Misaki Friday

How have your weeks been? I hope you're making some progress towards escaping your hikikomori condition!

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Still a NEET. Haven't eaten in two weeks. Roblox is my best friend. Lost most contact with the outside world.

afternoon everyone what's up

remember to redpill kids on roblox

They usually get mad at me and leave when I do that

it just takes time. they'll come around eventually

Dance dance, soon you will see the light of darkness

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I keep getting rejected by colleges, girls, and people in general. All my projects are going to shit.
If I ever commit suicide soon, this is gonna be the album that plays as I do it

I passed an interview at a wealth management company. They did a trial day and at the end the boss took me to one side and told me how impressed they were, how I'm a polite, warm person and that everyone I worked with had good things to say.

My anxiety wasn't too bad, but I'm scared to accept it if they offer me the job because my anxiety always ruins everything and I'm sure I'll have to quit because it's too much.

Hey guys it's your old buddy from few years back CanadianHikikomori haven't posted in a few years but got good news got married to another NEET

Looks like Misaki has been enjoying her week with chad

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might be getting neetbux in may
if i don't i'm fucked

Thanks for making the thread lad.

I hope you're all doing well.

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Yesterday I tried to get out
I asked in this uni group I have with some pajeets if anyone was free
They fucking ignored me
What the fuck am I supposed to do? Go out with myself?

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I'm not PAGE 8 FAGGOTS user, but I thought I'd like to fill in for him.

Misaki would never do that you disgusting pig

This is now a Yuno friday thread

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It seems unlikely that a Misaki will come save me, but there is this girl who I see at the library a lot who seems Misaki-esque. Too bad nothing will ever happen.

There's only room in this thread for one Yuno; and it certainly isn't that bitch.

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Shut your whore mouth
Yuno Gasai is the angel we didn't deserve

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Tulpa user checking in.

Gonna dance the black spiral again tonight. I need to write an update it's just difficult to put into words.

Is that Toguro?

Still a NEET as expected

yuno gasai is shit compared to the superior yuno

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I am in fact.
I have all the supplies and a plan for my suicide.

I do have a job. And now? Am I supposed to start caring about things? Being a wage slave is as pointless as being a NEET.

Just take something you want to learn or improve on and use your finances on that.
You basically have to grind money and skills until you are satisfied enough and can function in society I suppose

You'd think people who play vidya all day would be well-used to the idea of grinding for something

Problem is IRL grinding is either not quantizible enough (For skills), or too easily screwed up (For phisical attributes like weight loss, etc.), money grinding is just too much suboptimal, the best thing is to learn skills to get better jobs instead of overworking yourself in three jobs for 10 pennies

no, thats chad

>he still believes the "she isn't like that" meme
Kek, stop being delusional. AWALT, no exceptions.

Is this a good robot show?

Second best Robot show behind, Mr Robot..okay that was a lame joke

Misaki and her relationship with the MC is mostly wish fulfillment, but the rest of it is very robot relateable.

On other news I'm glad this board is slowly ceasing the shill I dont want to name, maybe I'll finally be able to browse comfily here outside of these threads soon

Hey, Misaki long time no see, you know I left this board for a 1,5 year maybe it was just a half a year or one? I don't know because I'm still a NEET so I don't really count the days, weeks, month anymore why would I? I left because the epidemic what was happening here was reaching a peak point I couldn't bear anymore, but to stay on the topic. I love to see that you are still here, you and your thread was always a light in my life and about the progress, well I don't wake up anymore at the evenings I try to wake up at 11-13 and I mostly succeed bit I still want to lower it, and my family want to move to a different country so it's possible with a clean sheet, a new place will make difference for me, maybe I'll not be a NEET anymore but it's still months away so... This board didn't change much since I left, so I don't think I'll stay, but I hope if I come back you will be there

Oh, and before I forget Gasai Yuno > every other trash waifu

I hate to break it for you, but I recently moved and all a clean sheet made to me user is feel even more isolated, I literally meet no one and have no way to

So it's the same with different background well at least I'll not have high regards about tbe place, god speed user

Every week It hurts worse.

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When are the good times coming?

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So my wife going to be buying stuff for a Misaki cosplay so I will post pics next week

Looking forward to them, user!

>dressing your wife up so you can imagine that you're fucking someone else

seems wrong

Nah she loves doing Cosplay, partly how we got together that and the fact she started out as a creepy nerd girl but over time grew to love it.

Are you cosplaying or your wife?

My Wife is going to cosplay since I showed her the thread and she wants to now