Sexual Revolution

What's so bad about it? More alpha Chads get to reproduce and the weak are culled. It's a win-win.

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What revolution are you referring to, OP? The one in the 60's was all about opening relationships and sleeping around, this one is about being proud of it.

>the weak are culled

That's wrong though because while "weak" and poor quality men are culled, weak and poor quality women are not. Chad will still pump and dump and knock up trash women who continue to pass their genes on.

The majority of me reproduce, not just chads. All statistics support this.

Well better that than to have two trash people reproduce. I'm sure Chad's alpha genes will at least offset/compensate for some of the trash woman's genes.

you fail to account for the massive amounts of women who have to settle for getting knocked up by beta simps because chads pumped and dumped them AND evaded spreading their genes.

there's ALOT of kids being nurtured in families with bitchass beta fathers and shitty mothers because of this.

chads have a responsibility to not breed with females below 7/10 then.

You're retarded, there's vastly more low quality women than Chads.

>Chad knocks up 10 women, say
>At least half are low quality women
>Implying one Chad's good genes won't be overpowered in the population by 5 or more trash women's genes.

So who are those low quality women breeding with then? The low quality non-Chads. And there you go, bad genes get spread.

Low quality people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.


You do know that it happened because roasties did not want to get married and have kids? They wanted to have sex without kids, or if they accidentally got pregnant they would either abort or become single mothers and raise absolute degenerates.

You expect Chad to keep it in his pants if low quality women are begging for the chance to reproduce?

Also low quality people outnumber high quality. If you try to cut them out, they'll revolt.

Woman select alot for the wrong traits in modern society though.

>You expect Chad to keep it in his pants if low quality women are begging for the chance to reproduce?
Why not? He's got plenty of high quality women, he should just stick to them. Why would he want to get with ugly, low quality women anyway?
>Also low quality people outnumber high quality. If you try to cut them out, they'll revolt.
No they won't. They're low quality betas for a reason. They'll just complain like the guys on here and incels and just die off.

Not Chat get with them, Chad just fuck them. Again, let's say Chad has a harem of high quality wives. Even still, let's say he's on his way to work, and some desperate low quality woman basically throws herself at him, bends over a railing and just wants him to fuck her. You're retarded if you think a Chad wouldn't. For him it's just another pussy to quickie, but for her she's hoping for a kid.

Also you're retarded if you think they wouldn't revolt. The "guys on here" are like 1% of the population, but you're talking about basically forcing 50% or more of the population to not be able to breed? Much smaller population portions have revolted throughout history and been succesful.

We need another Hitler then. Someone really charismatic who can gather all the alphas and initiate a beta holocaust.

Civilization survives on the ability of males to get a mate. When you take that away and only a few males get mates.. problems will start. The males would lose all motivation to contribute to society, this means less tax revune, more burden on governments, and unhappier people. Eventually those men are going to start getting aggressive and angry and start turning violent.

Why are men so selfish like this? Can't they see it's for the good of humanity? Only alphas passing down their genes will strengthen future generations.

they arent . they have onanaholes and male dildoes to keep them satisfied . and porn . still it sucks some of them cause they want the real thing , but they just use porn and it gets them though another day .

the kind of people who disagrees with it are pic related

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At what point do they get violdent then?