What is your IQ r9k?

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Probably around 99

I'd like to believe above average, but truth be told I don't know, and I don't trust any of those online tests.

You're supposed to get us to post height, weight, virginity status, shoe size, distinguishing features and a contact you as well.
Or it's a shit thread.

probably around 150-200. not being ironic I'm smart as shit

I took an online IQ test and it said I have 400. I think its true becuse my mommy and daddy are smart so it is genetic like pol told me. I am also white so I am smart.

141 but I'm wasting so much fucking potential on the dumbest shit



Somewhere between 130-140, I've never gotten a consistent score

70-80, I'm functionally illiterate

something that dumb people get

I got gud in plenty of "difficult" areas/subjects/talents, so it's probably up there. Still I like to think I have an even 100 IQ so that way I'm never too full of myself.

how do you measure iq? should i get a banana?

idk but i scored in the 98th percentile on the psat in highschool if that even means anything

I'd say about the same level as you. Roughly 45.

I usually get around 110 - 115. Despite what people say, IQ DOES matter. If you have an IQ less than 100 then you won't get very far in life.

Then you are probably 125-135


How will I ever recover?


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Took an official mensa practice test online and it said I'd be very likely to pass if I took the real test. So I'm "very likely" to be 2SDs above. Course, they also could have just been marketing.

i think there's a sweet spot where if you're over like 130 your life will go just as shitty as someone who's sub-100 unless you come from a privileged family with connections.


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140-145, proctored test @ a Harvard affiliated cognitive psychologist in Cambridge MA, andy lowest itemized score was in the 99.2th percentile.

Pics or didnt happen


On that test I got 127 and 132.

I have high functioning autism.
I have a 160 IQ. I was supposed to go to a gifted school but I didn't like it so I stayed in public school but got skipped ahead 2 years.

Kinda wish I had gone now. Maybe I wouldn't be NEET right now.

He is top of his special ed class.

according to the high school assigned IQ test I took in 10th grade,
in between 135 and 150

but of course it's most likely gone down quite a lot over the years due to my antipsychotics
I forget words as I am saying them, my memory is dog shit, can't do basic math anymore and that was one of my strong points, can't take in new information, can't remember things that I read 5 minutes ago, can watch a video I watched 2 weeks ago or so and not remember a single detail in it, fuck man even my motor controls are all fucked up

I'd estimate my IQ is now around 100, 110 if being generous

last time I took one was 110, but I was nervous as fuck and tired. I'd probably float around 110(hopefully), though the last two years of not using my brain at an academic level have surely fried it.

This. 140-145anon here and I work in a decent but blue collar job because I can't settle on one thing I want to do enough to motivate myself to push myself into a better career and most things come so easily to me that I have fuck all in terms of the study skills I need to actually get where I want to go, and I don't have the 150+ that you need to become a doctor/physicist/tech innovator without even trying.

I'd gladly trade 15 IQ points for another 1.5 inches of dick length+girth. People with 115-135 have life on easy mode.

on every online test i get somewhere in the low-mid 120's. i've never taken one in person. that's probably an accurate score.
i think this is the worst bracket of IQ to be in. intelligent enough to be sentient, but too much of a brainlet to be a genius savant.

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Iq doesn't mean anything kek, if you think your a genius cause you have a 130-140 "IQ" then you are sadly mistaken

117 and declining. I feel dumber by the day.

Probably at least double digits, seeing as I'm able to write this sentence. But I'm not entirely sure, and don't want to come off as arrogant.

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Nah, you're smart enough to do anything short of applied mathmatics and theoretical physics, but you're dumb enough that you've had to study since high school to succeed and now you actually have the life skills to become a /comfy/ doctor/lawyer/engineer etc.

>spend 20 minutes doing an IQ test
>get this at the end

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119 according to Mensa

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this may or may not work, havent tested it

Go on this
Not super accurate but it's good enough

gee i wonder who could be behind this post

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Dunno. If I had to estimate I'd say mid-120s. I'm definitely above average, but I wouldn't say I'm a genius.

