, whatever you have to tell yourself
yep and we didn't!
everywhere i go outside of the USA i am fucking WORSHIPPED. my cock is fucking WORSHIPPED by all the women of the world!
my good sir , I had a nice laugh .
>It's another niggers are living in wakanda fantasy land thread
who cares you stupid faggot ? we had better weapons and a brain . the fact we shitted/shat in the streets doesnt reflekt our super power .kinda shitty hah? easy as that .
Try being white while walking around in south africa. You'd get a tire around your neck which they would promptly set on fire. It's called necklacing a cracker
They 100% deserve it. I wish the natives would do this in America.
Good thing I don't live in South Africa then.
Why do non-whites have to be so salty?
They tried off and on for a good 300 years, now they make up like 1% of the population of a country that was once full of them. Whites win again
They make up 1% because dirty ass white people spread their plagues to everyone on the continent. You didn't conquer anything, you were just fucking dirty.
Whites are the saltiest people in existence.
Look at Jow Forums and tell me every post isn't salt. They see themselves as victims despite still being in power irl.
Jow Forums is full of mutts who think that they're pure. They're like Latin America if it were a board on Jow Forums.
mfw non whites are being salty over losing
>the virgin cleaner
>the alpha resistance building disease infectious conquerer
Chad european literally drank so much alcohol and was exposed to so many diseases that he became immune to both alcohol and disease
beta nonwhites died in millions to disease, and the survivors were addicted to alcohol
>Jow Forums
pick one and only one
Europe WAS like this, multiple plague's killed off the degenerate low IQ and weak population. Only those stronger, smarter, and with significant resistances to disease survived.
What goes to say all the dumb africans won't eventually die, so that only the high IQ ones will be the majority?
Just some eugenics are needed. Whites and chinks already killed themselves so many times in famines and wars.
yeah, no.
>snake gods sound cooler than some faggot emo carpenter tho
Im not even white but THIS. Kek
gave me a good chuckle.
All that cleaning for what?
So some flea bitten, ring around the rosie barbarian can shit on your street and run off with your aztec princess
Life JUST isn't fair. Get used to it
I don't think that will happen.
Population density in Africa is relatively low.
Most people don't live in crowded unhygienic cities, in which only the smartest survive. Rural (but not primitive and tribal!) societies take more care of their weak then urbanized societies. It's kind, but it prevents natural selection. Urbanized countries like America or Germany are outliers because they have a lot of wealth and money so even urban area's are safe with social safety nets.
Believe it or not "urbanization" (with the exception of rich countries with very clean and high living conditions) leads to more competition, violence, disease and "survival of the fittest" especially when it comes to IQ compared a rural/agriculture based society.
Of course a tribal society (hunter gather's) also have "survival of the fittest" but only when it comes to physical strength not other things such as IQ.
It's possible that India is next for "natural eugenics". It will get a lot worse before it gets better though, just like what happened with europe.
>What goes to say all the dumb africans won't eventually die, so that only the high IQ ones will be the majority?
What you are describing is already happening somewhat in America. On average the African American male is stronger has higher self esteem, social intelligence and higher IQ, than an full African male even if he grow up in the same conditions and with the same food.
>What you are describing is already happening somewhat in America.
No, low IQ-ers are reproducing the most.
Are you talking about the Black Death? Wasn't that caused by the mongols throwing some diseased corpses into some Italian city?
Medium IQ, extremely low and extremely high IQ are less likely to reproduce.
Still higher then average African IQ.
All these people that don't know history and could just do a quick google search are just spouting nonsense
White or black or brown you guys are just baiting who is the superior race now
>Still higher then average African IQ.
Could be due to better environment and white admixture.
What's the point of this? It doesn't matter anyway. They lost. Get over it.
>taking pride in your race as if it's something you could control being born into
I never said I'm proud of being white, soyboy.
because then we beat the world to the industrial revolution and came out on top
So "dirty ass white people" spread their illnesses and killed off others. And you are trying to make it like that makes whites not superior. Even with this also had guns and armor. But okay yeah they nearly whipped themselves out a few times so what they are still here and made most of the shit we have today. Yet those other races were still bashing rocks together. I think it shows how tough whites are to nearly die out multiple times only to come out stronger and create more than any other. Really makes you think.
>tfw non whites are so weak you kill them with germs
Goddamn I love being white.
At this point you're already deep in defending-yourself-from-attack territory. A person who isn't offended stays silent. Only people brutally assmaddeningly offended even speak up. Just facts. So the discussion is over, you're offended.
Americans aren't white lmao, you mulattoes are 56%.
dont mean to be racist or anything but how did white people build stuff like this thousands of years ago? but niggers could not do anything ?
That castle is a few hundred years old.
>yfw europoor mutt poster finally manages to post in between being blown up and raped by desert cave people
>assuming i'm american (protip: i'm not)
dear god pls no...
Whatever Mohammad.
Do all Europeans have such a bad grasp of how statistics work?
I have a question for you:
Why does Jow Forums pretend to be experts on world history when he majority of them haven't taken a single look at the history of Africa (not just Egypt)? Read a book and grow up. Christ.
>>Black Death
>The Black Death is thought to have originated in the dry plains of Central Asia, where it then travelled along the Silk Road, reaching Crimea by 1343.
>From there, it was most likely carried by Oriental rat fleas living on the black rats that were regular passengers on merchant ships, spreading throughout the Mediterranean and Europe.
it most likely didn't even start in europe, ya fucking dingus