> mfw everyone says my standards are too high
> mfw just want an average gf (i know pic related is not avg)
> mfw girls are either way out of my league or la ceatura territory or married/engaged
25+ feels
Nah, you know what the real problem is?? you are just not being urself..
Just B yourself user and things will look way better.
>unemployed 7 years
>live with parents
>drink malt liquor
>still think i could turn my life around within month
i'm this delusional
> JUST b yourself.
this is the greatest meme since B.C. 5000
if you have the want to shoot up schools. shoot them up. if you want to rape, then rape. just be yourself
>tfw it's another episode where user is falling in love with the first girl who talks with him on discord
Every time lads. I don't know why I'm such a fool.
>mfw everyone says my standards are too high
user if people are willfully telling you that then your standards are too high.
Government job. This will fix most of your problems right off the bat. Not the woman problem though obviously.
>Everyone in real life tells me my standards are too high too.
>Literally only have 4 standards.
>Same race as me, not fat, not a single mother, and decent hygiene.
>No single mother policy seems to absolutely outright enrage them. Especially females I talk to.
even the government won't touch a 7+ year NEET. And it's illegal to lie on government applications.
>Same race as me
now i know why you are alone you racist cunt.. you will die that way i can asure you.
They hired me. I was 25 and never had a job. They don't even do an interview process.
You guys whining piss me off. try being a lesbian and have a no communists/no fatasses/no trannies standard. Now THATS hard
Are you jewish or black?
>tons of stacies all over the place
>nah they are way out of my league
>go for a more average girl
>chad also ignores the stacies and goes for the average girl when the stacies all want him
wtf is with this shit? can you chads stick to your fucking league? why the hell are you going for 4's and 5's while 8's and 9's are over there drooling for you?
>No single mother policy seems to absolutely outright enrage them. Especially females I talk to.
Probably because it's objective and binary.
Other standards can be more ambiguous and subjective so women just pretend it doesn't apply to them.
>I'm not fat, I'm CURVY!
Their real position is that you should have no standards at all. You need to man up.
for what job position?
Mail room clerk. Pay grade 3. I have been moving up and now have a grade 6 job. Only took 5 years.
because the 8's and 9's are super shallow and void of any personality?
>tfw 28
>not considered young anymore
Govt jobs have drug tests extending like 4 years
tfw women dont even look at me and im not even ugly by r9k or soc standards
its like they know im autistic
Well, guess he have to stop his drug use.
so is the chad
>Only took 5 years.
You worked in the mailroom for 5 years? Not even Tinder sluts will respect this.
>wtf is with this shit? can you chads stick to your fucking league?
Chad isn't ignoring the Stacies.
He already fucked them. Now he's working on your girl. He's just being methodical.
>Are you Sarah Connah?
Chad also isn't really making an effort. He just came over and stood near the 5 girl you like and nature took its course. When you demand that Chad stick to his league, you are literally demanding that he hide from women who are 5's and who will tear his clothes off if he says three words to them.
amen sister
i just want a gf reeeee
Swallow your pride and start over, friend. I'm already starting an undergrad degree at age 34.
Not fat is actually pretty high standards if you're an average guy in this day and age. For guys who can't get gf I always advise them try finding an ugly/chub chick with a heart of gold, then do the gym thing to slim down together. Sometimes you gotta play the long game, but girls always want a guy who instantly makes $200k/yr and guys want a girl who is instantly thin/attractive.
Also legit racism will make a girl's vagina drier than a desert (their female brains interpret it as a guy being insecure) but you probably know that by now.
Tinder sluts give zero shits about what you do as long as it doesn't interfere with them getting dicked. You can be some homeless guy who lives on the beach for all they care about as long as you buy them sushi then fuck them after.
yeah but he's not stupid
I worked there 2 years until I got a grade 4 job. Spent a year there and got a grade 5. Eventually moved to my grade 6 job.