130 but it depends

My IQ is unironically 78, and being aware that I am this stupid has been an absolute hell. I wasn't always this way, but I wish I was because I think I'd be happier if I never knew the difference. In 2014 I had a traumatic brain injury, and while I've recovered a great deal, the doctors say that this is probably all I'm going to recover and that I'm very lucky to be able to do what I can. I don't know what my IQ was before the accident (I'd never had it tested), but it was certainly at least average and probably a good bit above. I'd just finished my bachelor's degree in EE, and had locked down my first job. Then, out of the blue, life comes to fuck you -- on the night I went out to celebrate, a drunk driver T-boned our car.

I can still write pretty well, if I'm given enough time to do it (I started writing this when the thread was at 0 replies, about 30 minutes ago). But my problem solving, spatial reasoning, and mathematical aptitude is now shit, and I'll never work in engineering. In fact, working in any job may not really be possible. My girlfriend left me after what was a "polite" amount of time, I've got $25K of student loans hanging over my head, and at 27 I'm living in my parents basement probably until they die. I want to die. But I'm too much of a coward to an hero.

If you're smart I got bad news for you



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This, I've met a lot of very intelligent failures. I suppose you'll probably more likely to be successful when it gets over 145 though, because then you're entering genius tier, making your life pretty interesting

According to the online meme mensa test, my IQ 117

I had an actual IQ test administered to me, payed for it and all that. It told me I had an IQ of 135 and should apply to Mensa. Mensa seemed like a place for people who only have their IQ going for them so I decided not to. Feels good knowing I'm not a brainlet though.

>tfw you've never had to work towards getting good at something because everything is fucking easy so you never learned how to actually put any effort into learning or improving yourself and now you can't so you just rot

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I forgot to correct an error before posting, i meant "my IQ is 117"

126 tested in fourth or fifth grade when I was tested for ADHD.

It can be pretty /comfy/ sometimes, though, not gonna lie.

I never really wanted to be a doctor anyway

Should we kill anyone who has an iq of 130 or lower?

my iq is 118

Yeah, 145 just means you're the smartest person out of anybody that you know, but you're not smart enough to do something like solving quantum interactions in sub-20 nanometer microprocessor designs and make seven figures a year at Intel or AMD or pulling a 40+ MCAT to offset your shitty grades.

I've always been sort of jealous of you intelligent anons, what is life actually like as a >toosmart?
Is it a thing i'd want to be?

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Took that mensa test and got 113. Although I was nervous and slow and only made it 80% through.

I think in my state of severe depression, that is about right. I swear I peaked when I was around 15, around then my brain was performing optimally, I was pretty healthy physically and socially. From then on I have lived a progressively less healthy lifestyle that has surely negatively affected my brain function.

My only hope is that if I ever truly come out of depression and gain a completely healthy brain chemistry, my IQ will improve. At full potential, I would be capable of hitting 130. I can literally feel how I've become less intelligent over time, that said, I don't want to do any challenging mental activity, it's exhausting.

It's ok, I guess.



Organello that sells organs in Oregon

How do you stop your iq from declining?

where do i check the my iq anons
Start here

It took you 30 minutes to write this?

Lonely and depressing unless you find someone who tolerates how weird your thoughts are compared to most normal people.

Remember that with an IQ of >140 you're as far above an average person intelligence wise as an average person is above someone with low-functioning down's syndrome, and so your thoughts and observations are as cohesive to them as basic algebra or trigonometry is to the retard.

Guessed on about 5 of them, the majority towards the end. Am I smart Jow Forums?

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I've had my IQ tested by a psychologist in relation to some bs depression treatment and apparently its 131.
I just feel autistic and notice things people don't care about.
Never got anything positive out of it and I never share that info with anyone irl.
My math teacher in hs senior year somehow found out that I took that test and proceeded to bully me for allegedly being self entitled, even though I never told anyone about my result and didn't even ask to be tested.

