Scenario: What would you do if you were stranded on a deserted island with these people?

Scenario: What would you do if you were stranded on a deserted island with these people?

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Gather resources, devise a plan for getting help or leaving the island, start building shelter

Offer the male the girl on the right. If he refuses kill him in "an accident" after we build the shelters. Eventually make the pig on the right have "an accident" too and keep the other two as my new island wives.

Kill them in their sleep and eat their bones

kms in a very originale way

i would kill the guy, eat the cows and make the skinny girl my sex slave desu.

the good
the bad
the ugly

>slowly poison the other male
>straight up kill the girl with tats
>make #2 my sex slave
>use #4 to gather food/resources and keep her around as backup sex slave

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Help the gook make the shelters, then kill him in an "accident", murder the fat bitches and then enslave the skinny one

Go hunting with the man.

After a week or so of doing this, kill him, claim an animal did it.

Kill the Chink guy, make mexican and asian girls my slaves, sex is implied but with them I pull out, repopulate with the ugly white woman, in her defense she has larger breasts and her figure suggests that she would be a great child bearer.

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Ignore them. Find a cave and a river. build a fire pit. Start fishing with a spear.
Set part of the foliage on fire to catch the attention of some people.

Kill the guy and nail the broads.

The one on the right doesn't look great in the pic, but after a couple of months living on the island she'll lose the extra weight and be at least fuckable.

>All these guys saying they would kill off the other asian male.
>Implying he wouldn't be trying to kill you to so he could claim the women for himself.

THINK, you are on an island.
>2 fatties lose weight because no processed foods
>2 fatties end up with toned, fit bodies from all the physical work
>white fatty gets a sexy tan

I'd dismember the philipino chick, blame it on the taiwanese chink, and have a threesome with the remaining mentally unstable chicks.

>have one of the women and the guy go look for a reliable source of fresh water
>in the meantime find a good place to build shelter for the night and to get out of the sun
>figure out what food resources are on the island
>do some math to figure out the size of the island
>figure out what threats are on the island and map it
>devise an escape plan
>manage to get rescued
>kill them all right before we get rescued

>keep the Asian girl
>kill the others and make totems out of their bones to place at high points around the Island to ward off normies
>build a comfy compound for me and my new wife
>keep her churning out babies and start a warrior clan of inbred hapas that worship pagan gods
you know just normal stuff

Pale is the most attractive.

Push everyone that is not the girl on the far left off the cliff.

You need to keep the other male around until you know the island pretty well and have shelter/water source in place. By then he is fair game to wipe out. That being said he would logically try to get rid of you as well. The women are basically going to be useless except for sex, cooking, and sending them to collect food(not hunting or fishing).

Probably just kill myself
I'm not listening to their foursomes

I would need to find out how to prevent them from eating my corpse

>kill gook
>enslave girls
>t. weak beta 5'3 incel
Kek, all these psychopaths on Jow Forums

Swim out to sea and drown. Leave an impressive grave for yourself though. Like carve your name into a big rock and burn down everything around it.

>make girls slaves

there are no guns in the island, do you think you'll actually overpower the women if you haven't done exercise in 10 years?

The best scenario is be friends with the guy since he's probably the one with the better physical capacity and building skills. Find a plan to get out of the island. Since there are only two guys in the island you'll get to fuck eventually if you can ensure your survival

Make the guy my labor slave to hunt, gather food, build etc.

Make the Asian woman my sex slave and use her to make children

Lock the other two up until they loose that
disgusting fat

Once they loose fat I'll make them my slaves (For sex and other things)

If they don't comply I'll kill them and use them as food

I don't want to do that but that's probably the only option that doesn't involve leaving my exposed and vulnerable carcass for consumption by them

Fuck off on my own so I can actually survive. Water collection is paramount folllwed by shelter and finally food.

wtf is wrong with robots. this is why no one wants you. there are three girls there and still you want to murder the one guy so you can maybe get laid

1) Inspect their health. Weak-links like "the wounded" are discarded and left to die. Note: Possibility of burying their remains with fecal matter in order to produce gun powder.

2) Build a shelter. A minimalist shelter will do at first, but a tree-house type structure will eventually be constructed for the leader - me - to oversee his peasants.

3) Obtain. Nutrients. The non-childbearing women will forage for nuts and pines. The men, myself and the... asian... will embark on a hunting expedition. Will I come back with meat to last us for months? Yes. Will it be wild-game - Who's to say...

4) Impregnate the non-childbearing women. Will I choose #2 first? No. The order of impregnation is 2->3->1. Ranked by the incremental measurements of their birthing hips. Female #1 is least likely to bear, and therefore reserved for tribal enjoyment during the birthing season.

Ask me about the bronze age if you really want it to get interesting.

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Team up with the guy, build a shelter and the women can only come if they provide milkies and blowies

Be mad I didn't end up any with attractive people.

Females always go to Chad
Even though he's Asian he's still the most like Chad

I'm 6'1, have autism strength and cannibalism is one of my fetishes. I am going to eat their bones

>all these robots saying they'll kill the guy and slave the women to work for them
>robos would be lucky if they even allowed him into the group to work while they have orgies at night instead of letting him die out in the wilderness by himself.
lel, this thread is gold

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Kill the chink, make the skinny one my #1 sex slave, and neg the two fatties into losing weight saying they won't get to come into the shelter I built until they're fuckably thin.

this is the best answer in this thread

They're fuckin dying.
They will be my person feast.

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Kill the other dude. The two ugly girls will look 200% better once they are starving.

id beat that gook up and assert my natural aryan dominance

team up with guy, build shelter, hunt for food, the women can scavenge for resources

unironically the fat girls bras might be good for catching fish and shit in lakes or whatever, the small girls bra could maybe be used to hold up an end of the shelter onto a tree branch maybe

Either way, no one's looking, so get your fucking tits out and make yourself useful

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>le every robot is either a fat slob or a weak skelly
I'm 6'4" 240, I lift and work construction, I would trash that dyel gook so easy and the women would be scared shitless after witnessing it.

Is that fucking Carla from Scrubs?

>Asian guy waits until you are tired one day and get into a deep sleep.
>Kills you with tools in your sleep.
>He takes the women.
You can't spare him. Eventually, you or him will have to die.

Asian man will make some sort of coconut radio while i sexually pleasure the women to keep their spirits up

I am stealing your plan it is so well thought out.

Rule with the three women and have Chang be our slave/inseminator.

Cool story bruh. Didn't know alpha 6'4 240lb construction workers send their weekends at home posting on Jow Forums

The girl on the right is better than the white girl in the middle, to be honest.

Best plan is just to be a nice guy and help everyone survive. If the male becomes a problem I can kill him later on. The two fatties will lose weight and become fuckable later on, so no worries there.

People ITT thinking they can kill the man and enslave the other three are being overzealous. No one wants to be a slave and you can't enslave someone in nature very easily. You will have to go to sleep at some point and they can just slit your throat. Best move is to shack up with one and then fuck the others on the side until it becomes openly polygamous.

well now you do faggot.

You can't just go on birthing hips. The odds of impregnation will increase if you're sexually attracted to the girl, so the most attractive one will be the one you want first because she'll be the easy to fuck often and hard.

Am a sperg so it would be something like:
"So guys, umm I guess the first priority is water so we don't die of dehydration. Second is fire, so we can boil water otherwise we probably gonna get diarrhea from drinking raw water plus it's a signal. Second is food, maybe we'll find something. So lets scavenge and try not to get lost."

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>Saying second twice