Happines chart thread

Show me your happines chart user, here is mine

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bost demblate

>Show me your happines chart
here ya go uwu

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Something like this I think, not 100% sure on the exact years but seems fine.

Attached: happiness_current.png (664x413, 7K)

About the same as you desu

Attached: Happiness Chart.png (639x430, 9K)

things really picked up after i stopped shitting in my pants.

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mine is basically the same as this one

probably remembering my childhood wrong but posting anyway

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teen years sucked
things got slightly better out of highschol but have cratered since and I don't see things getting better ever again

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Yeah this is actually very accurate.

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ok des.

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yes, like everyone else here I started browsing Jow Forums when I was underage

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post templated

why does everyone had a peak in happiness recently?

Shit went well in my life around the summers of ages 16 and 17. Am 18 and currently facing the lowest period of my life. I guess serendipity played a number on me.

good times bad times you know I've had my share
hopefully I'm on the upswing

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im lonely

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i didnt. oWo

Wow. Someone on r9k who isn't a fucking child AND hasn't totallly given up on life? Good for you man.

Life generally peaks a bit after misery of highschool. Life as an "adult" is novel, maybe some independence, maybe a gf potential, but very soon it goes back down as it all gets so tiresome

that makes sense, its exactly what happened to me

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one of the greatest mistakes we could have made

Wow I would've put something exactly like this.

i had a few really good weeks in august of 2011

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Everything is just normal.

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Load a dip.

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This is cum

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it comes and goes but was definitely happiest when a child or my last couple years of high school

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I wanna fucking die. FUCKING KILL ME

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high school fucked me up well

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Fairly predictable and consistent.

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happiness chart is very good

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Was never loved as a kid, huge spike is first gf, but she was a huge thot and it fucked me up, touching the bar is start of suicide attempts and how low I am under it is frequency. Started picking myself up lately but nothing really productive, I know I'm going to go down again and finally have the balls to end my life.

Attached: happiness chart.png (641x472, 5K)

Bullied at age 12 and 14, i'm 20 now and I live like a 10 year old and I want to fucking die.

my happiness chart pic related

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Everything is going to be fine.


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What happened to make it spike up?

big titty goth gf desu

I see a lot of robots having a spike in the middle, it's quite interesting to say the least

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Why the rise at the end?

I'm at an important transitional period where I'm getting stronger but a bad setback could GG my progress so let's really hope things work out

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