If we say that you need 175 IQ to be a code-cracker at CIA and NSA, what do you need to work the most intellectually demanding jobs at Intel or AMD, if 145 is not enough?

t. 150+ IQ, and I'm sure I could not be such a code-cracker but juggling merely advanced equations doesn't seem that impossible, at least not if I really gave it my all and studied accordingly.

Yes, life is categorically easier when you're intelligent, and the more intelligent you are the easier life becomes (all else notwithstanding). It's the same for anything really: Looks, riches, charisma, health. You do have problems relating to the less intelligent people (or at least being intellectually stimulated by anything they say), so you seek out other intelligent people. But how is that any different from how handsome people befriend other handsome people, or rich people hang with other rich people?

Not that you become a better person because you are smart, but to deny that life becomes significantly easier in general is to lie, I think.

So if anything I'm impressed by all the brainlets, because to be able to thrive despite the ability to think and understand things easily must surely be more of a challenge than just getting everything immediately in its totality.

Pic related, it's how privileged I feel when I'm having discussions with my 160+ IQ friend.

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don't do drugs, legal or illegal unless its a psychedelic and you dont have history of mental illness such as schizophrenia in your family or in you
make sure not to do reckless things like playing contact sports or jumping off of things like parkour or other dumb shit like that
don't have a history of mental illnesses like schizophrenia or memory deteriorating diseases

more logical shit, read a book every once in a while, practice logic puzzles like sudoku or shit like that, memory games, picking up a second language helps a SHIT TON, eat normally, sleep normally (over a long time not getting proper sleep really fucks you up both mentally and physically, same with food)

tl;dr don't be a dumbass and also win the genetic lottery

141, I got it officially tested as part of a complete psychological examination, so it's not some stupid internet quiz shit.

A bit longer than that, but about 30 minutes the point where I mentioned it. The limiting factor for me isn't choosing words, it's translating them in to keystrokes and deciding where punctuation needs to go and sentences need to end.

Between 125 and 130
Haven't ever had an original thought though, im at that hell zone where I'm smart enough to realize I'm really not smart enough

roflmfao lol, user

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At least you wont be getting gassed

All set!
I am going to have to work on that one

Tried that and got 121. Guessed a few and ran out of time at 91%.

169 (131), I'm 6'5" (5'9") and buff (Ottermode). Feel your inferiority and weep.

That's horrible, man. Hope everything turns out ok for you.

Redpill: low iq people get laid more tbqh

Check it lads

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>141 IQ
>but also autistic

123 according to mensa.
I don't get it though, what does knowing a bunch of shapes have to do with being able to solve an advanced math problem or analyze a piece of literature?

IQ 169,red hair,170 lbs,5'1,18, white,hazel eyes,loves to work on pcs

It gets worse, I'm also an INTP.

It probably carries over to math pretty well. Being able to recognize patterns probably translates to a lot of real life things actually.


Your ability to quickly deduce the shapes/patterns in an IQ test shows how well your brain performs basically. The faster and more accurately you can figure that shit out the smarter you tend to be.

then why am i still a virgin origonally

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The virgin genius vs the chad sub-100 iq

Link to a not shit test?

But can chad engineer a new universe in which everyone in the universe wants him to fuck their pussy, and the baseline for attractiveness is what humans would consider 11/10? I don't think so. Can chad become immortal?

I got tested as a small kid because my parents thought i had autism and scored 98, Does your IQ go up at all as you get older. I'm thinking about getting Mensa tested but worried it might even be lower now.

never got an actual number but I was in the 95th percentile when i was 15.

Also, the only reason it isn't higher is because I have a shit processing speed of 117 IQ. If I'd been less anxious that day I might have scored more accurately.

>Iq 141
>Iq 117
What did he mean by this?

Probably around 90
Just fuck my shit up

user I beg that you do the It's great to see how accurate it is

I got 137 on that test and I am a complete failure. Don't you faggots realize that IQ is meaningless if you have nothing to she for it. I failed high school and I fucking tried to pass

>took it twice
>115 both times

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tests I've done have produced results varying from 100-110-116-125